Friday, December 31, 2010
Start from 1.1.2011 ~90 days more to go~
For ?????????????????????????????
'Kembali ke tanahair berkhidmat untuk negara insyaallah...'dgn izinnya Amin..............
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Like this videoclip.....
credit to MCOT member....sweet and nice impression about study in Manchester.............
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Just my 2 cent share.....................
Bila sebut tentang viva voce atau oral defence, macam-macam perkara terbayang di fikiran kita. Biasanya imej yang muncul semuanya imej yang kurang menarik, imej yang menggerunkan hingga terbawa-bawa ke alam mimpi dalam tidur yang tidak jerap. Banyak mitos (myth) yang sering kita dengar tentang proses viva ini: antara lainnya, garangnya examiners hingga terkunci mulut kita untuk membidas asakan-asakan akademik mereka (tak kisahlah bahasa Inggeris itu bahasa kedua atau bahasa ketiga, that is not an issue, in my humble opinion). Ada yang bercerita tentang panjangnya masa viva, dari 10 pagi hingga 6 petang. Ada yang bercerita tentang viva menjadi medan pertelingkahan antara internal examiner dengan supervisor kita (sekiranya supervisor kita turut hadir dalam sesi viva itu), atau antara sesama examiners itu sendiri. Dan ada pula yang menambah takutkan rasa dengan bercerita tentang keadaan mereka yang disoal bertubi-tubi dengan pertanyaan-pertanya an yang tidak ada kena mengena dengan tesis mereka. Rumusnya, tidak ada satu pun antara kisah lara ini yang memberikan gambaran yang indah tentang viva. Kisah-kisah sebegini selalunya menambahkan lagi kegusaran kita menghantar tesis, apatah lagi bila kita menyedari banyaknya kekurangan tesis kita. (Yalah dalam menyediakan tesis, sering terjadi, kita ini jadi over-ambitious. Kita mahukan tesis terbaik. Kononnya untuk meninggalkan impak pada dunia). Dalam puluhan pengalaman senior yang pernah saya dengar, ada juga yang bercerita tentang mudahnya viva mereka. Terdetik hati, biarlah viva aku juga seperti viva mereka. Biar ‘kesengsaraan’ kami sekeluarga selama empat tahun dibalas Allah dengan kesenangan.
Satu perkara yang sering penyelia saya ingatkan ialah ‘You are the Expert, Not Them.’ Pesanan ini berkali-kali beliau sebut setiap kali saya suarakan kebimbangan saya menghadapi cabaran viva (Rasanya masa tahun akhir tiap-tiap kali meeting isu inilah yang saya kemukakan sampai dia naik cemuih.) Pernah juga saya tanya, adakah apa-apa cara yang boleh saya buat untuk mengelak dari viva. Ketidaksediaan saya menghantar thesis mengikut timeframe yang dipersetujui juga ada kaitannya dengan viva. Waktu itu, memang saya tidak bersedia untuk ‘mempertahankan’ tesis saya. Penyelia saya amat memahami fenomema ini. Memang setiap PhD candidate akan rasa gusar. You tend to doubt your work and your ability. Sampai satu tahap, memang kita akan rasa tepu dengan penyelidikan kita. Bila sudah 'bosan' melihat tesis, saya akhirnya menghantar tesis saya dan kembali ke Malaysia. Tarikh viva sudah dimaklumkan enam bulan sebelum viva.
Kepanasan cuaca di Malaysia yang diselang seli dengan amaran Kedah akan dilanda banjir serta keseronokan menjamah hidangan-hidangan yang lazat di tanah air membuatkan saya alpa sebentar tentang viva. Apabila berakhirnya ‘bulan madu’ saya di Malaysia, saya kembali semula ke UK dengan rasa kekalutan yang berlipat kali ganda. Terfikir di benak saya, selama empat tahun saya sulami hidup dengan stress, air mata, dan kesiksaan, semua itu akan berakhir dengan hanya satu proses ini. The ultimate test dalam academic career saya. Bersediakah saya untuk menghadapi viva? Memang kaki terasa sejuk, kepala rasa berbahang, duduk memang tak kena, dan berdiri terasa nak tumbang.
Pada hari viva, barulah saya sedar bahawa saya sebenarnya sudah bersedia. Empat tahun ‘berperang’ dengan tesis menyebabkan saya kenal setiap kata, setiap frasa, setiap koma, dan setiap perenggan dalam tesis saya. Every single word is mine. Saya tidak sempat baca tesis dari cover ke cover sebab dalam waktu persediaan itu, saya lebih berminat untuk mencari bahan-bahan, just in case, saya diminta oleh examiners untuk buat penambahan. Saya juga menghabiskan banyak masa membaca lanjut tentang key proponents dan seminal works dalam bidang saya. Saya habiskan banyak masa mengulang semula teori-teori yang saya gunakan. Saya juga buat ulangkaji tentang methodology yang saya pakai. Saya meletakkan harapan bahawa bacaan-bacaan ini akan memberikan saya keyakinan.
Ada seniors pesan, baca tesis tiga kali dan bacalah Yassin sebanyak mungkin, Insya-allah, Allah akan permudahkan jalan (ada senior yang bawa naskah Yassin dan kitab Al-Qur’an ke dalam exam room. Saya terlupa pagi itu, maklum saja masih jet-lagged.). Saya setuju dengan saranan seniors saya. Tapi saya fikir, apa perlunya saya baca tesis berulang kali, kalau tesis yang sama sudah saya olah berkali-kali semasa membetulkan first draft dan final draft saya. Lebih baik saya buat persediaan untuk membetulkan tesis saya. Lebih baik saya cari kekurangan tesis saya. Ini penting untuk membuatkan kita lebih bersedia untuk menjawab congakan-congakan examiners sekiranya mereka ‘menyedari’ kelemahan tesis kita.
Setelah bersedia dengan jawapan-jawapan (answer key) bagi soalan-soalan yang bakal ditanya oleh examiners, saya mula membaca ayat-ayat Pelembut Hati serta ayat-ayat Lazim yang suami (Asrar Omar) cadangkan. Syukur Alhamdulillah, Allah permudahkan ujian ini untuk saya (Berkat doa semua). Lancar saja mulut menjawab soalan-soalan yang ditanya. Hilang rasa gentar tanpa saya sedar. Alhamdulillah, viva saya berlangsung dalam keadaaan yang tenang, mudah dan singkat. Hingga ke hari ini, viva saya, saya ibaratkan seolah-olah berlangsung dalam mimpi (to borrow my dad’s phrase). Tentang ayat-ayat Pelembut Hati dan ayat-ayat Lazim ini, saya sudah praktiskan semasa mock-viva. Kesannya, Alhamdulillah, sama juga, supervisor saya dan panel penyelidikan (Research Panel) juga seolah-olah simpati dengan saya (read: No difficult questions asked).
Saya akui tidak ada satu pun viva yang sama. Proses viva ini banyak bergantung pada individu (PhD candidates, supervisors, examiners) dan polisi universiti. Tetapi persediaan untuk viva itu, saya anggap sama sahaja untuk setiap bakal doctorate. Matlamat utama viva ialah untuk memastikan bahawa kajian itu kajian kita. Juga untuk memastikan yang kita memahami kajian yang kita buat. Bahawa kita berupaya melontarkan semula penemuan-penemuan kajian kita (detailing our findings and the implications of our research) dengan yakin serta kita mendalami methodology yang kita gunakan.
Di bawah ini saya ‘perturunkan’ soalan-soalan yang kerap ditanya (recurring questions) semasa viva. Semoga rakan-rakan semua dapat manfaat dari soalan-soalan ini yang saya kutip dari bacaaan yang dibuat sepanjang empat tahun berjuang. Antara soalan-soalannya ialah:
• Why did you choose this topic for your doctoral study?
o How did you develop an interest in this subject?
o Could you tell us a bit about how you came to do this research?
o What made you want to do research on this?
• Would you please summarize your thesis for us? Could you first summarize the main points of your thesis?
• What are the main achievements of your research?
• What would you say are the key people in your field today?
o What are the major theoretical strands in this area: what are the crucial ideas and who are the main contributors?
• How did you arrive at your conceptual framework?
o What made you select these models of ------?
o How did you decide upon the variable to include in your conceptual framework?
o How did you use your conceptual framework to design your research and analyse your findings?
o What are the theoretical components of your framework?
• What is the link between your research questions and your hypothesis?
o Why did you reject other methods?
o What are the pros and cons of the methods you choose?
o Why did you reject the others?[
• How did you arrive at your research design?
o What other forms of research did you consider?
o How would you explain your research approach?
o Why did you select this particular design for your research?
o What is the link between your conceptual framework and your choice of methodology and how would you defend that methodology?
o Can you explain where the data can be found and why your design is the most appropriate way of accessing that data?
• How would you justify your choice of methodology?
o Please tell us more about your methodology.
o Why did you choose the particular research methodology that you used?
o What are the limitations in the design? Are you aware of them?
o What precautions were taken against likely sources of bias?
o Why did present this in the form of a case study?
o What choices of research approach did you consider as you planned your research?
o Can you tell us about the ‘quasi-experimental’ research that you used?
o If you were doing this research again, would you consider using any other research methodology?
• Why did you decide to use XYZ as your main instrument (s)?
o How do your methods relate to your conceptual framework?
o Why did you choose to use those methods of data collection?
o How did you handle the data that came from open-ended question?
• How did you select your respondents/ subjects/ materials?
o Why did you choose these respondents/ subjects rather than other respondents/ subjects/ materials – how do you justify that choice?
o What is the relationship between your respondents, the research design and the conceptual framework?
• How did you arrive at your conceptual conclusions?
o What are your conceptual conclusions?
• How generalisable are your findings – and why?
o How did you triangulate your data?
o How did you analyse your data, and how did you arrive at meanings from that analysis?
o How did you relate the various stages of your research one to another?
• What is your contribution to knowledge?
o How important are your findings – and to whom?
o How do your major conclusions link to the work of SO and SO? (for instance)
o How do you explain your research outcomes?
o Explain what is new in your research.
o Tell us how your work differs from that of XYZ.
o Do you think your research will influence others?
• What is original about your work?
o What sets your work apart from others?
o What do you think you produced that was really new?
• We would like you to criticize your thesis for us.
o How else might you have undertaken your research?
o What are the strengths and weaknesses of your research?
o What would you differently if you repeated your research?
• Did your study turn out as you expected?
• How do you see research developing in the next five years?
• What are YOU going to do after you gain your doctorate?
o What are you going to publish from your thesis?
o What is your plan for publication?
o Why did you really want to undertake doctoral study?
• What do you see as the limitations/ weaknesses of your thesis?
• Can you please tell us more about the controversial papers that you referred to in your thesis?
• What haven’t we asked you that we should have done, and what would your answer have been?
Rujukan: Trafford, V. and Leshem, S. (2002) ‘Starting at the end to undertake doctoral research: Predictable Questions as Stepping Stones’, Higher Education Review, 35: 31-49; Partington, J., Brown, G. and Gordon, G. (1993) Handbook for External Examiners in Higher Education, Sheffield: UK Universities’ Staff Development Unit and the Universities of Kent and Leeds; Murray, Rowena (2003) How to Survive your Viva, Berkshire: Open University Press; Rugg, Gordon and Petre, Marian (2004) The Unwritten Rules of PhD Research, Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Banyak lagi soalan-soalan lain yang mungkin ditanya yang berkait rapat dengan bidang kita. Ada soalan-soalan ini bertindan (overlapped), jadi jawapan yang perlu kita berikan mungkin jawapan yang sama. Dan juga, tidak semua soalan di atas boleh diguna pakai dalan bidang rakan-rakan. Semasa viva saya, saya turut ditanya soalan-soalan ini:
• What was the most significant finding to come out of your research?
• What were the obstacles that you encountered while carrying out this research?
• How would you distinguish between these two concepts? Concept X and concept Z?
• What do you think about XYZ? (Ini One Million Dollar Question sebab soalan ini memang tidak berkaitan langsung dengan tesis saya, mahupun bidang saya.)
Praktislah untuk mendapatkan jawapan-jawapan yang diturunkan di atas. Insya-allah, rakan-rakan akan lebih yakin untuk menghadapi viva rakan-rakan nanti. Soalan-soalan ini nampak sukar (very daunting) untuk dijawab, tetapi jawapannya memang tersedia ada di dalam tesis kita.
Tips lain yang dianggap penting dalam proses penyelidikan PhD dan Viva (not in any specific order):
(i) UNDANGLAH penyelia HANYA sekiranya penyelia kita mempunyai hubungan yang rapat dengan internal, atau sekiranya penyelia kita tidak begitu rapat dengan internal. Pastikan juga bahawa penyelia kita tidak pernah mempunyai sebarang isu dengan external examiner kita. Dalam kes saya, external saya seorang Professor yang terkenal dalam bidang beliau dari University of London , penyelia saya juga seorang Professor yang terkenal dalam bidang beliau. Saya tahu sebelum viva bahawa penyelia saya tidak mengenali external saya kerana masing-masing mendalami bidang yang berbeza, external examiner dalam bidang Philology and Traditional Malay Literature, kepakaran penyelia saya pula, Classical French Literature. (Banyak ‘horrifying stories’ yang kita dengar tentang internal atau external examiner yang ‘attack’ tesis seseorang ‘candidate’ hanya kerana mereka tidak ‘bersependapat’ dengan penyelia kita. So, better be safe. Kalau sudah tahu, tidak perlu invite supervisor kita. Ini nasihat dari seniors saya.)
(ii) Jangan tunjukkan RASA RENDAH DIRI semasa mempertahankan tesis kita. Jangan MINTA MAAF atas kekurangan tesis kita. Seboleh-bolehnya kita perlulah ‘menjual’ kajian kita. Kalaupun kekurangan tesis amat jelas, kita boleh tegaskan bahawa kita hanya menyedari kekurangan tesis itu selepas tesis diserahkan. Dan nyatakan persediaan kita untuk menambah baik tesis kita, sekiranya perlu. Sekiranya pihak examiners minta kita buat pembetulan pada mana-mana konsep yang mereka tidak setuju, jangan cepat bersetuju. Mereka mungkin hanya ingin menguji kita. (Remember: It is your Masterpiece)
(iii) Viva ialah satu-satunya peluang untuk kita BERBINCANG DARI HATI KE HATI tentang tesis kita. Jadikan ia sebagai satu platform untuk kita berbincang lanjut tentang research findings (i.e. contributions) , implications serta obstacles yang kita hadapi semasa membuat penyelidikan kita. Bukan selalu dapat peluang nak bercerita tentang research kita dengan orang yang benar-benar berminat-kan. (Kalau examiners tidak berminat dengan kajian kita, tidak mungkin mereka bersetuju untuk mem’buang’ masa mereka membaca tesis kita).
(iv) Jangan ambil ringan KEASLIAN tesis kita. Jangan ambil mudah dengan mengupah individu tertentu, misalnya untuk membuat preliminary study, menulis tesis kita, menyediakan literature review atau questionnaires. Perkataan ‘cincai’ atau ‘susah’ perlu dikikis terus dalam kamus penyelidikan kita. Kalaupun kita masih boleh menghabiskan tesis dengan jayanya, kita mungkin ‘tersangkut’ semasa disoal dalam viva. What goes around comes around. (Ini belum lagi tersangkut apabila disoal Allah s.w.t di Akhirat. Halal haram hasil gaji yang diterima kesan lulus PhD juga perlu kita timbangkan. Peringatan ini untuk juga diri saya sendiri).
(v) Jangan KEDEKUT ilmu. Lagi banyak kita berkongsi ilmu, lagi banyak pulangan yang akan kita dapat. (Bab ini saya rasa semua orang dah tahu.) Biarlah orang tidak mahu berkongsi maklumat dengan kita, yang pentingnya kita perlu bantu bila ada yang perlukan bantuan. Balasan dari Allah, lebih-lebih lagi berlipat kali ganda.
(vi) Jangan BERKIRA untuk berhabis wang untuk penyelidikan kita. Sering terdengar rakan-rakan yang mengeluh (termasuk diri saya sendiri) banyaknya yang perlu kita habiskan untuk buat PhD, walaupun yuran dibayar oleh sponsor. Prinsip saya, ini satu pelaburan. Walaupun terpaksa menghabiskan duit, bergolok gadai, serta buat pinjaman dari institusi kewangan/FAMA, untuk membeli buku-buku, melanggan journal, menempah artikel journal, membuat inter-library loan, membeli research equipment, membeli software dan menjadi ahli persatuan tertentu, pengorbanan ini akan terbayar juga.
(vii) Selalu ingatkan diri bahawa PhD ini hanyalah satu proses dalam hidup kita yang memilih bidang akademik/ untuk career advancement. Kita bukan mahu menghasilkan sesuatu setanding Nobel Prize, ataupun membina ‘monument’ (memetik kata-kata seorang teman, Prof. Madya Dr. Nuraini Yusof). Tidak ada siapa yang memaksa. Keikhlasan untuk belajar ini mesti sentiasa ada. Ini tidak bererti kita menzalimi anak-anak, suami/isteri dan keluarga dengan mengurangkan masa kita bersama mereka semasa kita sedang belajar. Doa mereka, khususnya anak-anak kita, bagi mereka yang berkeluarga amat penting. Pengorbanan ini tidak mereka minta. [Who are we kidding?] Saya memegang ingatan bahawa RESTU suami dan keluarga amat penting semasa saya belajar dan menghadapi viva. Tanpa doa mereka, tidak mungkin saya boleh berjaya.
Ada orang bertanya apa perasaan saya terhadap viva saya. Jawapan saya, ‘It was an anti-climax.’ Mungkin kerana saya amat berharap untuk berbincang lanjut tentang penyelidikan yang saya buat selama empat tahun. Mungkin kerana sebagai seorang ibu yang baru saja melahirkan ‘seorang anak’ (submitting a thesis and facing a viva, to my mind, is similar to giving birth), saya ‘excited’ untuk bercerita tentang pengalaman saya ‘mengandung’ dan ‘cabaran-cabaran’ yang saya lalui. It was a let-down, not be heard fully, of one’s research experience and research findings. But then again, it’s a blessing from Allah to be given a problem-free viva.
Recommended Reading
Berry, Ralph. (1986) How to Write a Research Paper, Oxford : Pergamon.
Dunleavy, Patrick (2003) Authoring a PhD: How to Plan, Draft, Write and Finish a Doctoral Dissertation, Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan.
Hart, Christopher. (1999) Doing a Literature Review: Releasing the Social Science Research Imagination, London : SAGE.
Finn, John A. (2005) Getting a PhD: An Action Plan to Help Manage your Research, your Supervisor and your Project, London and New York: Routledge.
Murray, Rowena (2002) How to Write a Thesis, Buckingham: Open University Press.
Murray, Rowena (2003) How to Survive your Viva, Berkshire : Open University Press.
Phillips, Estelle. M. and Pugh, D. S. (2000) How to Get a PhD: A Handbook for Students and their Supervisors, Buckingham: Open University Press.
Rugg, Gordon and Petre, Marian (2004) The Unwritten Rules of PhD Research, Berkshire : Open University Press.
Whisker, Gina (2001) The Postgraduate Research Handbook, Basingstoke : Palgrave.
Zerubavel, E. (1999) The Clockwork Muse: A Practical Guide to Write Thesis, Dissertations and Books, Harvard: Harvard University Press.
Online Resources:
Focus, Trent – Resources for Writers (http://www.trentfoc
Rudner, Lawrence M. and Schaefer, William D. (1999) ‘How to Write a Scholarly Research Report’ (http://pareonline. net/getvn. asp?v=6&n=13)
Kerlin, B. (1998) The pursuit of the PhD: Is it Good for your Health? (http://kerlin. net/bobbi/ research/ health.html).
Levine, S. J. (2002) Writing and Presenting your Thesis or Dissertation (http://www. learnersassociat #30)
Samuelowicz, Katherine ‘PhD: first thoughts to finished writing’ (http://www.tedi. phdwriting/)
Thesis Writing Resources (http://www. research/ current/thesiswr iting.html)
Wolfe, Joe ‘How to write a PhD thesis’ (http://www.phys. au/-jw/thesis. html)
‘Word usage in scientific writing’ (http://www. ag.iastate. edu/aginfo/ checklist. html)
Teruskan perjuangan rakan-rakan semua. Maaf saya pohon kalau ada kata-kata yang menjeruk rasa.
Aza-aza Fighting!
Bekas orang kampung di Faraday Avenue,Manchester
PENULIS : Dr Sharifah Fazliyaton Sheikh Ismail
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Unfinished mission- C...D...E..................
C- Correction- 2 in 1- my big aim and another one is DEIT 2011 paper ...I target to settle down before deliver my baby by end of January 2011
D-Deliver- new baby this coming 29 Jan 2011, may everything will going on smoothly......even this is my fourth time, nervous and cautios feelings still exists.....
E-Extension visa, have to submit the application since our visa will expire by end of January 2011 and we only can back the earliest time is after March 2011 because my spouse still have to achieve his aim like me as well.....and to make sure myself is strong enough after deliver...................
May everything will be easy and not so many barriers for me insyaallah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These pictures during my 'aim achieved ' day....10 days ago...........
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Buat ingatan untuk semua dan untuk diri sendiri~wallahualam~
Petikan ulasan firman Alquran di atas daripada buku 'Bila Allah Menduga Kita':Syed Alwi Alatas:-
'Pada kenyataannya,rasa senang yang berlebihan boleh membuatkan kita lalai dan lupa diri.Di satu pihak,kegembiraan itu boleh membuat kita lupa untuk bersyukur.Kita lupa dengan siapa yang telah memberikan nikmat itu kepada kita dan kita meletakkan semua kemenangan dan kejayaan kita sepenuhnya atas kemampuan kita sendiri.Orang yang gembira secara berlebihan biasanya berkecenderungan tinggi untuk berbangga diri.Sekiranya dia menyedari bahawa segala sesuatu itu datang dari Allah,tentu dia tidak perlu merasa kesenangannya secara berlebihan, yang akan membuatkan seseorang lupa dengan kemungkinan yang akan dihadapinya di masa depan'[m/s:85]
Mudahan2 kita semua tergolong dalam golongan yang sentiasa bersederhana dalam segala aspek kehidupan...Amin.....
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, December 09, 2010
My strength in my journey life..............
They are my strength in my phd journey beside their daddy too...................
I love them so much...........................
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
I'm proud with her.............
Rose Alinda Alias is thankful to Allah SWT for all blessings incl the VK6/Grade B Professor promotion announced by the VC at the UTM Monthly Assembly yesterday, coinciding with Maal Hijrah 1432. The new year brings renewed energy to give my best for UTM and the ummah. My deepest gratitude to my husband, parents, children, family and fri...ends for their continued support of my academic mission/career. Alhamdulillah and Allahu Akbar!
Even though I know my journey to be like her is very far away yet(just make it as my another dream at this moment)......but I'm very proud to being her student one time ago......Even though my background have big gaps between her and me...but the reality, nothing is impossible.........Amin........
Monday, December 06, 2010
Sunday, December 05, 2010
Concern on sharing from my friend.................
Some notes about the viva:
1. Both examiners will have read the dissertation prior to the viva
2. They will meet briefly before they see you to discuss their views and to decide what questions need to be asked and by whom
3. The viva will take place in the designated room and you will be invited in once the examiners are ready
4. Your supervisor will introduce you to the examiners
5. You will then be asked to give a short introduction to your dissertation (approx 10mins). It is best if this is just a verbal introduction and NOT a powerpoint presentation (see the note A below for what to cover). The main purpose of the viva is for the examiners to ask you questions, so most of the time should be spent on this.
6. The examiners will ask you questions about the work you have done with a view to satisfying them that you have met the criteria for a PhD Award. (see note B below)
7. Once the examiners have finished (usually after about two hours), you will be asked to leave the room
8. The examiners will decide on the outcome (see note C below for possible outcomes)
9. you will invited back into the room and told the outcome by the External Examiner
10. If any further work is needed then this will be detailed in writing and a deadline for completion will be agreed
11. If no further work is needed then it will be congratulations all round!
Note A
The verbal introduction should be in your own words. You can use notes to prompt you, but preferably you should speak directly to the examiners.
It should cover:
1. Your name, the title of your dissertation
2. Your motivation for doing the PhD and this topic in particular (include something of your previous education and experience)
3. Key researchers and key publications in the field
4. The aims of your dissertation (what you were trying to achieve)
5. How you went about it (what methods you used and why)
6. What you achieved
7. what ideally you would have liked to achieve
8. what further work could be done
9. what publications have arisen from the research (and/or planned publications)
Note B
• evidence that aims and objectives were achieved
• evidence of originality and independent critical judgement
• addition to knowledge in the field of study
Note C
Broadly speaking the categories are:
1. Award PhD no corrections
2. Award PhD subject to minor corrections
3. Refer for Re-examination: Permit resubmission with further work and with or without a further viva
4. Reject – Re-submission not permitted
See University Handbook for full details
L.A.Macaulay March 2010
source:from my Doctorate friend~Dr Nazean~
just my 2 cent sharing...just for my future preparation..........................
Friday, December 03, 2010
'Mengupas' lirik nasyid
-orange font-lirik lagu
-red font-kupasan jujur dari aku
Pernah hati ini terguris
Seingat aku masa tahun pertama....aku selalu menerima 'kritikan' yang negatif terhadap diri dan anak2
Dengan fitnah dan tohmahan menghiris
Orang memberi persepsi yang negatif apabila mengetahui aku dan suami belajar dgn anak2 yang masih kecil...termasuk anak2 pun ditegur...dimana saiz mereka yang agak kecil dengan umur mereka sehingga kini
Sehingga terasa diri ini hina
Aku memang terasa sedih dan lemah semangat sepanjang tahun pertama...dengan tiada famili di sisi-jauh di Malaysia
Kerana tiada siapa yang sudi membela
Aku cuba meluahkan perasaan kepada yang sudi mendengar...ada yang sudi mendengar tapi hanya segelintir ..
Kutabahkan hatiku harungi hidup
Namun aku cekalkan hati dengan sokongan moral suami dan bonda tercinta di Malaysia
Biarpun tiada siapa yang menemani
Hanya suami dan anak2 lah penguat semangat ku sepanjang hidup di rantau ini
Keseorangan aku di laluan sepi
Bonda dan keluarga tersayang semuanya di Malaysia, termasuklah sahabat2 karib ku
Ditinggalkan mereka yang kupercayai
Bukanlah ditinggalkan, aku yang terpaksa meninggalkan buat sementara waktu demi sebuah perjuangan ini
Namun ku tahu ada hikmahnya
Aku cuba belajar meredhai
Setiap segala yang menimpa diri
Dengan apa yang telah ditakdirkan buat diri ini
Kuserahkan segala padaMu Tuhan
Setiap kali solat, padaMu lah aku mengadu
Yang berkuasa jua mencipta
Yang Maha Mendengar dan Maha Mengasihani
Kerana engkau Maha Mengetahui
Moga aku sentiasa merasakan kebergantungan terhadapMu
Segala apa yang terbuku di hati
Kerana hanya padaMu yang mengetahui segalanya
Ya Allah tidakku terdaya lagi
Namun di tahun ketiga ini, aku merasakan perjuangan aku PERLU menemui titik noktahnya
Menahan dugaan yang mencabar ini
Janganlah engkau memanjangkan lagi tempoh perjuangan yang penuh dengan cabaran ini
Terasa bagai noktah telah kutemui
Mohon padaMu agar aku dapat menamatkan perjuangan ini secepat mungkin
Mengakhiri segala yang telah kumulai
Dengan kejayaan yang dinanti2kan oleh semua pihak.....terutamanya famili tersayang
Ya Allah engkau lindungilah aku
Namun aku sedar banyak lagi ujian yang perlu ditempuh
Bekalkanlah daku dengan limpahan iman
Kuatkanlah semangatku, Cekalkanlah hatiku
Agar tabahku menghadapi dugaan
Supaya aku 'lulus' dengan ujian2 Mu ini
Agar tidakku terhenti di pertengahan
Dan tidak pulang ke Malaysia dengan 'tangan kosong'
Kini di sini aku berdiri
Aku pasrah padamu
Bersama harapan yang tulus suci
Moga aku berjaya menggapai apa yang dijuangkan
Agar terbitlah kembali mentari pagi
Semoga kejayaan milik aku dan suami
Setelah malamku berkalut benci
Setelah kami menempuhi segala keperitan hidup di rantau orang hampir 42 bulan insyaallah(sehingga Jun 2011 kelak....)
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Tukar topik sikit boleh?
nampak macam takda kaitan pun dengan penyelidkan aku ni...tapi aku je yang tahu ada ke takda...sebenarnya secara tidak langsung memang ada..............dari segi 'penajaman' pemahaman aku terhadap apa yang aku kaji dengan siri2 penyiasatan yang aku ikuti ini......cumanya siri CSI ini ianya lebih kepada pendekatan positivism~scientifc investigation, apa yang aku kaji lebih kepada interpretivism~subjectivity research...apa2pun aku enjoy dengan minat ini...sapa pun tak boleh halang kan?????satu lagi siri penyiasatan yang aku minati iaitu~ The MENTALIST- siri yang lebih kepada pendekatan psikologi....nanti aku ceritakan di entri akan datang.......................
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Cepat atau lambat bukan ukuran.....................
Dan saya perlu ingatkan diri saya bahawa PhD bukanlah satu perlumbaan atau peraduan yang barang siapa berjaya ke garisan penamat lebih awal maka dialah pemenangnya. Sebab, tiadanya satu kayu pengukur yang jelas tentang apa yang dipelajari, seberapa banyak yang dipelajari atau berapakah tahap kesukarannya, dan apakah faktor-faktor kesukaran itu. Jadi saya tak perlu rasa bagus kalau saya habis PhD pada masa 3 tahun atau kurang, dan saya tak perlu rasa teruk kalau terlebih had. Hanya kita tahu adakah kita telah menang atau tidak. Setujukah?
Aku sangat setuju dgn kata2 sahabatku ini......
Dan aku bersyukur sangat kerana pihak majikanku dah pun meluluskan tempoh perlanjutan(yang sepatutnya berakhir 31.12.2010) untuk perjuangan ku dan suami ku di sini......Insyaallah..sampai masanya akan ku tamatkan perjuangan ini secepat mungkin......selewat2nya 30.6.2011...Amin......................
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
39th meeting
no details preparation due to my health was not so good since last week.
Hopefully my sv will okay with the agendas that I plan to discuss with her.
My long journey almost going completed to 36th months next month and my number of meetings is quite similar with the number of months of my journey- just imagine how seldomly I have opportunity meet my sv.....the another challenges for me
I also have another 'journey' which will due next Jan 2011-at this moment 30 weeks already(the 'ticker of this journey is located at the bottom of this blog .....)
-pray for this 'journey' will successful journey insyaallah!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Links from my Friendster blogs
and so I think I have other 25 entries from this Friendster blogs....(however, at this moments no updates anymore....)
Monday, November 08, 2010
Bekerja dari rumah...........
Memandangkan kaki kiriku 'leg cramps'(tarik mengkarung) sekali lagi semlm dan kalau ke sekolah memang aku perlukan tenaga kaki yang agak banyak....jadi aku hanya buat kerja sekolah dari rumah....di tambah lagi dengan 'heartburn' yang kembali menyerang......di rumah..semuanya dekat ..tandas, dapur, peti ais dan juga katil(godaan) tapi insyaallah dengan nekad dan niat yang ikhlas, perancangan ku untuk siapkan kerja sekolah akan berjalan sebaik mungkin sebagaimana di sekolah....amin.........
pst: ada hati nak berkongsi pengalaman seronok ke tak seronok belajar di tempat orang....tunggu entri akan datang...
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Hari Penat Sedunia...........
Hanya aku yang tahu......
Moga aku terus diberi kekuatan untuk menempuhi hari2 yang mendatang yang sememangnya penat je aku rasa.
Orang takkan faham apa yang aku lalui dan memang kadang2 aku tak mahu orang faham apa yang ku tempuhi selama ini.
Cukup sekadar aku nukilkan di sini memang kehidupan sebagai aku sangat memenatkan.
Tidak ada yang paksa untuk aku menjadi begini.
Mungkin sudah tertulis di Luh Mahfudz suratan hidup ku sebegini...
Redha dan Tekad menjadi prinsip hidup ku selama ini
Walaupun di keliling aku menganggap aku ni 'kuat' dan sebagainya
Tapi sebenarnya aku ni insan hanyalah sebutir pasir yang ditakdirkan bernama Intan....................................
Senandung rindu mendayu
Mengiring langkah yang makin tersungkur
Terlalu jauh pendakian
Begitu tingginya harapan
Bermusim lama mencari
Tak ku temui sampai kini
Tak henti jiwa dipalu
Dugaan demi dugaan menguji
Rebah dan bangun sendirian
Mencari bumbung perteduhan
Mereka riang tertawa
Aku hanya sebatang kara
Perjalanan masa
Mengajar hati
Semakin tabah kini
Di dalam kemarau dan gerimis
Aku tetap tabah mengharungi
Aku bagaikan sebutir pasir
Yang lemah lagi kerdil
Teguhkan keimanan jiwaku
Agar tidak terpesong darimu
Beribu teman ketawa
Payah ku temu
Yang sanggup bersatu
Di dalam susah dalam senang
Yang hadir cuma kepalsuaan
Dugaan demi dugaan
Aku pasrah menadah tangan
Note- sekalung tahniah buat teman hidupku yang sudah berjaya dlm Internal Evaluation(selangkah lagi kemajuan untuk dirinya sebelum langkah terakhir iaitu- VIVA tidak lama lagi ...diri ini hanya sempat dedikasikan lagu ini untuk mu buat pemangkin semangat!!!!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Got opportunity for me.................
I think one of reason because of Malaysians are friendly person.....
the source
Japan has fewest digital friends
Mouse and keyboard More people are accessing news via digital means
Malaysians have the most friends on their social networks, while Japanese users have the fewest.
This is one of the findings of a large-scale research project, looking at online behaviour around the globe.
It also found that digital sources are overtaking TV, radio and newspapers as the media channel of choice for 61% of the online population around the world.
The study, conducted by research firm TNS, interviewed 50,000 consumers in 46 countries for the study.
In Malaysia the average number of friends is 233, closely followed by 231 in Brazil and 217 in Norway.
Continue reading the main story
Related stories
* Smartphone overseas web warning
* Facebook driving mobile net usage
This contrasts to an average of just 29 friends in Japan, and 68 in China.
The results could suggest "a culture that embraces fewer but closer friendships," thinks TNS's chief development officer Matthew Froggatt.
As well as having the most friends, Malaysians are also the heaviest users of social networking sites, spending an average of nine hours per week on them.
It is followed by Russia, where people spend an average 8.1 hours per week online and Turkey where 7.7 hours a week are spent on social networks.
Socially mobile
The study found that consumers are now spending more time on social networking sites than using e-mail.
This is fuelled in part by the rise in mobile net access.
In the US, a third of online consumers expect to be accessing social networks via their mobile phones over the next 12 months, compared to a quarter via a PC.
In Sweden, over half said they would access social networks via mobile and just a quarter cited the traditional PC.
National crisis
The importance of social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter is being explored in a separate study at the University of East London.
Researchers are using three British cities - London, Birmingham and Carlisle, to study whether social networks could help save lives in the event of a national crisis.
"We are working on the premise that, as technological advances continue, the traditional mediums of television and radio may become usurped in their potency in terms of delivering important messages to society at large," said Professor John Preston, who is leading the project.
The TNS study, which the researchers hope will become an annual project, also found that countries newer to the digital world are embracing online activities at a faster rate to those in more mature markets.
In China four out of five users have written their own blog, compared to only 32% in the US.
"In rapid growth markets...users are embracing these new channels in much more active ways. The digital world is transforming how they live, develop and interact," said Mr Froggatt.
in my FB account itself at this moment, I have 523 friends...but sometimes actually my real friends I have in FB are not more 10 friends only.......BUT I like privacy settings in the FB functions.....more unknown things which I have to explore yet...........
Friday, October 08, 2010
Rindu pada famili di Malaysia tika ini.............
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Semalam aku kelukaan,kecewa kehampaan,mencalar ketabahan,mimpi yang sering ku harapkan,menjadi kenyataan,namun tak kesampaian.
Allah…Inginku hentikan langkah ini,bagaikan tak mampu untuk ku bertahan,semangat tenggelam,lemah daya,haruskah aku mengalah,namun jiwaku berbisik,inilah dugaan.
Dan langkahku kini terbuka,pada hikmah dugaan,uji keimanan (menguji keimanan),tak dilontarkanNya ujian,di luar kekuatan,setiap diri insan.
Allah…Pimpinlah diriku,tuk bangkit semula,meneruskan langkah,perjuangan ini,cekalkan hati dan semangatku,kurniakan ketabahan,agar mimpi jadi nyata,padaMu ku meminta.
Daku mohon agung kudratMu,wahai Tuhan yang satu,segalanya dariMu.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Jgn tiru mcm saya........
masa tahun pertama aku cuba kategorikan mengikut Knowledge Sharing(KS),Knowledge Management(KM),Reserach Methodology(RM) tapi skrg ni dah makin susah buat mcm tu...jadinya aku cuba ikut bab2, tapi kesudahannya, dokumen2 ku tetap terabur....tercampur aduk yg dah 'cite' dgn yg belum/tidak 'cite'....Dulu beriya-iya guna End Note...tapi nampak seakan tak dpt membantu 100% utk sistem Harvard yg digunapakai di univ ini, memandangkan ia tidak 100% sama dgn sistem Harvard dlm End Note...kesudahannya susun manual je la jwbnya...jawabnya, masih ada rujukan2 ku yang 'tercicir',walau dah hampir seminggu fokus ku hanya kepada pengemaskinian rujukan yang sangat renyah, walaupun nampak mudah.......aku ni nama je fokus dlm bidang pengurusan pengetahuan(knowledge management) tapinya pengetahuan aku dalam pengurusan dokumen sangat tidak praktikal!!!!!Malunya.......tapi disebabkan pengkhususan yang terperinci aku adalah kelakuan perkongsian pengetahuan(knowledge sharing behaviour), dengan jujurnya aku ingin kongsikan pengalaman yang tak seberapa ini, dgn nasihat ...jangan la mencontohi saya hal2 pengurusan dokumen ini...memang sangat 'chicky'..............kalau dari segi 'survivor' bolehla nak share sikit2....tapi perkongsian aku ada caranya yang tersendiri(lebih kepada tersirat daripada tersurat)......wallahualam...............
Monday, September 20, 2010
Ku Percaya Ada Cinta......................
Wujudnya cinta yang sejati
Tidak hati ini
Semenjak dari mula
Ku yakin ada cinta
Cintalah yang memungkinkan segala
Ku rela..
Biar betapapun perit tertusuk duri
Jalan berliku tiada bertepi
Ku percaya..
Tidak sia-sia aku diuji
Demi cinta..
Tersembunyi hikmahnya pasti
Pandang-pandang alam ini
Sambil pandang difikiri
Mana bumbung langit tinggi
Mana lantai bumi
Tiap satu yang terjadi
Tidak mungkin tersendiri
Cuba cari jawapannya andai meragui
Ku rela
Biar betapa pun perit tertusuk duri
Jalan berliku tiada bertepi
Ku percaya
Tidak sia-sia aku duji
Ada hikmahnya pasti
Sejak mula ku percaya ada cinta
Cinta itu memungkinkan segalanya
Cinta suci
Dan abadi…
CINTA dlm konteks aku buat masa sekarang adalah 'perjalanan' ku yang panjang ini menuju keakhirat yg abadi................
Friday, September 17, 2010
After almost 3 weeks no updates.....
Dapatkan Mesej Bergambar di Sini
Back to normal life as student now.....At school together with my spouse when all my kids go to school ....almost 5 hours(9.30 a.m until 2.30 p.m) ...then at home just concentrate to kids again......
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Just 15 days left.....@ Aku mesti kuat!!!!!!!!!!![episod 2]
For me, my effort on phd work for this month is just in very minimum level because I prefer to focus more on 'ibadah' to Almighty and with that, I feel so calm and peaceful....It doesn't mean before this I ignore my responsibility to Him....but this month I feel some different feelings with all this 'performance'......what is the 'performance' that I mean???I think I should not to reveal avoid 'riak' feelings came to me....just enough that matter is between me and Almighty only...
In addition, since my sv still in holiday due to summer break in university(normally in UK, majority of academicians always take their annual leave during this summer break in August), so that factor also makes myself feel like I was in 'home mini holiday' I mentioned in the previous entry, I just looking my phd work in night only;almost 2 or 3 hours. In day, my activity just full with 'mingle' around with my girls within housekeeping core alternate with sleep( very heaven when got sleep in a day!!!!!!!!!!!) and cook for iftar n sahur.....why I can sleep in a day..since during night I have to stay awake until sahur to avoid from us to miss sahur....I feel I like an 'owl'....even though my work just in minimum effort, I still prepare my plan and so far my plan is on track....and I always, I wish I could achieve my target before I meet again my sv end of this Sept(it means few weeks after Eid ul Fitr)...wish me all the best.......even now swing mood always came to me...I must be strong to handle it....
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Just one job settled.....
my first 'owe' job has been done yesterday..hopefully it'll okay ...SPARC 2010 paper conference...
still have two 'owe' jobs which I don't think can settle down before Eidul Fitr......
Nowadays...I just have one or two hours work after tarawih or after subuh...not in days.....
I wanna give 'big chances' for my spouse for his IE preparation where mostly everyday he have to go school.........that's it!!!!!!!!!!!!
No more vacation or holidays at this moment......just enough during their maktok was here last month......
Yesterday met with one of my previous IE examiner(Dr Gordon) and he trying to make it clear all his comments and some suggestions...I'm quite clear now...but I still couldn't find the solution yet for my own research context...seems easy but it's really though.........erm.....??????????????????
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
18 hours....hopefully I'll have strength for it....
Here the season is still summer, so we will have more longer than Malaysia's time for fasting....hopefully I and my spouse will have strength to go through for whole the month...insyaallah by the end of this month the period of fasting will be reduced until 15 hours time by time...insyaallah...
Monday, August 09, 2010
Aku mesti kuat!!!!!!!!!!!!![episod 1]
aku mulai sebak melihat wajah2nya di paparan blogs anak2 (3 Princess Blog)...ingin rasanya aku mahu dia menemani aku sehingga aku selesai perjuangan aku yang tidak tahu bila akan berakhir...namun itu suatu perkara yang mustahil...dia pun sudah mulai merindukan rumahnya di kampung....dan itulah yang tersurat untuk mak datang sini bagi tempoh 6 minggu sahaja....
Mungkin ada yang tidak mampu memahami apa yang aku tanggung sementelahan aku tidak mampu mengungkapkan semuanya melalui kata2 nukilan di sini...tambahan pula aku bukannya berniat menagih simpati dari mana2 pihak...cuma cukup di sini aku katakan antara yang menjadi aku sebak apabila bonda ku pulang....sebenarnya aku tak lah sebaik mana untuk dicontohi dan adakalanya aku sering ber'tembung' pendapat dengan mak ..lantaran menyebabkan aku gagal mematuhi nasihatnya....dan aku juga bukanlah ibu mithali untuk anak2 comel di mana aku sering bertindak luar kawalan terhadap anak2 aku jika mereka nakal atau buat hal...sehinggakan bonda aku risau memikirkan waktu2 aku sarat nanti...sehinggakan dia berpesan kepada jiran terdekat ku supaya membantu apa yang patut tika waktu itu tiba...
aku terharu juga tatkala mengenangkan kesemua permintaan aku,mak cuba penuhi sebaik mungkin ketika dia di sini...permintaan aku hanyalah tertumpu kepada makanan2 yang aku tak 'pandai' untuk masak, tapi teringin sangat untuk menjamah dan dia lebih arif....dia sangat memahami keinginan dan citarasa aku..................sekarang apa yang teringin semuanya haruslah masak sendiri-satu cabaran bagi aku dan aku perlu kuat dan aku bukannya baru di sini...mungkin juga Ramadhan yang bakal menjelang ini adalah Ramadhan yang terakhir buat aku di rantau orang...mudah2an.....
cukuplah kot untuk kali ini...erm kalau dalam bahasa ibunda ku ini...boleh je panjang lebar..tapi kalau dalam bahasa inggeris yang cuba ku pertajamkan kemahiran penulisan aku...pastinya ringkas ajelah....
nota- aku sudahpun men'nyahaktif'kan akaun FB buat sementara waktu..harap2 kali ini lebih komited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mudah2an..bulan ramadhan ini membawa sinar baru untuk aku sekeluarga...
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Say to myself....I will not back Malaysia before my 'fight' is not finish yet.....even though normally people see me as fragile(yes I admit it...) but sometimes because of condition...desperately I become as though woman like my mom.......
I try to remember everything that makes me fear to back to Malaysia
(esp nearly to Eidul Fitr) at this moment(ha??what???fear to back my own country???) just for temporary reason only.......insyaallah by the right time I'll back.....hopefully before Eidul Fitr 1432/2011......amin.....................................
Monday, August 02, 2010
I think .....
I'll deactivate my FB due to some even though I'm in activate yet...but I don't have any feelings so much with all the friends....I don't know emotion still 'bengong' remains even I'm already 14 weeks now.......I know this intention is not the first time but I'll try my reason due to deactivate includes...............
try to avoid in feeling jelousy when look at food at Malaysia esp in Ramadhan.....
so many reasons which I could not reveal here.......
It doesn't mean................................. I try to run away from my friends or whatever it is( to wish birthday I do not have any feelings anymore.....I'm so sorry to my all friends)...............however I still do remember my friends and family but I have to ensure my emotion is stable........
note: seems that I'm so arrogant or whatever; but honestly I'm not mean like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....the most important I know what I do now...I cannot blame the others on what I've been feelings now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Dr Darwina.....

During we visit Dr Darwina's family last Jan 2009.....
my colleagues at Malaysia...She already had passed her viva last Friday-30/7/2010 and now going back for good already...Till we meet then at Malaysia.... Dr Darwina....I'm so proud with you too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(note: both of them{Dr Darwina and her spouse} were pursue Phd at Loughbourough University with two kids.....similar like me and my spouse.....)
Thursday, July 29, 2010
After 34th meeting.......
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Still 'owe'....
-improvement of 'rejected' journal paper last January 2010: due date: no due date;depends on myself.....
-keep in progress on my 'critical chapters'-Chapter 5,6,7,8...due date : no specific dates has been given by my sv yet....still depends on I had to create my own due date: ??????????????????????????????
tomorrow will have 34th meetings with my sv...hopefully she is in good mood......
Today and tomorrow
Need something to do at school......
All my girls will at home with their maktok......
Hopefully I can go through the best job tomorrow....
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Since last night....
I still 'owe' few works that should finish last week, but still hang out until today... I need momentum to continue my unsettled work as soon as possible.....sorry for my loyal readers(did I have it???).....since lately all my entries all about my unstable feelings and emotion...
Friday, July 23, 2010
Another spirit song to back Malaysia as soon as possible...
Berderai Mata Hatiku
Mendera Semua Harapan
Selaksa Cintaku Padanya
Ikatan Suci Romantika NaunganMU
Meski Sejuta Cinta Menyapa
Masih Cenderung Qu Padanya
Tuhan satukan hati kami
Dibawah Cintamu Alirkan Bahgia Di RedhoMU
Kutidurkan Mimpi Indah Ini
Padamu Yang Menggenggam Takdir
Kusandarkan Harapanku Ini
Padamu Ya Ilahi, Kan Ku Simpan Dalam Rongga Hati
Stanza Cinta
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Another university visits.....
Azhar Sulaiman got degree from this university;he is my favourite artist!!!!my friend's university too;Nurul Adillah...
note-please ignore my chubby face,unavoidable case...hehehehe......
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
That is why PHD is really hard....
Ramai pelajar PhD yang merungut kepada saya bahawa supervisors mereka tidak membantu serta beri tunjuk ajar sewaktu buat PhD. Saya hanya tersenyum. Buat apa kalau ada supervisor tetapi tidak menolong apa-apa. Dulu masa buat master degree senang aje. Sekarang ini perlu belajar sendiri. Kalau nak tahu pasal methodology kena baca sendiri, and kalau nak tahu guna statistics pun kena baca sendiri. Susah betul!
Selepas mendengar keluhan mereka, saya pun menerangkan kepada pelajar PhD ini dan kebetulan beliau ialah rakan saya. Begini, sebenarnya buat PhD ini, supervisor hanya beri 5 peratus sahaja manakala yang 95 peratus kerja kita. Kalau tidak supervisor yang dapat PhD! Dulu masa master berlainan sedikit dan kalau bagi saya master tu hanya cover 20% untuk PhD. Untuk buat PhD, pelajar perlu buat semua benda termasuk mendalami knowledge research termasuk cara-cara menjalankan kajian, sampling, research instrument, data analysis etc. Kalau nak tahu kena belajar dengan sesiapa aje yang mahir. Masa ini kita tidak lagi depend kepada supervisor kerana mereka hanya menunjukkan "jalan" yang betul. Kalau terlajak, supervisor akan betulkan. So, dengan mudah saya katakan bahawa, PhD ini perlu belajar sendiri dan pandai-pandai sendiri tetapi 'pergerakkan' pelajar PhD akan dipantau oleh supervisor mereka. Sebab itu ada berbagai-bagai cara supervisor membimbing pelajar PhD mereka. Tidak ada standard. Kalau dapat supervisor yang jenis menulis, maka pelajar beliau akan digalakkan untuk menulis. Begitulah...
Oleh yang demikian, saya nak syorkan kepada semua pelajar PhD supaya prepare diri masing-masing dengan research knowledge dan betul-betul faham menjalankan kajian. Jangan sudah mendaftar dan masuk program PhD baru nak belajar semua benda, and kita tahulah conclusionnya kan...mula malas nak belajar, lambat defend proposal, dan last sekali tak tamat. Bila tak tamat pengajian, mula rakan-rakan sepejabat akan mula mengata yang bukan-bukan. Ada kawan saya sampai tukar tempat kerja sebab tak tamat pengajian. Dulu masa dapat biasiswa PhD, dia diraikan dengan hebat, tetapi bila tak tamat pengajian, mula tak tahu nak letak muka kat mana termasuk saudara mara, mak bapak dan mentua. Emm...mungkin anda dah mendengar cerita-cerita begini. Apa boleh buat, PhD bukannya hak mutlak dan tanggungjawab supervisor PhD. Pelajar PhD yang bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya pada PhD mereka. Pesanan saya, banyakkan berusaha, berdoa dan bertawakkal. Jangan lupa duduk bersama-sama rakan PhD lain untuk boostkan motivation dan discuss bersama mereka. Jangan buat PhD sorang-orang. Nanti tak menjadi! InsyaAllah anda akan berjaya membawa balik topi burger dengan bergaya!
Thanks Sis Anis for sharing this links.....I'll keep it as spirit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
I like her opinion eventhough....
Basically the PhD is a journey … a journey you will start out with all the willing of the world. I still remember the big smile on my face when I got accepted into the programme. It felt good! I was so certain of what I was going to do.I had it all figured out. For a moment or two it was all so clear.
I just forgot to consider the ‘hows’ and the ‘whys’ I would – still do – encounter throughout the PhD path as you mature your ideas. But that is part of the process, and also the fun even though sometimes you can’t really think of it in such way. And yes, you got it. A PhD is not linear in any sense, not even after your research proposal is accepted or the Ethics Committee gives you green light. Not even there! But how would I know? I had never done this before.Doing a PhD is truly a work in progress, constantly in change and changing you. That’s the magic of a PhD!
Throughout that process there are two things that are fundamental to support all the ups and downs of doing and being a PhD: the supervising team and the network.Regarding the supervising team: make sure to choose the right person. By that I don’t only mean to choose someone who is knowledgeable about the field, but someone you empathise with. Trust me, that is even more important! You will not get someone who is doing exactly the same research you are about to start to supervise you…because if that were the case then it would be their research and not yours!
What you want to is to find someone who knows enough of what you want to do, and who is also open to learn with and from you. Someone who is wiling to provide their personal views regarding the experiences they have gathered throughout the years. The good thing about having a supervisor is that you feel you are able to talk to them about your ideas and have them challenging you with their own. You don’t want someone who thinks exactly like you, but rather someone who thinks with you.That takes me to the next and most important aspect of your relationship with your supervisor. It should feel like a partnership. There has to be mutual understanding. You need to be open about your ideas, questions and confusion stages. You need to feel you can trust and are trusted. You do not want an impersonal relationship. Your PhD is going to be pretty much your life for the next 4-5 years so make sure you are making it personal and are enjoying it (although sometimes it might not feel that way).
The other thing that is important and which will help complement the activity of your supervising team is the learning network you will be able to cultivate around you. That has at least, two purposes. First, it helps you widen your horizons and look beyond the tiny, little aspect on which your research will focus as you will be exposed to different ideas and practices they share. You do not want to shift the focus from your PhD, yet you want to be part of the wider picture. This will be crucial when looking for a job. You need to be able to show your knowledge spans beyond your PhD research project.
The network will help you connect with other PhDs and researchers. That is really important as you will be able to find people you can share the PhD joys, and the PhD blues too, with. Furthermore, you might even start collaborating with them, be it by providing feedback on their writings and/or writing together. Every PhD student should have at least one critical friend.
And on that note, I will end this post with just one more thought. A PhD can still be an individual project, but should never be a lonely experience!
In this post I have tried not to give an idealistic idea of what doing a PhD entails. Yet, do not feel totally demoralised with it. It is an experience worth pursuing, otherwise I would not be doing it.
Hopefully other PhDs will pitch in with some more 1st hand experiences. It is always useful to learn from other people’s stories.
she is one of my phd mate in salford university
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
If I can.....
I know this year I will not back to Malaysia for celebrate eid ul Fitr like last year...but suddenly my heart feels like wanna back with my mom soon when she back this early August....
Yesterday...I just joking with my youngest daughter...'Hanie do you wanna back with maktok'????she said: ha.....(means she want follow her maktok back to Msia...)..
then I respond to her...If Hanie follow maktok...mama have to follow too.....
(within in my too impossible at this moment since now is my 'critical time' to my phd journey).......waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......
At this moment, I really craving@ mengidam for mee udang teluk kumbar,penang.......
really have to enforce my mom to cook before she go back...huhuhuhu.....and furthermore...I hate with all the food(esp which food I can't get here...) which have been showed in my friend's facebook or blogs esp in Msia......menci and very da jelous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!another challenges for my journey too!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
email dari staf berkenaan:
PhD students in Maxwell PhD room 926
Apologies for the short notice but we have just be advised that work
will start on Tuesday 13th July 2010 to install air-conditioning in
Maxwell PhD room 926
This means that all personal items and computers need to be moved off
the desks on Monday 12th July - this will be arranged by Paul Crompton
( the SBS IT Technician who will provide
cardboard boxes etc.
The work will be completed on Friday 16th July.
Tahap kemalasan aku pula masih di tahap maksima....dan jika mood membuat kerja hadir, harapnya rajin ke tahap maksima lah yer(walaupun ianya seakan mustahil untuk berlaku....)....paling lama dalam sehari pun hanya boleh menjangkau dalam 7 ke 8 jam sahaja(cthnya; hari ini mungkin?????)....dan biasanya purata masa bekerja ku hanya 4 jam...percaya atau tidak????aku pun tak tahu macamana nak masuk kerja semula kelak yang mana waktu pejabat adalah '8 to 5'...9 jam sehari....tapi pengalaman lepas...waktu bekerja macam aku ni biasanya fleksibel..hehehehehehehe..walaupun 'punch in punch out' ada......
Harap2nya walaupun atitud aku sebegini, izinkan aku Ya Allah untuk aku menamatkan perjalanan ini....Amin...................................
nota- rasanya selepas ini aku tidak mahu lagi menyatakan secara terperinci tentang status perjalanan ku ini...kerana sudah mula merasakan saat2 genting ini banyak perkara yang perlu dibendung!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, July 05, 2010
Their culture is not my culture......
Again, in that workshop where I'm the only one Malaysian and I met few new faces and ISOS academicians and phd students but what I'm trying to share is some of their research is not met my culture as Malays....I just listen and think deeply that their culture allowed them doing the weird research(this is my opinion) and if their research are presented in Asia or Malaysia spesifically, off course they will banned by their organizer.But, that is the unique experience that I think, I will never get in other workshop.....
From 13 presentation includes keynote speakers, they 'weird' and not 'halal' research for me are:
'Grindr:immoderation vs sin in the global virtual gay bar'- tentang gay
'Grabbing by the eyeballs;affective intensities of online porn'- tentang dot dot dot
'Multiplicity,congruity and the development of e-gambling commerce in the UK'- tentang perjudian
'Missing cultures across video games:queers,gaymers and the terms of their inclusion'-tentang permainan internet gay
the rest research presentation are alright and some of them have some same aspects within my research......
-managing the multiplies;understanding the power of google
-was it an internet election.....again
-multiple space and discontinuities as transformative tools
-mobility,personal learning environments and the use of space in higher education \/
-growing up in a virtual world:girls,identity and facebook \/
-and why would I participate?'a framework of value exchange and roles in digitally engaged communities \/
-football social media:playing the game, but where is the trust?
-photobombs:capturing and/or resisting everyday life
-'we die for the glory of the emperor' young people and 'playing' at war in on-line role playing games
Monday, June 28, 2010
My spirit is here.....
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Packed weekend after 25 June.....UPDATED VERSION at 2nd Aug
26 June- Manchester city[episode 1]; done on 8th July
27 June- Chester;done on 11th July
28 June & 30 June- BIRTHDAY MIZAH AND HANIE- weekdays....
3 July- Liverpool(Albert Dock) scheduled
4 July- Carboot(Middleton)/Fruit Picking (Warrington)...earlier than scheduled; on 27 June
10 July - Lake District(Windermere/Lakeland) scheduled
11 July- Carboot(Bowlee)/Chester visit...
*17 July - Sunderland/Newcastle Upon Tyne
18 July - Leeds/York -BIRTHDAY ZIMAH-
24 July- Manchester city[episode 2]
25 July- Carboot(Oldham)/Daisy Nook Country Park @ Oldham
31 July-Big Carboot J29 @ Mansfield/Sheffield
1 Aug- Small Carboot @ Middleton / Lowry Outlet Mall
6 Aug- South Wales;Cardiff
7 Aug-Mom back to Msia...sob...sob.....sob...
*Fixed plan ..the rest...depends on the weather and my health condition.....
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Thank you ALLAH....
I've got the proceedings from the organiser....Thank you ALLAH for listen to my wishes.....
My paper in that proceeding:
Hopefully by next year, I'll able to attend that conference at Japan...perhaps......amin...................
I wish to be addicted on write that I can finish on time..
Friday, June 18, 2010
my phd journey
my status-
my phd journey is not easy as they thought....even look a like smooth and no problems from outside(actually it is totally wrong!!!!!)..there a lots of obtacles and barriers inside there-only myself know what is it......bless my self can go through until the end of it...amin..................
Comments and respond from my friends........................
Suziyanti M. Suhaimi and Kak Ja like this.
Suziyanti M. Suhaimi:
setiap org temui peluang & cabaran berbeza...
Siti Suhana Mohd Amir
jangan putus asa Intan...teruska usaha ok...
Hazlina Ali
not just ur phd journey....but all people facing with their own challenge..just in different angle. Tapi bersyukur sbb kita diberi PELUANG utk ambik PhD...kalau org lain?..emm syukur2
Sharifah Hasnur
Good Luck Dear...
Farahida Ramli
bila nak blk m'sia?
Azila Azmi
Ik Ben Samsul
saboo jelaa
Nor Intan Sulaiman
sz-ya benar......akak akui kenyataan itu....rezeki dan ujian setiap manusia tidak ada yg sama..... never give up with my journey,cuma kdg2 cuak2 dgn sikap manusia yg tdk memahami... itu je...
k.ina-i do understand ur point but normally i always feel alone sbb ???????? even though I know not only me face challenges.....
sharip- thanks dear.......
farah- entahla...tak tahu..........
Nadia Rosmiah
lain org lain rezeki....hidup kita bukan hidup orang...pedulikkan apa org nk kata...yg penting biar kita dijalan yg diredai Allah :)
Aida Maswani Md Yusop
yaa betoi apa nadia kata tu.. hanya kita yg tahu apa yg kita nak. pedulikan cakap org lain.. biaqkan depa bercakap.. bila penat nanti berentilah tu.. apa yg penting sekarang intan n hubby mesti cekal menempuhi segala cabran yg mendatang... kak aida doakan yg terbaik wat intan sekeluarga
Nor Intan Sulaiman
nadia- 'pedulikkan apa org nk kata'; the hardest thing for me to do....since I live here as part of community not as individualistic style....
k.aida- kalau org tu tk penat cemana?????anyway thanks for the bless for me.....
Melissa Azzura
Insyaallah dipermudahkan oleh Allah....Good Luck baby!!!
Nadia Rosmiah
sama la gak kt org yg mcm aku yg kawen foreigner ur best to pedulikkan apa org's time..u'll see..sometimes..ignorance is d best medicine...hahaha...
Nor Intan Sulaiman
melissa- thanks dear...I miss you....
nadia- I try my best....thanks for trying to understand me.....are you okay now rite????how's the sickness???dah settle down or not?????
Nadia Rosmiah
dah sikit Alhamdulillah....hg take care la...kalau nk pikiaq semua org kata..alamat la ..4 u 2 b @ ur place now....bukan ja x tau apa yg hg kena syoq nampak hg study obersea wit family..yg lain2...bukan depa tau apa yghg lalui n rasa...
Nor Intan Sulaiman
nadia- thanks dear...really understand on my condition....