Motivation Quotation......

Aku meminta kepada Tuhan setangkai bunga, segar, Ia beri kaktus berduri. Aku minta kupu-kupu diberinya-Nya ulat berbulu. Aku sedih dan kecewa. Namun kemudian, kaktus itu berbunga indah sekali dan ulat itupun menjadi kupu-kupu yang sangat cantik. Itulah jalan Tuhan, indah pada masaNYA! Tuhan tidak memberi apa yang kita harapkan. Tapi Dia memberi apa yang kita perlukan. Kadang kala kita sedih, kecewa dan terluka. Tapi jauh di atas segalanya Dia sedang mengatur yang terbaik dalam kehidupan kita.............................................

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Sometimes the one of most challenges and difficulties in my research is to justify for every single opinion, problem statement,research method identification etc etc etc.......currently I'm still investigating my justification of problem statement and significance of's so challenging........

ALL of them but not me....

Salam..just browse the programme for IPGRC 2009....erm I can see many familiar names whose will be as presenter for thier research in progress this week..all the names that I familiar were my Malaysian friends here who doing thier Phd research study in The Research Institute for the Built and Human Environment (BuHu),University of Salford...

...BEST OF LUCK to them....although my feeling seems quite so down and low emotion today with some 'challenges' from my sv....majority of them are enrolled same time like me, January 2008...

p/s...I'm try again and again for publish my research although I have go through lots of challenges that sometimes makes me demotivates in publish any papers at the moment......

Friday, January 23, 2009

Links I have to explore later...

Knowledge management: encouraging knowledge sharing

Intranets and knowledge sharing

Knowledge Management, Knowledge Sharing


Collecting and sharing knowledge

Informal knowledge sharing versus knowledge management

Knowledge Sharing/Knowledge Management in Organizations

By Dr. Claire McInerney

What is knowledge management? One definition says, “Knowledge management (KM) is an effort to increase useful knowledge within the organization. Ways to do this include encouraging communication, offering opportunities to learn, and promoting the sharing of appropriate knowledge artifacts.” (McInerney, p. 1014)
Knowledge management belongs to many disciplines, but is owned by none. Researchers and practitioners from the fields of Management, Communication, Information Science, Human Resources, Organizational Science, and Education have been investigating how learning and interaction create new knowledge in an organizational context with more intensity in recent years. In an information age knowledge workers need tools and guidance to manage the vast amounts of data and information that are so available and are the foundations on which knowledge is built. Some see ‘knowledge management’ as an odd turn of phrase, since knowledge resides in the person and is more process than thing, however, most would admit that continuous learning and effective knowledge sharing are certainly benefits to any work group. The term ‘knowledge management’ includes all activities that can encourage learning and knowledge development such as the creation of ‘communities of practice’ within an organization where those who have similar interests can meet, learn from each other, and discuss topics of mutual interest.
Two works rise to the top of “must read” lists in the field of knowledge management: Working Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They Know by Thomas H. Davenport and Laurence Prusak (1998, Harvard Business School Press) and The Knowledge Creating Company by Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi (1995, Oxford University Press). The Davenport and Prusak book is a down to earth look at what knowledge management means in everyday work situations, and it is filled with anecdotes, examples, and case studies based on the authors’ experiences and research in many business and government venues. The Nonaka and Takeuchi work provides an in-depth discussion of a theory of knowledge management and explains how organizations can adapt structures and strategies to increase innovation and knowledge development among employees. Most of the examples come from Japanese companies, but the lessons learned can be applied to organizations in the US and other countries.
Many accessible articles exist on the topic of knowledge management on Internet websites, and they serve the purpose to inform the lay public. A good way to get a snapshot of knowledge management as seen by scholarly academic researchers (including two current Rutgers professors), though, is to read the special issue of the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST, volume 53, number 12) that was devoted to KM. David C. Blair’s article “Knowledge Management: Hype Hope, or Help?” is particularly well-written and instructive for anyone interested in the topic. JASIST is available on the Rutgers University libraries’ website, electronic journals section:
Rutgers University Libraries Journal Index
McInerney, C. (2002). Knowledge Management and the Dynamic Nature of Knowledge. Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 53 (12), 1009-1018.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Blogs contributions in current issues...

click here......Suara Blog-22 Jan 2009 Utusan Malaysia


Sebelum Terlena - Hijjaz

Berkorban Demi Cinta - Hijjaz

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Penantian suatu penyiksaan...

Currently still waiting for information from 'down under'....erm...wait for somebody really needs high patient ....hopefully before February I'll get the responds.....that is true the old words say that 'Penantian suatu penyiksaan'....
updated on 23rd Jan > got feedback from 'down under'-the person promise to give info as soon as possible..alhamdulillah...

Erm..hopefully too that my interim(proposal presentation) will be around May or June..I'll be more confidence on that time rather on April...I'll discuss with my sv this coming meeting...wallahualam...ya allah make me strong to face this challenges....

Not forget to all the best for Mr Kamarul Anuar(BUHU,Salford) who will be his interim tomorrow~ 22nd Jan......Good luck....I'm sure you can do it...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
updated on 23rd Jan > he already pass his interim..congrats!!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Case Study method

Sources : Research Methods in Business Studies
~ Pervez Ghauri,Kjell Gronhaug,Ivar Kristianslund,1995
Case Study method
Case studies are ‘particularly well-suited to new research areas or research area for which existing theory seems inadequate ; this type of work is highly complementary to incremental theory building from normal science research; the former is useful in early stages of research on a topic or when a fresh perspective is needed, while the latter is useful in later stages of knowledge'(Eisenhardt; 1989:548-9)

However if we refer to Yin(1989), we have to consider three situations to select the research methods where ;

~ the type of research questions
~ the control of the researcher over behavioural events
~ the focus on a current as opposed to historical phenomenon

Preparing for a case study
Once our research problem suggest case study as the preferred data collection method , we should deal with questions as;
~what are the skills needed to conduct case study?
~what types of a priori assumption de we have?
~how do we select the cases?
~how many cases shall we include in our study?
~how we shall we conduct the case study?

A priori propositions
For exploratory and inductive types of study~~~research questions e.g How; Why and Where
Fo descriptive or causal studies ~~~~theoretical base(theory building) and propositions

How to select the cases
It is important to decide the target population which will be used for investigation e.g firms,individuals,groups or elements that will be represented in the study
Then have accessibiltyto the population then either one or few cases

How to conduct a case study
Fully aware and should comprehend the research problem and purpose of the study ;
-Must be able to listen and interpret the answers
-To be more observant and good listener
-Can’t let the biases influences the interpretation

Different types of case study design
1- single case design, holistic
2- single case design,embedded
3- multiple case design,holistic
4- multiple case design,embedded

Source: Research Design in Social Research ~ David Vaus,2001
C:13 > Case study design
-What is a case?
> unit of analysis-case-the object of study ;
individual,places,organizations,events,decision and time periods
> holistics(case as whole) and embedded units of analysis(cases that consists of various
levels or components)~ (Yin;1989)
-Case Study and Theories
> Explanatory - 3 ways ; theory testing, theory building case studies and clinical case
> Descriptive ; description & theory , typologies & ideal types and inductive typologies
-Other elements of case studies design
> Single / Multiple
> Parallel / Sequential
> Restropective /Prospective
-Types of case studies designs;
> descriptive / explanatory
> theory testing / theory building
> single case / multiple case
> holistic / embedded units of analysis
> parallel / sequential of case studies
> restropective / prospective

C.14> Issues in case study design
-Methodological issues
> internal validity
> idiographic and nomothetic explanations
> wholes,not just parts
> history and motivation
> reactive effects
> external validity
> theoretical and statistical generalization
> replication
> strategic selection of cases
-practical issues
> method of case selection
> number of cases
> case screening
> cost and access ; no. of investigators, when to go in to the field , presenting case studies
- ethical issues
~ apply to all research design includes case studies

C.15> Case study analysis
- statistical analysis
- meaning and context
- analysis in descriptive case studies - theoretical dimension of descriptive analysis ;
> ideal type analysis
> typologies - cluster analysis approach
> time ordered descriptions
-explanatory case studies -theory testing analysis
> pattern matching -more complex pattern : multiple dependent
> time series analysis ; trend analysis,chronolgical analysis and
literal & theoretical replication

Qualitative and Quantitative methods and techniques

Source : based on Jankowicz(1991;159) cited from Ghauri et al (1995)

can click at the middle of 'box' to read clearly.....

The difference in emphasis in qualitative versus quantitative methods

Source: based on Reichardt and Cook(1979); cited from Ghauri et al(1995)
can click at the middle of 'table' to read clearly.....

Saturday, January 17, 2009

My works for my sv next meeting....

Not more than 4 weeks from now...I'll have to settle down all these works to show up for my beloved sv..hopefully I could acheive my target itself and her target too....insyaallah...
## what info that you want to find out ; what I want to know?????
## read clearly quantitative and qualitative methods one by one ; what all of the methods can help me to get the info –until now..I think my research will be more to qualitiative ….
## research ethics as researcher; required by this university -consent form
## online questionnaire draft
## web 2.0 investigation- not too much that I know about web 2.0....again thank you to my friend in Perth, Izwan Nizal , who willing to share this link .......

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Qualitative research

Three major components : (Becker,1970; Miles and Huberman,1984; Strauss and Corbin,1990)
1-Data - normally through interviews and observaions
2-Interpretive or analytical procedure-as techniques for conceptualize and data analyze
3-Report; either written or verbal- in the form of thesis or project

-mixture of the rational, explorative and intuitive
-often focused on social process and not on social structures
-skill need in qualitative research ~ thinking abstractly ~ stepping back and critically analyzing situations
~ recognizing and avoiding biases
~ obtaining valid and reliable information
~ having theoretical and social sensitivity & the ability to keep analytical
distance and in the same utilize past experience
~ shewd sense of observation and interaction(van maanen,1983; Strauss and
Corbin; cited in Ghauri et al,1995)


The use of multi-methods or triangulation actually is not new things and can be detect back to Campbell and Fiseke(1959).He argue where when to ensure validation we should use more than one method. Triangulation means studying the same research problem from varied perspectives in terms of data sources, methods, investigators or theories (Denzin, 1978,Ghauri et al,1995)), so that the convergence of results can be obtained to increase their credibility. Through triangulation, improvement can be amde in terms of accuracy of judgement and results in data collection(Ghauri et al,1995). Another form of triangulation occurs when the qualitative case study research gathers information from multiple data sources in the form of interview, observation and document analysis. Van Maanen (1983) terms this as “within-method triangulation” which can also double up as a test for internal reliability and consistency of the responses. As such, this research deploys the “triangulation within triangulation method” by utilising Van Maanen's (1983) approach within the traditional concepts of (Denzin, 1978) and Greene et al. (1989).

Triangulation is a process where we look in to the data from different approach and perspective and find that every data of we have is telling the same thing(Kamarul Faizal,2009)

........................... A combination of both qualitative and quantitative methods, i.e., triangulation, will be used for this study. At the first level, the problem is an unstructured nature and therefore, the qualitative methods will be efficient. Meanwhile for the second level, quantitative methods will be useful as hypotheses will be needed to be tested out. (Rasli, 2005). Then at the third level, both qualitative and quantitative methods can be used normally called either as multi-method or triangulation (Ghauri et al,1995)

Advantages of triangulation:
-it can produce more complete,holistic and contextual potrait of the object under study
-very useful for pilot study in construct hyphoteses or propositions(qualitative) then test hypotheses(quantitatives) ; two steps study

Disadvantages of triangulation:
-it can be difficult to judge either consistent or not
- when get contracdictory results
(Ghauri et al,1995)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Being though dear....

Can be found
In the smallest of things

A kind gesture
A beautiful sunset
A wonderful piece of lit
A child's laugh
A favorite song
A summer breeze
A person you admire
A friend you love
A man you respect
A dream you have
A dream worth dreaming
A dream come true
If we hold onto it
If we appreciate it
If we embrace it

Inspiration is everywhere

Message from somebody close with my life...

Life is supposed to be happy. Eventhough your heart is sad. Try to cover up cos people can`t really understand what is inside your heart. Allah is testing us how much is your strength.If u can pass this test, you will be stronger. I know you`re strong that`s why Allah sent you there so that you`ll be much much stronger....


Aku meminta kepada Tuhan setangkai bunga, segar, Ia beri kaktus berduri. Aku minta kupu-kupu diberinya-Nya ulat berbulu. Aku sedih dan kecewa. Namun kemudian, kaktus itu berbunga indah sekali dan ulat itupun menjadi kupu-kupu yang sangat cantik. Itulah jalan Tuhan, indah pada masaNYA! Tuhan tidak memberi apa yang kita harapkan. Tapi Dia memberi apa yang kita perlukan. Kadang kala kita sedih, kecewa dan terluka. Tapi jauh di atas segalanya Dia sedang mengatur yang terbaik dalam kehidupan kita.............................................

Friday, January 09, 2009

Already one year we are here.....

Erm...till to this date..means that I and my family already one year in Manchester and also my blogs also will be 1 year existing in this bloghopshere** world....hopefully with all the sweet and sad experiences that I've gone through all the last year makes me more strong and more patient in my PhD journey with my beloved spouse and beloved kids.....Don't know to create chronologically story-telling on my life's enough that I can said my journey still in very small light not in huge light anymore.....sometime the lights was very happening but sometimes the lights was so dull....Yes, I really noticed from my seniors staff said in PhD journey you will face 'up and down''s normal..and don't let the down makes you down forever...must wake up quickly and never give up...insyaallah...

Reward yourself...

Yes..after tired thinking and thinking all of the week...this weekend I'll utilise all my time with my kids and also for my home....and to charge back the new energy for new week on the next week...lots of works I must plan wisely so that I can settled everything before I meet again my sv next month....

As usual....

Alhamdulillah..after met my sv for 13th meetings...I feel release although my work will not finish (my work will finish when I get phd; yes definately)..but will be increase time by's normal and for being like me I've to settlle down stages by points that I would like to share here...I shouldn't jump up over the high fence..I should go through whatever things face on you....this 'philosophy' refer to me itself..maybe the rest also shouldn't follow me..for research methodology...consists of qualitative,quantitative and also mixed methods...erm..since I feel that I will use mixed method, I'll feel so waste if I look back on qualitative and quantitative...the way I used is not efficient.....I should understand crystally clear on qualitative and quantitative(my sv suggest the easier books rather the current books I used(Creswell,2003-actually this book is good resource but make sure you already have strong basic on quan and qual)...then after that you can go through to mixed method before decided which methods is best for you...but I defended on myself that my research more on quantitative...and qualitative more on supportive sv accept it....but I still must have strong base on my justification in the proposal....why I choose this * not this * why not * bla bla bla...whatever it is justification is important..that I can feel my sv's means...

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Research Design

After did lots of reading about research design...... I feel that research design as one of ‘starter point’ for the data collection and also being important stages for research involve with the primary data…however to write up in my research methodology needs me understand precisely and clearly..unless I couldn't come out my research question and also hypothesis..this two things I'm still on progress which it is still not finalized yet...

Why must look up me???

Normally two person in Malaysia that I always communicate through voipstunt..first one, off course my beloved mom and second one is my beloved sister-Kak Wa…she also one of my spirit in doing my last conversation with her few days ago..she said that she so ‘kagum’ with me..with my dreams and my way of talks she said also that I’m mature as on my age…whereas I never feel like that…actually I’m very sensitive and also ‘hard hearted person(keras hati)_but this hard hearted person I can’t apply to my relationships with my terms of my lifestyle..yes….normally..until today this year my initial age will change to 3……...I felt that I never mature as on my age…although I’ve three kids but sometimes I’m feel that I also like being kids…I don’t know….but maybe my sister’s view is right and precise-wallahualam... because she know me since I was baby- she also had being my babystter during my childhood…..and she know me better than I know myself..hopefully with my style can be the strength for me to get my dreams …like in the song ’Harapan Berbunga Realiti’….some of my friends also had been mentioned the same way…

Just Allah know my feelings…. lots of tests, barriers, delays, failure and many things that we’ve (I and my spouse) faced through before we’re in this level..and I realize that I’ll never give up in my life…the more barriers come out I should be more stronger….wallahualam
p/s I never feel I'm the best among the best in my family..... just enough I'm being good role model to my girls...

My girls is my soul…

Alhamdulillah since everytime after I perform my solah, I’ll recite 69. Kami berfirman: "Hai api, Jadilah Engkau sejuk serta Selamat sejahtera kepada Ibrahim! ".Surah Al Anbiyaa - Ayat 69(Anak2 lembut hati/ elak panas baran ) temper to my girls seems decrease day by day…Furthermore, why I must temper to them???..they’ve sacrificed to adapt the UK weather and everything in their life(miss our family etc etc)..I think I shouldn’t get temper to them anymore. I promise to myself to being better mom as can I be-sometimes my mom also give some jokes to bring them Malaysia if I always get angry to them…Oh no..I’ll never let my mom bring my kids to Malaysia as long as I didn’t get my Phd yet.. I rather die than I’ve to life without them….I’ve been through hardness live without them…and now I’m being so ‘look up’ for those can ‘separate’ away with their kids…maybe the others can do it but not me-that is my weakness… Nobody could separate away us except Allah….insyaallah.. because my kids is my strength and my spirits in my journey…hopefully Allah makes me strong and strong and strong so that I’ll be able go through my journey with patiently….

13th meeting

Salam two days, 9th Jan ..I'll meet my beloved sv...actually after long time not meet her, I'm feel fear and not confidence again...although I did my work as what she ask to do it....I feel lots things that I've to discuss with her especially related to my real proposal PhD and also for my interim preparation....Actually I'm always on fence either my sv really like my topic or not...honestly since in beginning I've scratch everything on my own and sv just endorse or approve..totally different compare to my spouse...So far his progress quite good since he did everything what his sv ask to do so...I'm so proud with him too since in year 1 he already could have one journal paper together with his sv..hopefully I'll be like him soon...

Officially... officially I'm as second year phd student already..after settled re-registered with my friend...we have to show again our financial affidavit from KPT and student card, then validate our information(I admitted that our fees already increase I have to more hard work-it's not small amount ya...) then signed.....erm as what I've been said before this my work will be more increase and increase with lots of LR,RM and also DC....then supportive work.writing on abstract for coming conference and also journals writing to increase my writing skills.....
p/s refer to entry 'hopefully everything will be okay'..yes..alhamdulillah...tahnks to Allah make us easy way to this part-which is small but too significance,,,,

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Something good news to share...

Before I end up my today, I've got few good news today......
-One of my waiting info already received ..alhamdulillah..the rest still on effort...
-One of my colleague was pass his viva with minor least give me some spirits too to look forward more hard....
-One of my colleague also willing to share his phd journey since we are in quite same but not totally same....

Hopefully with these news make me more cheer up and more being PHD(Planning Hardworking and Doa@Tawakkal).....

Monday, January 05, 2009

It's too hard for my research methodology.....

Arghhhhhh........why my minds so hard to understand what I read last night????arghhh...ya allah mudahkanlah jalanku ini...normally I have to read more than once and sometimes more than five times to understand about something....until now..i couldn't explain yet...what is triangulation if somebody ask me.....even quantitative research or qualitative research too...(walhal under faculty of quantitative science...masyaallah) tension2 mood...I'm happy too..just win in ebay one of things that I'll use to go school..insyaallah...alhamdulillah.....release tension....hehehehehehe

Hopefully everything will be ok....

This month...insyaallah by 15th Jan..I have to re-register back as second year....however..few hours ago,my friend who had to register since 3rd Jan(due that last yer she did registered on 3rd Jan, but she only managed to register today coz last 3rd Jan was Saturday...she informed that we have to show letter from KPT said the fees had been paid...unless we can't re-register and can't use all facilities in the postgraduate room....i've to refer the seniors and others who already went through all this things.....hopefully everything will be okay...insyaallah....

Still waiting......

Since last december until now...I'm still waiting for few information regarding for my pilot study...but until today I still waiting and next week if no responds yet..I've to choose 2nd seems like the challenges for me....go go go go....don't give up..... (walaupun sebenarnya mmg merendahkan semangatku ini jua...ku redah...)

One more thing, I always fedup when I know the paper(through the existing paper..) but I can't access the paper...e.g have to suscribed, have to be suscriber, have to pay etc etc....this problem normally makes me arghhhhhh...hold on for a while....just lets read what I got it first.....

Friday, January 02, 2009

New Year 2009...means i'm in second year now...

I think it's still not late that I wanna wish Happy New Year,2009...and also Salam Maal Hijrah,1430..this year also my critical year@ 2nd year...more and more and more important jobs I must do in this interim,my data collection,my data analysis and also my findings...oooooohhhh...hopefully everything can be implemented as what I've been planned ....although I always think it's too impossible that I can finish by the end of 2010...but normally I just do positive think....Currently, I just looked thoroughly on research methods readings..but honestly.... I still can't conclude and differentiate qualitative and quantitative precisely...(actually my research aims doing both-triangulation methods...) the same time, struggling doing 3 chapter(1,2 and 3) is not easy job too....and face some 'delays info' what in this blog's new title....PHD-'perlu hadapi dugaan'....I try my best to be more strong,committed,patient and handwork too in this year.....insyaallah...wish me all the best...

Harapan Berbunga Realiti - Sharifah Zarina