Motivation Quotation......

Aku meminta kepada Tuhan setangkai bunga, segar, Ia beri kaktus berduri. Aku minta kupu-kupu diberinya-Nya ulat berbulu. Aku sedih dan kecewa. Namun kemudian, kaktus itu berbunga indah sekali dan ulat itupun menjadi kupu-kupu yang sangat cantik. Itulah jalan Tuhan, indah pada masaNYA! Tuhan tidak memberi apa yang kita harapkan. Tapi Dia memberi apa yang kita perlukan. Kadang kala kita sedih, kecewa dan terluka. Tapi jauh di atas segalanya Dia sedang mengatur yang terbaik dalam kehidupan kita.............................................

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Matlamat kehidupan manusia perlu capai kesejahteraan di dunia, akhirat

Sometimes switch languange...mutiara hati....
Islam tidak pernah menghalang kehendak manusia, tetapi ajaran Islam membendung manusia supaya tidak melampau batas penghidupan yang akan merosakkan dirinya dan masyarakat sekelilingnya.

Berlawanan dengan sifat tamakkan kebendaan ini, Islam meraikan konsep zuhud. Namun, perlu difahami zuhud tidak bererti meninggalkan dunia secara total, tetapi bermaksud mengambil daripada dunia ini sekadar keperluan.

Zuhud bermaksud membebaskan jiwa daripada segala kemewahan dengan memilih yang lebih baik serta berusaha meninggalkan yang tidak baik. Zuhud juga bukannya memisahkan diri daripada dunia.

Akan tetapi, zuhud adalah satu pengertian membentuk seseorang supaya mempunyai pandangan jelas terhadap hidup di dunia. Kemewahan di dunia tidak menguasai hati dan diri. Seseorang itu juga tidak membenarkan kehidupan di dunia memisahkan mereka daripada taat kepada Allah .

Berkaitan zuhud, Islam juga meraikan sifat qanaah iaitu reda menerima takdir serta ketentuan Allah selepas beliau berusaha dan berikhtiar bersungguh-sungguh. Seterusnya, dengan keredaan itu dia akan bebas daripada sifat keluh kesah, tetap bersyukur dan pada masa sama berusaha memperbaiki keadaan.

Rezeki dalam Islam tidak hanya merujuk kepada pemilikan harta benda semata-mata atau semua berbentuk material saja. Aspek ketenangan atau sakinah misalnya, perlu disedari sebagai rezeki dan rahmat Allah kepada hambanya.

Rezeki juga termasuk ketenangan fikiran, keselamatan hidup, hidup yang dilimpahi kasih sayang, dipercayai ramai dan tidak dihimpit hutang walaupun kehidupan tidak dalam kemewahan. Penilaian hamba disisi Allah juga tidak berdasarkan kepada bilangan, namun yang utama ialah dari segi keikhlasan dan ketakwaan.

Allah tidak hanya menguji hambanya dengan kepayahan dan kemiskinan. Ujian Allah juga boleh datang dalam bentuk kesenangan dan kekayaan.

Zuhud, qanaah sifat mulia capai kebahagiaan


Far East - Bingkisan Rindu.mp3 -

Feel lazy at the moment....

Erm...more works that I have to finish day by day..but currently laziness also come to say hi to me ....after I got 5 papers(try to understand it by this week..for my LR....) about web 2.0...I decided to fill up progress report for UUM and friend-Azah who is from Malaysia... behind me was busy on that too... so I also have to fill up - not because I have to follow her..but I do it based on my responsibilities as government staff..insyaallah......although I only will meet my sv on coming January(don't know the dates yet...)...sometimes I feel I miss her after met her last 13th can I sv is busy woman..hopefully she also miss me.....hahahahha..just joke...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Example of phd proposal....

Currently I'm struggling to finish up my proposal...and sometimes I blank for a moment....hopefully this example can give me some ideas...

the rest links.....just to share....
Communities, networks, and education
Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid: A Zimbabwean Perspective
About dissertation
About thesis

Thursday, December 11, 2008


'The candidate should discuss the length of the thesis with the supervisor. The varying needs of academic subjects may demand different lengths of theses but candidates should remember that examiners greatly appreciate brevity achieved without sacrifice of clarity, quality or content.
Theses should not exceed these prescribed limits:
MSc 40,000 words;
MPhil 50,000 words;
PhD 100,000 words;
PhD by Published Works 100,000 words (15,000 word critical appraisal);
DProf 60,000 words.
Many quite satisfactory theses will be substantially shorter than these limits. In the following programmes, assessment may differ:
- PhD in Creative Writing, Media Arts and Performing Arts
- Doctor of Musical Arts
- Doctor of the Built Environment/Real Estate/ Construction Management

Candidates for these programmes should refer to the Research Award Regulations at for further information.

It is important for candidates to have a reasonable estimate of the likely length of the thesis at an early stage in its preparation.

MASYAALLAH...CURRENTLY I JUST START WRITE FOR THE get 1000 words for one day also very hard...I can't imagine that I have to write up to at least 100,000 words at the end of my can or not ???can or have choice my least 80,000 words OK...

(tetiba jer terasa nak kira words thesis Dr Hartini Ahmad,one of staff UUM and also my neighbour in Tmn Tunku Sarina-where she graduated from Univ of Bradford in 2004..she also is my idol for doing phd...her thesis words also around 94,637 with 397 pages with 11 chapters..and she managed to finish within 2 and 1/2 wonderful she is....)

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Research Design

Just back from MAMS doctoral training from 10.00 am.-12.oo Prof Andrew J.Newman...(my friends sv...)

He started with explanation on significance of research methods and the importance of research design in the research
why the aims and objectives of research methods are:
-to identify what it meant by academic research design
-to uncover ways of creating a good research design and approaches

Then he explain why we must design the research??????It because we have to:

  • ensure success -how to measure t
  • gain new knowledge-as our contribution to new knowledge
  • understand why something it happen - we really need high feels want to know
  • explain what is likely to happen next -future research
  • drive other researcher for the initiatives -extend on existing research
Not too much that I can share but the most key point in his talks more about categories of research-he emphasized more on this three dimension of categories of research...
(I'll explain more after I did my research design....)
2-descriptive research
3-causal research

He also share the most useful books about research design....
1-Basic marketing research-Churchill,Gilbert(2007)
2-Research design:qualitative and quantitative approaches-Creswell, J.W (1994)
3-Qualitative research-sage benchmarks in social research methods-Bryman, Alan(2006)

Monday, December 08, 2008

Thinking of you...

Just celebrated our eiduladha ....again off from school for celebrate our Islam religion occasion...whate relevance of tittle with the eiduladha..actually no relationship...but I just want to share that since I was being as phd student...almost 80% my head just think about phd phd phd...a lots of things related to phd...for example today..altough seems that i take break for one day for eiduladha..but i can't stop from thinking about my phd manners.... sometimes I couldn't sleep thinking on phd addition now I just nearly with my interim thinking on phd almost 88%...(rasanya...)...

Lots things about phd that I have to think...yes lots of..Currently I still thinking my scope and assumptions of research, my LR,research design,research method etc etc etc etc..... .....I'm sure the other phd students also feels the same experience like me...Soon or later I'll find what I think of....

Like what Prof Ghassan Auad(one of professor in my university) qoute from May,2000

A PhD is 80% thinking and 20% doing (May 2000)

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Case Study approach

Developing research question

—Systematically narrow down the research problem (Maxwell, 1996)
—A useful tool:
—Select a topic
—Brainstorm a list of things which you what to know about the topic
—Select a focus for the problem
—Relate the focus of the problem to existing knowledge
—State the specific research question or problem
—Operationalise the concepts/variables in the research question/problem

Linking questions to method

—Coherence between questions & method
—If your methods don’t provide you with the necessary quantity or quality of data, alter
—You can choose appropriate methods based on your questions
—Choice of method
—Nature of the enquiry - type of problem – research purpose/question
—Degree of control over events
—Degree of focus on contemporary events
(Yin, 1994)

Before choosing case studies

—Need to think of
—Research problem?
—Research questions?
—Appropriate methods?
—what would be the most suitable method for your research

What is case study?????
a research strategy which involves an empirical investigation of a particular contemporary phenomenon within its real life context using multiple sources of evidence
(Robson, 1993)

Workshop on Case Study Research
Dr. Patricia Tzortzopoulos Fazenda
University of Salford
BuHu 8th International PostgraduateResearch Conferencec June 26th - 27th, 2008The Czech Technical University of Prague (CVUT), Czech Republic

Doing Literature review...(2)

This week just attended one MAMS doctoral training by Dr Tony Conway on 1 Dec....Actually he give talks with handouts but not using powerpoint..just just did highlighted what the important things in doing LR to share.....

  • IMPORTANT TO BE FOCUS (eden ni susah bebenor nak focus-byk sgt help....camno nie????)
  • WHY???THE MAIN REASON is to identify new ways to interpret-----> and the contribution to new knowledge(through identification of any gaps from previous research..ini yg eden duk tgh buak nmpk2 pun GAPnyer..nmpk baju brand GAP ader ler...hehehehe)
  • AS RESEARCHER, WE MUST KNOW KNOW HOW TO RESOLVE THE CONFLICTS BETWEEN ACADEMIA (ini yg paling eden tk reti...actually we have to read and read and read and read and read...)

Besides that, we also had some discussions related the problems that we had faced meanwhile did LR, here are some problems that all the participants identified:

  • too much info/papers...where we should stop????
  • too little info
  • relevance of paper
  • languanges of journals-very high academic english...
  • refereed journal identification...

Actually DrTony give some suggestions but I'm not able to take point..just dependes on ourself...always discuss with sv..that is one of key advise from DrTony Conway too....

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Training training...

~all autumn scenery surround in my campus...~

This week I attended four workshops training...start with MAMS doctoral training.... Ethical Considerations in Research given by my core sv-Dr Helen Richardson on 25th Nov, very good information about ethical things through research..then followed by IRIS doctoral training on 26th Nov given by Dr Farid Mezaine about Planning Successful Phd-very attractive,informative and precise talk...I not sleepy totally.. and one hour after that I attended on workshop Writing Good Report-precise and exact tips to me I think... by Suzan Waugh...The next day, 27th Nov, I attended one more workshop about Writing Reflectively-not so relevant at all, but I feel it still can adapt for my Analysis and Discussion chapter..hopefully..... by Dr Ela Beaumont....

Tired???seems like tired...then on Friday, my baby got fever..I missed KM discussion...feel so wasted although I'm not prepared so much too... (nak buat cemana..dah anak sampai hati nak biarkan kat nanny nyer jaga juga...)..I had to off from school....

Friday, November 28, 2008

Motivation song

Ku langkahkan kaki ini
Di hangat mentari pagi
Ku syukuri hari ini, aku masih berdiri
Dan aku tinggalkan masa kelabu
Dan lalu mulakan jalannya kerna-Mu
Semangat optimis diri jalan hari dengan pasti
Selama jantung berdetak, selama itupun
Takkan berhenti berlari wujudkan mimpi
Terus berlari agar hidup ini bererti
Terjatuh bangkit aku kembali
Susah payah aku tak peduli
Kerna hidup hanya sekali

Dengarkanlah teman seloka hiburan
Tak perlulah kita asyik nak berlawan
Kita semua kawan tak boleh berlawan
Kalau kita renggang kita ketinggalan
Bebaskan dirimu dari dibelenggu
Teruskan langkahmu ayuh kita maju
Mari bersamaku nyanyi lagu ini
Jangan difikirkan resah yang di hati
Semua itu hanya dimindamu
Tak perlu kau sangsi tak perlu kau ragu
Segala-galanya pastikan berlalu
Mentari kan muncul mendung kan berlalu

Cat Farish:
Suka duka perkara biasa
Kita pasti lalu bezanya pada waktu
Bila berlari kenalah berstrategi
Jangan ikut hati, ikut hati nanti mati
Biarlah terlambat atur jalan cermat
Pelan-pelan kayuh jangan sampai otak penat
Sentiasa bawa diri hati-hati hari-hari beri erti pada diri
Jangan berhenti kejar mimpi senyuman diberi tanpa semua benci menghantui hati
Biarkan saja, takdir semua nyata
Bersyukurlah masih lagi bernyawa

Dan aku tinggalkan masa kelabu
Takkan berhenti berlari wujudkan mimpi
Terus berlari agar hidup ini bererti
Takkan berhenti
Berlari wujudkan mimpi
Terus berlari
Agar hidup ini bererti
Takkan berhenti berlari wujudkan mimpi

Monday, November 24, 2008

Time Management(Part 2) -is it I'm in track???

General tips
Have clear objectives. Knowing the aims of your research will clarify your objectives
Make and stick to deadlines
Don’t confuse urgency with importance
Devote time to planning
Use a diary and timetable key activities
Don’t get bogged down by others. Manage other people’s expectations and make your priorities clear to them
Do one thing at a time
Review an activity before you leave it
Reward yourself, i.e. I’ll check my email after I find this reference, or once I finish the draft of this chapter, I’m taking the evening off!
How do you make and keep deadlines?
Most people find it difficult to manage their time, but it is easier if you have clear deadlines and find mechanisms to help you stick to them. Promising to give your supervisor updates on your progress, speaking at conferences or having strict dates to submit work by are all good deadlines!

Set Goals
Set goals in each of your key areas as a research student: for example, producing results, understanding the literature, developing skills, disseminating your work. Make sure these are SMARTE.

Agree a general timeline with your supervisor. What do they expect after:

6 months: survey literature and learn to use relevant tools?
12 months: deepen understanding of the 'problem' and devise solutions?

18 months: HALFWAY! engrossed in research
24 months: begin to wind up data collection?
30 months: complete solution and review recent literature?
36 months: written thesis, ready for viva?
It is important to also remember that there may be specific deadlines for reports or presentations that you should make yourself aware of.

Break large tasks down into manageable activities. Set specific milestones to measure your progress against. These can be daily, weekly or monthly. Review them.

Use your supervisor to review your progress. Plan meetings to discuss progress or agree to submit work at specific times.

What if things go wrong?
Remember that you are TRAINING to be a researcher and things will go wrong. Learn to improve by reviewing what happened.

Did you try to achieve too much?
Were you ready to do the task?
Was the task clear?
Was it difficult to decide what to do?
Did you have all the information you needed to do the task?
Did you plan the task badly because of pressure?
Did you fail because it was boring or too difficult?
Identify what went wrong and plan to do things differently next time. Your time management will improve as you learn to prioritise and to set achievable goals, and review progress.


Time Management(Part 1) -is it I'm in track???

Too many things that I have to catch up after a week break ...hopefully I'll be able to face all challenges soon....although winter just around the corner -means that surround me will be more cold and chilly.... ...more hardships that I've to face I should being more better person......this coming winter I've to make sure I should able deliver my PhD proposal to my supervisor...insyaallah....

Just to share...Time Management
Where are you going wrong?
Think about where you lose time and what activities prevent you from achieving your objectives. Here are some suggestions, but it is essential that you reflect on your own time thieves and acknowledge them.
Lack of objectives and deadlines
Poor communication
Lack of information
Can’t say 'No'
Never finishing tasks
Lack of self-discipline
The unforeseen crisis

How do you improve your time management?
The key to effective time management is to prioritise and plan so that everything essential and important gets done.
Have a look at the Planning Square below. Make a list of all the things you have to do and put them in one of the boxes. The most common problem is failing to differentiate the difference between urgent and important! To determine the importance of a task think about whether it is helping you to achieve the aims of your PhD – if not, should you be doing it? Who is it important to: should they be doing it?
Do - the list in this box should get smaller as you get better at time management
Delay - briefly while you deal with the DO box - don't let it get urgent!
Delegate - or dump and see how important it was
Dump - even if you want to do it!

The real skill in time management is to do the important things before they become urgent: i.e. plan never to have anything in the ‘DO’ box! You should always be working on the ‘DELAY’ box.
This is not as easy as it looks, but on a GRADschool you will get the opportunity to develop your time management skills and see how other PhDs do it.

'I’m much better at planning, prioritising and more clear minded about how to proceed'


Friday, November 14, 2008

Doing Literature review...(1)

This week I attended workshop training by Dr Ela Beaumont on 12 Nov....She gave talks with handouts using powerpoint..the powerpoints erm..seems like too many to sort out..maybe other entry...On the next day, 13 Nov I'll attend another training under SPORTS(salford Postgraduate Training Sessions)...about Writing your dissertation by Dr Ela Beaumont too...this one I don't have the powerpoint yet..I just wrote down the points only....insyaallah I'll share for other entry...

Friday, November 07, 2008

Knowledge Management Tools and Technologies

Knowledge Management Tools and Technologies

Knowledge Management requires technologies to support the new strategies, processes, methods and techniques to better create, disseminate, share and apply the best knowledge, anytime and anyplace, across the team, across teams, across the organisation and across several organisations, especially its clients, customers, partners, suppliers and other key stakeholders.

The key technologies are communication and collaboration technologies that are web based for internet and intranet usage, as well as mobile technologies such as PDA’s, PC’s, telephone and videoconferencing. New technologies are rapidly emerging that act as intelligent agents and assistants to search, summarise, conceptualise and recognise patterns of information and knowledge.

For an effective KM initiative across the organisation, there needs to be in place, at least:

▪ Knowledge Portal

There is often confusion between the terms ‘information portal’ and ‘knowledge portal’.

An information portal is often described as a gateway to information to enable the user to have one, more simplified way of navigating towards the desired information.

However a ‘knowledge portal’ is far more than an information portal because, as well as information navigation and access, it contains within it software technologies to, at least, support the processes of virtual team communication and collaboration and software technologies to support the 9 step process of managing knowledge. Furthermore, it contains intelligent agent software to identify and automatically distribute information and knowledge effectively to knowledge workers based on knowledge profiling.

▪ Knowledge Profiles

Within the knowledge portal, each knowledge worker can update and maintain a personal ‘knowledge profile’ which identifies his/her specific knowledge needs, areas of interest and frequency of distribution.

▪ Collaborative workspaces

Within the knowledge portal, shared work spaces can be set up for each new team or project. These will become knowledge repositories from which new knowledge will be distilled regularly and systematically and shared across other teams in the organisation. Within the shared and collaborative workspace, at least, the following communication and collaboration functions could be performed:

▪ Shared vision and mission ▪ Specific team objectives ▪ Knowledge Plan ▪ Team members roles and responsibilities ▪ Team contract ▪ Best Knowledge Bases or Banks ▪ Expert locator ▪ Task management ▪ Shared Calendar management ▪ Meeting management ▪ Document libraries ▪ Discussion forums ▪ Centralised email ▪ Capturing of new learnings and ideas ▪ Peer reviews, learning reviews, after action reviews ▪ New knowledge nominations

▪ Urgent requests

Within the knowledge portal, it is very useful to have a facility and underlying process to enter any ‘Urgent Request’ into the portal and receive back any responses from across the organisation. Rather than needing to know ‘who might know’ the request is entered blindly and responses will be made if it is known in the organisation and people are willing to support and respond to this activity. This is a very effective way of better leveraging the knowledge across the organisation.

▪ Document Libraries

The document library is typically the location where all documents are stored. The library should be context relative and allow the ease of control over any document type. Many organisations now employ an Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) for this requirements but the integration of the EDRMS with all other relevant information and knowledge sources is imperative.

▪ Knowledge Server and services

In order to foster knowledge networking across the entire organisation and support knowledge processes for creating, retaining, leveraging, reusing, measuring and optimising the use of the organisational knowledge assets, a centralised knowledge server is required that will:

▪ manage the communications and collaboration between networks of people

▪ enable the access, creation and sharing of knowledge between them

The centralised knowledge server will manage the processes and knowledge services that generate and disseminate knowledge assets.

The key components of a generic knowledge server are:

▪ a knowledge portal interface designed around a knowledge asset schema (see KM consulting section) as a gateway to user access, security and applications

▪ Knowledge banks

▪ Advanced search capabilities ▪ collaboration services ▪ search and discovery services ▪ publishing services based on user knowledge needs and knowledge profiling ▪ a knowledge map (taxonomy) ▪ knowledge repository for information and process management ▪ Text summarising and conceptualising ▪ Intelligent agentware ▪ an Intranet infrastructure for integrated email, file servers, internet/intranet services

Knowledge Bases (Banks)

For each key knowledge area identified, there needs to be a Knowledge Base.

A Knowledge Base contains:

▪ both structured and unstructured discussion forums

▪ rich ‘knowledge objects’ that have been designed for the efficient and effective transfer of knowledge using multimedia, video, audio

▪ embedded communications theory (eg storytelling)

▪ KM processes to:

▪ critically review knowledge nominations and turn them into improved knowledge

▪ automatically find and publish knowledge to users according to users knowledge profiles

▪ transfer knowledge effectively


What is Knowledge Sharing?

Knowledge sharing is an activity through which knowledge (i.e. information, skills, or expertise) is exchanged among people, friends, or members of a family, a community (e.g. Wikipedia) or an organization.

Organizations have recognized that knowledge constitutes a valuable intangible asset for creating and sustaining competitive advantages. [1] Knowledge sharing activities are generally supported by knowledge management systems. However, technology constitutes only one of the many factors that affect the sharing of knowledge in organizations, such as organizational culture, trust, and incentives.[2] The sharing of knowledge constitutes a major challenge in the field of knowledge management because some employees tend to resist sharing their knowledge with the rest of the organization.[3][4] Since there are a number of obstacles that can hinder knowledge sharing, one of the obstacles stand out. This obstacle is the notion that knowledge is property and ownership is very important.[5] In order to counteract this notion, individuals must be reassured that they will receive credit for a knowledge product that they created.[6] However, there is a risk in knowledge sharing. The risk is that individuals are most commonly rewarded for what they know, not what they share.[7] If knowledge is not shared, negative consequences such as isolation and resistance to ideas occur. To promote knowledge sharing and remove knowledge sharing obstacles, the organizational culture should encourage discovery and innovation.[8] This will result in the creation of organizational culture trust


What is Knowledge management????

Knowledge Management (KM) comprises a range of practices used in an organisation to identify, create, represent, distribute and enable adoption of what it knows, and how it knows it. It has been an established discipline since 1995 [1] with a body of university courses and both professional and academic journals dedicated to it. Many large companies have resources dedicated to Knowledge Management, often as a part of 'Information Technology', 'Human Resource Management' or Business strategy departments.

Knowledge Management programs are typically tied to organisational objectives such as improved performance, competitive advantage, innovation, developmental processes, lessons learnt transfer (for example between projects) and the general development of collaborative practices. Knowledge Management is frequently linked and related to what has become known as the learning organisation, lifelong learning and continuous improvement. Knowledge Management may be distinguished from Organisational Learning by a greater focus on the management of knowledge as an asset and the development and cultivation of the channels through which knowledge, information and signal flow.

More details click here.....Knowledge Management


Other definition of Knowledge Management

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Pass one sub-stage... pre-pilot study had been implemented smoothly and as scheduled...within one hour with 3 interviewees....

Venue : Nando's Manchester City
Time : 11.00 -12.oo noon
Interviewees: 1- Penghulu
2- Communication Exco
3- Penghulunita

All of them was among the leader for one of Malaysian undergraduates community in Mancester...MCOT...

Purpose :Quote from Jim Newell ~ to become clear when we think of some of the ‘everyday’ contexts in which interviewing is used
Luckily last Moday I've attend course on 'How to Conduct Interview'by Jim helps me in some parts of preparation too.....

All the information and experiences from them is confidential.....just to share that with this pre-pilot interview it seems that at least my assumptions(what I think and observed..) before this is totally different with what the reality happened among the student community.....and the information(will being as knowledge) identified from this interviews also will be contribute to my pilot questionnaire soon....

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Just to ponder out...


After settle 'big' job tomorrow..I've settle few things required by my sv and core sv..all of this I've to cope by this week..insyaallah....the worst case by day,Tuesday..'date' with my sv...Wednesday and Thursday have course and I think Friday settle everything before have break on the next week before came back on 24th...

Good Luck dear....

My sv had respond just in the morning and will meet me back next week, 11th week feel that I'm full schedule...tomorrow I'll meet 3 person as my focus group..for my pre-pilot study....feel so nervous like that I'll meet the big person....ya allah mudahkanlah urusanku....

This pre-pilot will contribute for my next pilot study instrumen preparation.....qualitatively....

Monday, November 03, 2008


erm..just settle one stage..still waiting from my sv's email when we're should meet....settle down pre-pilot instrumen and ready to handle preliminary pilot study..insyaaallah soon as possible.....

in morning, got opportunity attend course on How to conduct interview...just help in some area for my instrumen preparation...although not meet 100% expectation at all...luckily K.A.M.K willing to share his experiences..thank you so much.....

Friday, October 31, 2008

Please let me alone....

let me write in my natural languanges..malay languanges...

mungkin ada yg memandang remeh apa yg aku serabutkan ini..tapi aku dpt rasakan perjuangan aku sudah masuk zon core sv suruh buat pre-pilot study utk kenalpasti 'knowledge sharing implementation' di kalangan target responden aku..maka dgn itu aku harus menyiapkan instrumen yg aku tk buat apa2 langsung-focus group aku dah contact...mudah2an adik2 tu tak kisah...adik msian jugak, bukan org asing..kalau tidak harusnya aku di'tembak'...itulah sapa suruh jumpa core..kan dah dpt keje tambahan.... selepas 3hb nov nnt aku harus email kpd main sv utk tetapkan tarikh meeting-tarikh tu pulak sblm 16hn sbb 16hb sampai 23hb aku 'on break'-ke mana biarlah rahsia...masa meeting tu aku harus maklumkan dlm 2 mukasurat dlm bahasa inggeris yg amat mudah apa yg aku akan buat dlm masa 2 tahun 2 bulan ni...apa yg dia nak hanya-tajuk sebenar,objektif,hipotesis dan metodologi, ya allah selama 10 bulan ni aku dok mencari-cari cahaya yg kdg2 nampak, kdg2 kelam, kdg2 tenggelam....selama ni aku dok fokus kpd KM,KS,HC dan HRM...tapi rasanya selepas ini aku akan beralih fokus kpd KM,KS,W2 dan SN..nmpknyer paper2 jurnal HC yg aku pernah explore ogos lepas tk semuanya dpt diaplikasikan malah aku buang je slps ni..(beratus2 paper dah save tapi tk semua yg aku dah cetak..syok save je ogos lepas...) pagi aku ada join KM research group(baru set up awal bulan lps..atas usaha clem...) punyer 2nd meeting..ha tu pun ada keje tambahan utk aku...tapi fikir positif la bab tu-sbb ada bagi impak yg baik utk aku harapnya... wpun aku dok dgr clem cerita kat prof charles egbu progres die mcm laju semcm je makcik tu....mmg rasa ketidakpedulian tu harus ada...tapi rasa kenapa dia boleh aku tk boleh???? masih wujud dlm kotak fikiran aku..dia pun start sama aku-jan 2008 even dia kata dia sebenar2nya start study mac 2008 sbb urusan resign dr tpt keje lama dia dsbgnya...tapi dier dah present kat SPARC dan akan present lagi 2 paper di 2 seminar yg berbeza..aku??habuk pun tarak...yg byk sumbangan aku kat blogs2 kesygngan/dan lain2 web 2.o tools(facebook,friendster dan juga fotopages) nie...aku takut...dgn student pun aku takut camna nie....(sbb responden aku kelak adalah student)...ya allah kuatkanlah semangatku aku mcm nak give up pulak lately ni....huk huk..mak i miss u so much...

Monday, October 27, 2008

links that i have to look through..very interesting for those do research on KM

Understanding knowledge management and information management: the need for an empirical perspective

Is Knowledge Management (KM) an emerging discipline or just a new label for Information Management (IM)? To provide some answers to this question, the article summarizes empirical evidence of how KM is practiced in several types of organizations demonstrating the variety of organizational approaches that are used and the processes that are involved. Based on an exploratory study of KM practices, the article presents a typology of methodologies that are employed in various organizations to illustrate what may be considered as the particular nature of KM to show potential differences with IM. The first section of the article discusses the concepts associated with the management of information and knowledge. The second part provides a description of the conceptual framework used for the study and a presentation and discussion of the results.

How to cite this paper:
Bouthillier, F. and Shearer, K. (2002). "Understanding knowledge management and information management: the need for an empirical perspective" Information Research, 8(1), paper no. 141 [Available at]

Last updated: 18th March, 2002

Friday, October 24, 2008

phd...small but significance...

Yestreday my friend, Kak Anis had lend me one interesting book and very casual book about phd lifecycle and experiences....I just afford read this book for 2 hours...very interesting..and I read two times..and I think I should read more especially certain topics...highly recommended to all phd candidates..especially who study in abroad....

have 8 topics and very attractive writings....
(allow me comment in my languanges...more casual...)
Bab 1- Mereka Yang Menyumbang
- perjalanan phd kita ini melibatkan pelbagai watak, biar kecil mahupun besar sebenarnya ianya menyumbang kepda phd anda...keluarga,rakan sekerja,masyarakat seliling, persekitaran universiti semuanya penting ....

Bab 2- Congratulation Dr Ibrahim
-perasaan penulis setelah habis viva..memang kegembiraan beliau tidak dapat digambarkan dgn kata2...

Bab 3 -Keinginan dan ketakutan
-2 perasaan yang memang menjadi lumrah bagi semua pengembara phd...kena kuatkan semangat...

Bab 4 -Misteri seorang penyelia
-penulis menceritakan pengalamannya dan rakan2nya tentang peranan penyelia...kita tidak perlu bergantung 100% kepada penyelia...sbb phd adalah independent research..sebenarnya 'penyelia adalah seorg yang tahu untuk menyatakan 'berhenti' kepada pelajarnya'(kata2 penyelia penulis buku ini,1997)...bukannya sama2 buat phd dgn pelajarnya...wallahualam

Bab 5 -Berkawan biar seribu
-bukan semua manusia yg boleh dibuat kawan.....mmg boleh berkawan dgn semua org tapi berhati2 mencari kawn sejati...peranan kawan juga tak kurang hebatnya dlm perjalanan phd kita...dan bermacam-macam jenis perangai yang akan kita jumpa sebenarnya...

Bab 6 -Viva dan pemeriksa luar
-rajinla2 menghubungi org2 yg mempunyai persamaan kajian dgn anda..mana tahu dia akan menjadi pemeriksa luar anda???

Bab 7 -Anda Dr phd
-jgn bongkak setelah dpt phd...tak semestinya semua manusia mesti panggil anda dgn panggilan DR phd setelah dpt phd....ikut resmi padi semakin tinggi semakin merendah diri..

Bab 8 -Penyelidikan dan sanjungan
-Bersihkan hati supaya :
1-ilmu yang kita ada dapat dipanjangkan kepada lebih ramai orang
2-kita melihat kejayaan atau kesungguhan orang lain sebagai pendorong untuk kita bergerak
3- kita mampu jadi ketua kepada penyelidik muda yang memerlukan bukan semata2 kerana mengejar pangkat....

Phd kecil tapi signifikan (Muhd Kamil Ibrahim, 2004)

Finally i found what i search now...

Hopefully this findings may helps me lot....


Just imagine...I just want to start know deeply about facebook this year but this researcher already did his research about facebook 3 years ago(2005)...and he is expected finish his phd by next year..with huge publications....proud with him...I should email to him later....

Thursday, October 23, 2008

3 Year Full-Time PhD?or 4 year??

3 Year Full-Time PhD

What is the write-up period?
Following the minimum period of registration (usually three years for a full-time PhD and five years for a part-time PhD), candidates, who have not yet submitted their thesis for examination enter into the write-up and assessment period. This normally last one year for full-time candidates and two years for part-time candidates. During this time, candidates are not registered as students, but may continue to use University facilities, including library and computing facilities. Importantly, during the write-up period, full-time candidates are no longer automatically entitled to council tax exemption. They are also no longer entitled to a National Union of Students' (NUS) card.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Be Strong....

Sometimes people look me seems me too strong but the reality that is not true at all...actually I'm fragile person..sometimes I feel too afraid with I face right now...but whatever it is... life must go on...although it is very hard to achieve and I have to face many constraints and difficulties...I must strive hard...although every day I cry in my heart.. I must strive hard..I must be is all for my princess and the strengh cames from them indirectly...I can feel at this moment that after this my journey will be more though and challenges, and I prepare on myself that I must be strong as strong that I can be..try to approve for those assume that you're strong......insyaallah....


PROUUM ONLINE:Kajian Pengesanan Graduat (KPG) Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)
yang dijalankan dalam mengukur tahap employability dan marketability graduat
menunjukkan sebanyak 68.5 peratus iaitu 2,063 graduan yang berkonvokesyen sesi
Oktober 2008 ini telah mendapat pekerjaan.

Jumlah graduan yang mendapat pekerjaan kali ini telah menunjukkan peningkatan
membanggakan berbanding sidang pertama konvokesyen bulan Mac lalu yang hanya
mencatatkan jumlah sebanyak 50.6 peratus atau 1,739 graduan sahaja.

Daripada keseluruhan jumlah graduan yang telah menjawab KPG bagi sesi Oktober
ini iaitu sebanyak 3,013, seramai 915 atau 30.5 peratus lagi masih aktif
mencari pekerjaan sementara bilangan pelajar yang melanjutkan pengajian pula
ialah satu peratus iaitu 35 orang.

Pada konvokesyen sesi Mac lepas, data menunjukkan sebanyak 3,886 graduan
mengambil bahagian dalam KPG dengan kadar respon 91.0 peratus daripada
keseluruhan 4,268 graduan yang bergarduat.

Daripada jumlah tersebut sebanyak 38.3 peratus iaitu 1,315 pula sedang aktif
mencari pekerjaan, 2.1 peratus (72) melanjutkan pengajian, sedang menunggu
penempatan perguruan dan mengikuti program Skim Latihan Siswazah Menganggur
(SLSM) sebanyak 7.7 (265) peratus dan lain-lain sebanyak 1.3 peratus.

Sejumlah 1,739 graduan ini telah bekerja selepas sahaja menamatkan pengajian
iaitu selepas menduduki peperiksaan di mana 70.8 peratus atau 1,232 responden
yang bekerja adalah perempuan.

Peratusan mengikut etnik yang memperoleh pekerjaan pula mencatatkan 65.8 peratus
daripadanya adalah graduat Melayu, 22.7 peratus graduat Cina, 8.1 peratus adalah
graduat India dan 2.6 peratus lagi daripada etnik lain dan selebihnya adalah
bukan warganegara.


Out from workstation....

Actually this is not my first time visited The John Rylands University Library in Manchester University...Third time if I'm not fault..This time to return the books that I lend under my friend, Dyda who is study in Manchester University...After return two books..for second round, I use her account again for use another books related for my phd topic....very interesting book and hopefully I'll read within one month....about Blogs,Wikis, Podcasts and other powerful web tools for classrooms and also Case studies in Knowledge Management....I've checked already from my university libarry and these books were none....hopefully it can help me lots in my readings and academic perspective in literature review...Thank you sooooo much Dyda...till meet you back....

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Penyelidik UUM Dapat Peruntukan FRGS Bernilai RM900,000

lazy to translate..for those understand in Malay languange, can proceed with this news...

Sebanyak 18 kumpulan penyelidik Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)
berjaya mendapat geran penyelidikan termasuk untuk mengkaji sistem kewangan
Islam di bawah projek penyelidikan dibawah Fundamental Research Grant Scheme
(FRGS), bernilai RM900,000.

Geran Penyelidikan sumbangan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi itu diberikan kepada
18 kertas cadangan terbaik yang dikemukakan oleh penyelidik UUM.

Sehubungan itu, satu majlis menandatangani geran berkenaan telah diadakan di
Bilik Senat UUM, pagi tadi dan disaksikan oleh Naib Canselor, Tan Sri Dr Nordin
Kardi dan Timbalan Naib Canselor (Penyelidikan dan Inovasi) Prof Dr Dahlan Ismail.

Antara penyelidikan yang akan dilaksanakan bagi fasa ini ialah ’Islamic Quality
System (SIQS) - Islamic Financial System’ oleh Dr Asmadi Mohamed Naim, Mohd
Yazid Isa, Shamsul Naim Abd Rais dan Mohd Liki Hamid; ’Designing State Fiscal
Performance Index In Malaysia Using Representative System (RRS)/ Representative
Expenditure System (RES) Approach For Fiscal Year 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005 and
2007’’ oleh Dr Ahmad Zafarullah Abdul Jalil, Dr Noor Al-Huda Abdul Karim dan
Prof Madya Dr Fatimah Wati Ibrahim dan ’A Multi Criteria Tender Evaluation Model
Using Balanced Scorecard Method’ oleh Fauziah Baharom, Norida Muhd Darus,
Haslina Mohd, Prof Madya Dr Norita Mohd Norwawi dan Dr Maznah Mat Kassim.

Selain itu, projek penyelidikan bertajuk ‘Developing Triad Design Algorithms
Based On Compatible Factorization’ oleh Dr Haslinda Ibrahim, Prof Dr Zurni Omar
dan Dr Rahela Rahim
; ‘Robust Multivariate Control Charts Based On Modified
One-Step M-Estimator’ oleh Dr Nor Idayu Mahat dan Prof Madya Dr Sharipah Soaad
Syed Yahaya
; ‘Developing An Instructional Model For The Non-Native Speaker
Content- Based Instruction (CBI) Teacher’ oleh Dr Ruzlan Md Ali, Dr Harshita
Aini Haroon dan Dr Arsaythamby Veloo; ‘Intelligent Predictive Maintenance System
For Hard-Disk Media Manufacturing Using Data Mining Approach’ oleh Dr Shaidah
Jusoh dan Megat Norulazmi Megat Mohamed Noor dan ‘Developing New Algorithms For
Finding Determinants’ oleh Prof Dr Zurni Omar, Dr Haslinda Ibrahim, Khairil
Iskandar Othman dan Dato’ Prof Dr Mohamed Suleiman.

Projek penyelidikan lain ialah ‘Automated Time Series Forecasting’ oleh Dr
Suzilah Ismail dan Dr Rahela Rahim
; ‘Core Elements Of Digital Storytelling’ oleh
Harryizman Harun, Syamila Zakiah A. Wahab, Prof Madya Dr Norshuhada Shiratuddin,
Mohd Nizam Saad; ‘Membina Modul Pembangunan Insan : Menggunakan Kod Etika Guru
Dalam Menangani Disiplin Pelajar’ oleh Alis Puteh, Mohamad Khairi Othman,
Muhamad Dzahir Kasa dan Mardzelah Makhsin; ‘Developing Teacher Oral Competency
Framework (TOCF) for Secondary School Teachers: Moving Forward to Meaningful
Teaching and Learning of English Language and Mathematics’ oleh Fahainis Mohd
Yusof, Dr Ruzlan Md Ali dan Dr Arsaythamby Vello.

Projek penyelidikan yang akan dijalankan ini juga meliputi penyelidikan bertajuk
‘Efficiency Measurement Of Business Units Using Non-Parametric Method’ oleh Prof
Dr Ku Ruhana Ku Mahamud, Dr Faudziah Ahmad, Rafidah Abd Razak, Dr Maznah Mat
dan Nor Farzana Abd Ghani; ‘Developing Project Based Learning (PBL) Model
Of Instruction For Engaging Rural Learners’ oleh Prof Dr Rosna Awang Hashim, Dr
Sarimah Shaik Abdullah, Dr Fauziah Abdul Rahim, Dr Norhafezah Yusof dan Hasniza
Nordin; ‘Pengukuran Budaya Komunikasi Masyarakat Melayu Malaysia: Penilaian
Empiri Melalui Pembinaan Instrumen’ oleh Prof Madya Dr Che Su Mustaffa, Dr
Hassan Abu Bakar; ‘Resolving Ambiguity And Uncertainty In Fact Extraction For
Text Mining Application’ oleh Prof Madya Dr Norita Mohd Norwawi dan Dr Shaidah
Jusoh; ‘Mobile Game-Based Learning (MGBL) Developing Methodology’ oleh Prof
Madya Dr Norshuhada Shiratuddin dan ‘Efficient and Highly Robust Location and
Dispersion For High Dimension Data Sets and Its Application in Manufacturing
Industry Process Quality Control’ oleh Prof Madya Dr Sharipah Soaad Syed Yahya,
Prof Maman A. Djauhari dan Prof Dr Zurni Omar.

Tan Sri Dr Nordin mengucapkan tahniah kepada para penyelidik yang berjaya
mendapat pembiayaan bagi menjalankan penyelidikan tersebut kerana katanya, hasil
penyelidikan itu akan dapat dikongsi bersama masyarakat sebagai ilmu baru.

Beliau juga berharap melalui penyelidikan yang dijalankan ini UUM akan terus ke
hadapan kerana sesebuah universiti itu dikatakan maju apabila berjaya
menghasilkan jumlah penyelidikan yang banyak.

“Kepada mereka yang tidak berjaya pula jangan berputus asa, penyelidik perlu
sentiasa bersemangat, belajar dan mencari penyelesaian kenapa proposal
penyelidikan kita ditolak dan cuba memperbaiki kelemahan yang ada,” katanya lagi.

Beliau juga turut mencadangkan supaya proposal calon PhD turut dihantar bagi
mendapatkan pembiayaan FRGS ini dan penyelidikan yang akan dijalankan itu dibuat
bersama-sama dengan pensyarah untuk kebaikan kedua-dua pihak.

Hadir sama Timbalan Naib Canselor (Akademik dan Antarabangsa) Prof Dr Abdul
Razak Chik, Pendaftar, Harun Amin dan Bendahari Amron Man.

source: email from

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Monday, October 06, 2008

Blogs and Wikis

Well-known or education-based blogs: *
digitisation_program/ *
Software: *
Blog search services:

Examples of wikis: * * *
Software: *
Online notes on using wikis in education:


What Is Web 2.0

In our initial brainstorming, we formulated our sense of Web 2.0 by example:

Web 1.0 Web 2.0
DoubleClick --> Google AdSense
Ofoto --> Flickr
Akamai --> BitTorrent --> Napster
Britannica Online --> Wikipedia
personal websites --> blogging
evite --> and EVDB
domain name speculation --> search engine optimization
page views --> cost per click
screen scraping --> web services
publishing --> participation
content management systems --> wikis
directories (taxonomy) --> tagging ("folksonomy")
stickiness --> syndication


Friday, September 26, 2008

Suddenly just remember my colleagues

miss u all....zurina(purple one) will came here after raya..insyaallah...
sis fatinah my mentor..n sis sham....
me with sis mas-currently doing phd in perth
almost all my facultymate in 2006..kapas island doing phd in IIUM
azura..will further phd too soon...
me wih jas(bradford),Ila(now in manchester too-give path first to her hubby,she coming soon) n fiza(salford-soon)
faizal now doing phd too in brisbane
hazlina now doing phd in UUM...very wonderful woman as I know...
jafri now in brunel...doing phd in system dynamics

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Now I know....

After 9 months I was here...yesterday I just 'knock to my heart'to look deeply my sv's thesis at library....Here, as postgraduates student, we were allowed to borrow the thesis as 'hourly loan' means that we can't remove the thesis from library...and I have to ask from the information desk and give the ID card for record purpose.During I took the thesis is ok, smooth procedure..but during return time I had to face long queue due to new students also need to get their password and etc etc through information desk...just imagine I have to stand and line up more than 20 minutes just to return the thesis !!!!'in fasting month....yes, of course I have to be more patient...but I'm the person who is easy to get tired...never long as I got something from the thesis....Now I just realised that my both of sv did on QUALITATIVE research where I had guess for some long time...more to philospohical means I should provided strong literature review and their analysis part is not too critical stages- I assume that based on both of my sv's main sv did on ethnography approach and my core sv did on critical research approach.....whatever the research appoach...that is not easy too ...must be hardwork and be smart.....YA ALLAH PLEASE... make me strong and dynamic student..insyaallah...

End Note X2 Couse

Just back from attend EndNote course...luckily the instructor-Mrs Anne Sherwin demonstrated the latest version X2...after this I hope my confident level will increase to use EndNote..Actually I've tried the EndNote currently and was ongoing and the latest version is more easy....Since Ramadhan and now,until Syawal just around the eyes always sleepy except when I look at blogs...what was Asmah said in her blogs is right too for me...when do phd works I tendency to sleepy compare I'll update my blogs...however my head always think deeply for my research question-sometimes until to my sleep dreams.....masyaallah.... and maybe my research got relates with blogs tools. Hopefully before raya I got the final idea...yearhhhh..

Monday, September 22, 2008

Job-ready graduates

UNIVERSITY curriculum needs to keep up with today’s service-based economy.

In response to this, 11 Malaysian universities have adopted the Service Science, Management and Engineering (SSME) initiative launched by the Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry and IBM.

They are Universiti Sains Malaysia, Universiti Malaya, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Universiti Malaysia Sabah and Universiti Malaysia Pahang.

Also taking part are three private institutions, Multimedia University, Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation, and INTI International University College.

SSME was first launched in North Carolina State University in the United States in 2006, and this is the first time universities in Malaysia are adopting the programme.

SSME is a multi-disciplinary research and academic effort aimed at helping students move from university to the workplace.

It is aimed at ensuring that students excel in the multi-disciplinary field of services management.

Minister Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili launched the programme at an Innovation Forum held in Kuala Lumpur last Monday.

In his speech, Dr Ongkili said that innovation is one of the key factors of SSME.

“To innovate, you must be creative and know what is happening in the global scenario.”

He added that economies in the global markets are shifting towards being more service-based so businesses have to focus on service innovation to maintain profits.

Higher Education Department director-general Prof Datuk Dr Radin Umar Radin Sohadi represented Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin at the function.

At a press conference later, Prof Radin said that SSME was aimed at making students as ready as possible for the job.

“The government will continue to implement various programmes to create a trained and competitive workforce,” he said.

(The Star, 21 September 2008. ms E17, Campus)

Date Submitted : 21-9-2008
Related File : Job ready graduates (The Star).jpg


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Structure of Research

Most research projects share the same general structure. You might think of this structure as following the shape of an hourglass. The research process usually starts with a broad area of interest, the initial problem that the researcher wishes to study. For instance, the researcher could be interested in how to use computers to improve the performance of students in mathematics. But this initial interest is far too broad to study in any single research project (it might not even be addressable in a lifetime of research). The researcher has to narrow the question down to one that can reasonably be studied in a research project. This might involve formulating a hypothesis or a focus question. For instance, the researcher might hypothesize that a particular method of computer instruction in math will improve the ability of elementary school students in a specific district. At the narrowest point of the research hourglass, the researcher is engaged in direct measurement or observation of the question of interest.



The Relationship Between the Research Question, Hypotheses, Specific Aims, and Long-Term Goals of the Project

Research Question is a statement that identifies the phenomenon to be studied. For example, “What resources are helpful to new and minority drug abuse researchers?”

To develop a strong research question from your ideas, you should ask yourself these things:

Do I know the field and its literature well?
What are the important research questions in my field?
What areas need further exploration?
Could my study fill a gap? Lead to greater understanding?
Has a great deal of research already been conducted in this topic area?
Has this study been done before? If so, is there room for improvement?
Is the timing right for this question to be answered? Is it a hot topic, or is it becoming obsolete?
Would funding sources be interested?
If you are proposing a service program, is the target community interested?
Most importantly, will my study have a significant impact on the field?

Read more HERE


Developing a Research Question

It's absolutely essential to develop a research question that you're interested in or care about in order to focus your research and your paper (unless, of course, your instructor gives you a very specific assignment). For example, researching a broad topic such as "business management" is difficult since there may be hundreds of sources on all aspects of business management. On the other hand, a focused question such as "What are the pros and cons of Japanese management style?" is easier to research and can be covered more fully and in more depth.

How do you develop a usable research question? Choose an appropriate topic or issue for your research, one that actually can be researched (Exercise 1). Then list all of the questions that you'd like answered yourself. Choose the best question, one that is neither too broad nor too narrow. Sometimes the number of sources you find will help you discover whether your research question is too broad, too narrow, or okay?

If you know a lot about the topic, you can develop a research question based on your own knowledge. If you feel you don't know much about the topic, think again. For example, if you're assigned a research topic on an issue confronting the ancient Babylonian family, remember, by virtue of your own family life, you already know a great deal about family issues. Once you determine what you do know, then you're ready to do some general reading in a textbook or encyclopedia in order to develop a usable research question.

more about this.....CLICK HERE......


Need to 'refurbish' my blogs.....

I think i have to 'refurbished' this blogs soon...coz I easy felt bored with the same style and layout...insyaallah after I get the idea for research question....insyaallah....make it attractive and creative as you can...

I feel a lot things to do.....

After 2 days met my sv, I felt that I have work harder and harder after this...harder and smarter....lots things have to think and think..research question..research respondents...research sampling...research methodology...hypotheses development...conceptual model....all of this I have to complete it before January 2009...My sv said to me by jan 2009, I have to prepare my interim assessment(normally after 15-18 months register as phd student-meanwhile by Jan 2009...exactly 12 months...just not far anyway...your journey period more decrease day by day....)'s very challenging....

re;but in the same time I'm easy to sleep especially after iftar-normally I'll sleep until 'sahur' then continue back to sad with this me help me..I just can concentrate in school only with limited time...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Just back from met my supervisor.....erm..continue work to do...


Yesterday after met sv just for 45 minutes...I felt that I got some light at the end of the road...erm..what I mean...After discuss with sv regarding on my topic..I felt that I had cross-mind the way to more focus for my topic..I'm so sorry I can't reveal what the specific one(takmo org curi idea..maklumlah perjalanan masih jauh nie...)..It's enough that I could say that become I more excited and felt some 'feeling' with my topic now..In addition my sv keep praised me in the way of my communication (I know she try to give me some motivation.....) yearh although I always felt that I not show the good progress too much but she always said that I had been showed her the good job.... I'm always questioned on myself is it true but for motivation purpose is good to me too...then about journal,she ask me to proceed with some minor ammendments....hopefully I could settled my job by this week...For next meeting(after raya) I have to show my final research question(just single statement..)........She said to me when I go conference soon..normally people will ask about research question...So it's very important element in research!!!!!!!!!!!!

In addition start from this week too, I can come to school everyday because all my kids have been go school includes hanie...(she in 'school' too..)...

ya allah, thanks for everything for made my life more meaningful and easier now...and hopefully it's not just for temporary...but until at the end of my journey....

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Being weird person....

Masalahnya, bila Anda dah jadi orang luar biasa , yang rajin, yang cergas, yang bertenaga, kawan-kawan Anda masih dengan perangai biasa lalu mula menyisihkan Anda, kerana Anda luar biasa (berlainan dengan mereka). Bagaimana nak berdepan dengan situasi camni?

Pertama, tabahkan hati.
Orang-orang berjaya, akan sentiasa bersabar menempuh apa jua cabaran, termasuk disisihkan kawan yang dulu sama-sama ketawa, sama-sama menangis. Anda kena belajar berdikari.
Pada saat ini, tekad kena bulat, semangat kena kuat.
Biar Anda berani buat keputusan sendiri, menangis sendiri, juga sabarkan diri sendiri. Be independent!

Kedua, tekad terus jadi orang yang luar biasa sampai bila-bila.
Sebab, tak ramai orang sanggup berubah menjadi orang luar biasa, cuma segelintir saja seperti Anda. Anda adalah orang yang punya kecekalan, kerana Anda tekad berubah menjadi luar biasa , jadi Anda patut bangga!
Sekali lagi, gunakan reverse psikologi. Jika Anda di sisihkan, anggap yang mereka mahu melihat Anda berjaya, sebab mereka memberi Anda peluang untuk berusaha di jalan Anda sendiri, mereka tak masuk campur punya. Sebab? mereka tak paham erti menjadi orang luar biasa !

Ketiga, sentiasa bersangka baik dengan sesiapa saja.
Walau mereka selalu sindir Anda, memperbodoh-bodohkan Anda atau mempersendakan impian Anda, maafkan mereka, lupakan, lepas tu GO ON!
Ingat, walaupun sedikit Anda merasa sakit hati, maknanya emosi-emosi negatif mula menjangkiti Anda, menyebabkan Anda payah nak berfikiran positif. Semangat mudah turun jadinya.
Selalu bayangkan hidup Anda yang dah berjaya di masa depan seperti yang Anda mahukan, supaya Anda sentiasa bersemangat. Selalulah berimaginasi yang Anda dah memandu kereta idaman Anda, tinggal di rumah idaman Anda dan rasa bahagia bersama pasangan hidup Anda.
Cemana saya tahu semua ni? Sebab saya suka mengkaji sikap orang-orang luar biasa dan mereka yang dah lama berjaya!


Friday, September 12, 2008

Next week....

Erm...16 Sept..I have 10th meeting with my beloved supervisor...Today I prepared myself what I should present to her and list the agendas for our discussion...Hopefully this time it's more fruitful and she will gave more inputs that I need....

Motivational Touch

Today...I just found out from one of blogs that my nephew's son is motivator in Malaysia now...Wow...I'm proud with him...Long time ago...we're in same primary school...he is too shy when he was in childhood..but I know he is brilliant boy since primary school....Now he is one of motivator in one of academy in bangi and currently he was on tour to give motivation to students(not limited too..) who will take 'big' exam like UPSR,PMR and SPM....'apa kene mengena dgn aku ni???' erm..yes have relationship....
1- he is my family too...(anak sedara sepupu-son for my cousin-Mr Baharuddin)
2- after this i'll always get track with him get my motivation...although he is not have phd yet..but i know he is good enough for give me spirit....
3- when I down i'll look up hs writings or any things relevance to me....
4- with his young age-just 25 years old..he had produced one book about 'Bijak Berbicara Mencuit Rasa'..

More about him....

His official blogs

Friday, September 05, 2008

The Phd Process

Then finally I ended up with Chapter 7...The Phd Process..actually this book have 12 chapters..but the most relevance for me currently only these 3 chapters...
So..for this chapter,the action summary that I should take note....
  1. Be aware the psychological stages for go through on the way to destination(phd)...always discuss with supervisor....
  2. Use time plan to monitor overall progress and for motivation to continue on next stages..
  3. In every stages, list down the detailed tasks that should be carry out...
  4. With that, its easy to redefine any short -term goal or might be long term goals too
  5. Must have deadlines for every tasks
  6. If work as part time- ensure you get your rights..and must know how to manage time too..

The Form of A Phd Thesis..

Then continue to Chapter 6:The Form of A Phd Thesis..

Seems this topic is too early for me since I just started my journey 9 months ago..but as guidance from early I think it is not fault if I just higlighted a few actions that I should do later.....In addition I target to write up my proposal at least before January 2009.... insyaallah...
  1. Make sure the four elements included in the phd form(background theory,focal theory,data theory and contribution)
  2. Don't make your thesis longer than it should be sustain to the thesis
  3. Always know that only take very small step indeed with regard to the 'original' part of our work..
  4. Always discuss with supervisor about different ways to ensure thesis be the original
  5. Write thesis in readable English but still can use technical term as appropriate
  6. Start from beginning the footnote and references
  7. Take every opportunity to write reports,draft papers,critisims of other works etc
  8. Start write up which is the easiest section, it's ok if not in order yet...the method section..(like my hubby) maybe a good start.

How to do a research...

Today after searching some literature review(not get many relevan papers, erm..just 6 only..papers on combination of ..HC & KS), I felt that I'm lost guidance...where I took again book How to get Phd(Estelle M.Philip and Derek S.Pugh) and review back..I just look deeply back on few chapters...

So,I start with Chapter 5:How to do the end of had list some action summary for the reader....(the italics are my respons for every action)
  1. Consider very carefully the advantage of doing 'testing-out' research for your phd-I try my best right now...
  2. From observation and discussion with your supervisor or other academicians, construct a list of the craft practices that characterize good profesional researcher in your discipline-just on the way I think
  3. Aim to ensure that no procedure,technique,skill etc that is relevant to your project will be exercised by you there for the first time-It is impossible I think..
  4. Establish a peer support group with at least one other PhD student in ordr to give mutual criticism and encouragement and o act as monitor on time deadlines-anybody want to monitor..I don't think so..but at least have phd bloggers for knowledge sharing also enough..that is my opinion...
  5. Join electronic peer groups to widen your contacts-yearh I've joined KMTalk group...

Reward yourself based TimeBoxing...

Use Timeboxing

For tasks you've been putting off for a while, I recommend using the time boxing method to get started. Here's how it works: First, select a small piece of the task you can work on for just 30 minutes. Then choose a reward you will give yourself immediately afterwards. The reward is guaranteed if you simply put in the time; it doesn't depend on any meaningful accomplishment.Examples include watching your favorite TV show, seeing a movie, enjoying a meal or snack, going out with friends, going for a walk, or doing anything you find pleasurable. Because the amount of time you'll be working on the task is so short, your focus will shift to the impending pleasure of the reward instead of the difficulty of the task. No matter how unpleasant the task,there's virtually nothing you can't endure for just 30 minutes if you have a big enough reward waiting for you.When you timebox your tasks, you may discover that something very interesting happens. You will probably find that you continue working much longer than 30minutes. You will often get so involved in a task, even a difficult one, that you actually want to keep working on it.
Before you know it, you've put in an hour or even several hours. The certainty of your reward is still there, so you know you can enjoy it whenever you're ready to stop. Once you begin taking action, your focus shifts away from worrying about the difficulty of the task and towards finishing the current piece of the task which now has your full attention.When you do decide to stop working, claim your reward, and enjoy it. Then schedule another 30-minute period to work on the task with another reward.This will help you associate more and more pleasure to the task, knowing that you will always be immediately rewarded for your efforts. Working towards distant and uncertain long-term rewards is not nearly as motivating as immediate short-term rewards. By rewarding yourself for simply putting in the time, instead of for any specific achievements, you'll be eager to return to work on your task again and again, and you'll ultimately finish it.
You may also want to read my blog entry on time boxing.The writing of this article serves as a good example of applying the above techniques. I could have said to myself, "I have to finish this 2000-word article, and it has to be perfect." So first I remember that I don't have to write anything; I freely choose to write articles. Then I realize that I have plenty of time to do a good job, and that I don't need to be perfect because if I start early enough, I have plenty of time to make revisions. I also tell myself that if I just keep starting, I will eventually be done. Before I started this article, I didn't have a topic selected, so I used the time boxing method to get that done. Having dinner was my reward. I knew that at the end of 30 minutes of working on the task, I could eat, and I was hungry at the time, so that was good motivation for me. It took me a few minutes to pick the topic of overcoming procrastination, and I spent the rest of the time writing down some ideas and making a very rough outline. When the time was up, I stopped working and had dinner, and it really felt like I'd earned that meal.The next morning I used the same 30-minute time boxing method, making breakfast my reward. However, I got so involved in the task that I'm still writing 90 minutes later. I know I'm free to stop at any time and that my reward is waiting for me, but having overcome the inertia of getting started, the natural tendency is to continue working. In essence I've reversed the problem of procrastination by staying with the task and delaying gratification. The net result is that I finish my article early and have a rewarding breakfast.I hope this article has helped you gain a greater insight into the causes ofprocrastination and how you can overcome it.
Realize that procrastination is caused by associating some form of pain or unpleasantness to the task you arecontemplating. The way to overcome procrastination is simply to reduce the pain and increase the pleasure you associate with beginning a task, thus allowing you to overcome inertia and build positive forward momentum. And if you begin any task again and again, you will ultimately finish it.--

Part of article Procrastination by Steve Pavlina, CEO, Dexterity Software

For full version can click here...

For other version article on Procrasination click here

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Universiti Sains Malaysia has been chosen to be the country’s first Apex university.

The university was chosen based on its state of readiness, its transformation plan and preparedness for change.USM scored an upset against the older and the higher ranked Universiti Malaya, as well as beating Universiti Kebangsaan and Universiti Putra Malaysia, which had also been shortlisted.“It is not about the ranking. We are just choosing the most suitable one for the programme.“Apex is about the future. We are not talking about the position of the universities, but we are identifying one that can go leaps and bounds into excellence with government help,” said Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin here yesterday.
He added that USM’s transformation theme that could unify all its seven niche fields and its impressive Key Performance Index were among factors that convinced the ministry that it deserved the Apex status.The university’s five-year budgetary plan will be taken into consideration, with the government making a decision in the 2010 Budget.Bigwigs from the university will soon be called to discuss with the ministry a viable implementation plan for autonomy.The ministry also has another programme to develop centres of excellence within non-Apex universities.New or emerging institutions will also be given focus.“Being an Apex university is a long and transformative journey which the institution will have to undertake on its own.“Depending on USM’s performance, if it can stand on its own soon enough, then we can look into getting another university to be an Apex univer-sity.“But I expect USM to be ranked in the top 200 in the ratings such as the Times Higher Education Supplements ranking in five years, and ma-ke it into the top 100 by 2020.” In the latest THES ranking, USM is listed in 307th place, while UM is the highest ranked local university at 246th place.


***although I'm not product of USM..but I'm too proud of USM too..because during my secondary school..I always been in USM for excellent academic project for my PMR and SPM(it is because Chairman of PIBG normally from lecturer USM). Furthermore many of my siblings(KAK WA,KAK NA,MY BROTEHR IN LAW...ABG YUSOF),friends and cousin also graduated from USM..besides some of my friends also staff of USM.....CONGRATULATIONS USM....KEEP UP GOOD WORK...

My challenges for my country...

MyBrain15 dilancar 25 September ini
04/09/2008 4:03pm

Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi akan melancarkan program MyBrain15, hujung bulan
ini dalam usaha melahirkan kira-kira 100,000 penyelidik dan pekerja yang
mempunyai kelayakan ijazah doktor falsafah (Ph.D) menjelang 2010.
Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin berkata, program itu yang akan dilancarkan 25
September ini merupakan pelan jangka panjang yang termasuk dalam tujuh teras
utama Pelan Strategik Pengajian Tinggi Negara (PSPTN).
Pelan tersebut
katanya, merupakan manifestasi kerajaan untuk melihat kemajuan bidang pendidikan
tinggi negara terutama dalam bidang pembangunan dan penyelidikan (R&D).-



Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Today when read emails from UUM, found out that my senior colleagues got the phd awards...
Dimaklumkan bahawa Dr. Maznah Mat Kasim telah dianugerahkan Ijazah Doktor
Falsafah berkuatkuasa mulai 30 Jun 2008 oleh Senat UKM. Sementara Dr. Azizan
juga telah lulus viva yang diadakan pada 24 Ogos lalu di USM. Sekalung
tahniah buat mereka berdua. Diharapkan ramai lagi rakan-rakan kita
mendapat kejayaan seperti mereka.

Dr Zurni..

respond from Dr Azizan

Terima kasih Dr. Zurni atas penghargaan yang diberikan. Kepada rakan-rakan yang sedang cuti belajar sekarang diharapkan berusahalah bersungguh-sungguh dan jangan cepat putus asa kalau mungkin rasa masih tak nampak apa-apa sebab setiap masalah itu memang ada penyelesaiannya . Yang penting konsisten dalam study. Doa dari saya semoga semua akan mencapai kejayaan nanti...

erm..when read up the statements from Dr Azizan..feel i on air back..insyaallah every hardship will pay the succesfulship...insyaallah....Intan can do it for this journey....