Motivation Quotation......

Aku meminta kepada Tuhan setangkai bunga, segar, Ia beri kaktus berduri. Aku minta kupu-kupu diberinya-Nya ulat berbulu. Aku sedih dan kecewa. Namun kemudian, kaktus itu berbunga indah sekali dan ulat itupun menjadi kupu-kupu yang sangat cantik. Itulah jalan Tuhan, indah pada masaNYA! Tuhan tidak memberi apa yang kita harapkan. Tapi Dia memberi apa yang kita perlukan. Kadang kala kita sedih, kecewa dan terluka. Tapi jauh di atas segalanya Dia sedang mengatur yang terbaik dalam kehidupan kita.............................................

Friday, July 31, 2009

What I should fell today.....

Today after 9 days no updates....I don't know to express my feelings after back from summer breakaway...supposedly I have KM discussion with clem,julie and ida etc etc today...but unfortunately nobody I know clem have to go back to zimbabwe since her dad passed away...ida have something urgent manner ...and julie???missing in action??? don't know why ????the rest still struggle for their of luck to just stay alone in the discussion room and read for 1 hour in 2 KM jurnals papers that supposedly we should discuss today..hey heye!!!!...come on dear..what you should expect from the person who just back from holiday to produce the best preparations in any discussion...erm...fortunately...maybe I got some 'hikmah' indirectly... I managed to understand the journal papers which I feel got some general ideas for my research...although no discussion....sometimes when we feel so energetic( are you sure you are in energetic now??not at all..just a little bit maybe??? other words..I feel that my motivation just at 75% in spirits- seem like re boost the motivation) the others not in the same situation...when we feel down not for others too...

soon in other entry I'll share my journey experience visited few universities at midland(Oxford university,Warwick university and Coventry university) and south england(Southampton university,Portsmouth university,Bristol university,Bath university, Exeter university and Plymouth university) during my summer was good approach to get our motivation mind therapy besides the tourist attractions for my daughters......

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

spirit songs.......

Must be positive

I must be positive but if I just whispered to myself just like that, it doesn't work maybe...means that I'm really need to visit another positive or motivational blogs for me to think that in our life, we must always be positive...although it's hard to handle it....that's why I do have motivational blogs list and this week I noticed one of my master class mate 7 years ago..suziyanti @ sz also have her positive phd blogs that I should follow her....besides that, I really have to listen on motivational songs that it would be wake up my self..I don't want be down all the time...... I must be strong and positive...why???it because almost everyday I will face the bad things or no progress or pressure or depress....erm....actually now I'm still pressure on my phd works in all aspects....for example yesterday.. I try my best for not sleepy but it happens for almost 4 hours at my school....I did not do job efficiently because I do not achieve my aim...then I tends to being moody to my I bad mom????????...I'm really sad why I being so 'cengey' to my own daughters....they are not guilty but I admit that I do always can't control my emotional feelings to them...I'm always throw out my frustrated feelings to them although they're not realise on my feelings, but I'm realise that my eldest daughter always make me calm....(but sometimes..she was one of my factor to be moody...poor to her......) many lines that I try to explain my real situation..and I don't care if the readers can't dig out my feelings or emotion but I just wanna throw out my feelings through this can release my tense....
maybe some reader questioned without throw the comments.....'dugaan berat' sgt ker this woman????never mention her dugaan or cabaran??'asyik mengeluh' and keep 'mengeluh'......erm..yes..its hard to reveal every things...but just to share...among cabaran or challenges in myself are- easy to have lazy feelings, easy to tension, easy to down, too sensitive, no consistency, lazy in actions also in some aspects, easy to influenced by environment~~~~easy to broken-heated when people say some thing bad about her daughters~~sometimes I feel too lazy to meet people....always was condemned by her own spouse in many aspects(what is that??'biarlah rahsia') 's true the quote said ' it's not easy to being easy(get phd means our life will be better insyaallah...) and it's not hard to being hard'...hopefully I must be survivor and stronger what ever it is....

I have to....don't be down for a long time dear...wake up wake up wake up....

I’m a survivor (what),
I’m not gonna give up (what),
I’m not gon’ stop (what),
I’m gonna work harder (what),
I’m a survivor (what),
I’m gonna make it (what),
I will survive (what),
Keep on survivin’ (what),
I’m a survivor (what),
I’m not gonna give up (what),
I’m not gon’ stop (what),
I’m gonna work harder (what),
I’m a survivor (what),
I’m gonna make it (what),
I will survive (what),
Keep on survivin’ (what).

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Feel like zombie......

why I'm saying like that???because I'm feel so sleepy and sleepy since every night not get enough sleep...the effect is to my data collection..I'm feel so so so sleepy...although may efforts tried to make it reduce but felling sleepy still means I feel like zombie....go go go go go........try to fight in yourself more more and more...

'luahan rindu'...................suddenly feel missing my school time....

Terkenang masa dahulu
Memori silamku
Kisah persahabatan
Dengarkanlah lagu ini
Kuciptakan untukmu
Moga dirimu terhibur

Kenangan dahulu mendewasakanku
Mengajar erti kehidupan
Segala pahit manis tempuhi bersama
Demi mengejar satu cita

Dengarkan luahan hatiku
Merindu keriangan dahulu
Indahnya…saat penuh tawa ceria
Terhapuslah segala duka

Teringat daku kembali
Saat kasih bersemi
Kita mengukir janji
Di waktu persekolahan
Yang penuh impian
Kita memburu harapan

Segala yang indah
Jadi kenangan
Yang butik jadikan sempadan
Biar diduga derita tabahkanlah sentiasa
Semoga mendapat rahmat-Nya

Hadirlah di kau menerangi
Oh ruangan hatiku
Semoga tersirat hikmah melanda
Bersama kita untuk selamanya

Monday, July 20, 2009

Good bye case study...welcome survey in my journey.....

Insyaallah...I'll not using case study approach anymore...but maybe more to survey approach towards in qualitative and quantitative methods....wish me all the best to strive this challengable methods...

19th meeting on 16th july

after nearly two months no meetings with my sv...last week..I've got chances to meet her with a few progress.....glad to inform about-
-my journal publishing..alhamdulillah
-my ethical approval ammendments
-my progress on data collection; she emphasis on justification why I choose the number of blogs-really to think and find out more.....
-my accepttance on eckm 2009-settle on poster preparation...
-my preparation to attend master class on research methodology by dr polly start on oct 2009
-my research approach
-my potential theories that I may used for findings soon
-my chapter target and delivery styles
-my analysis tools....

that's I'm waiting on respond about ethical ammendments..hopefully she will give to me back within 2 weeks more..and I will meet her back on 27th august.....and I'm really hope I can give the solid justification on why I choose 15 blogs for each study???????????????????

Friday, July 17, 2009

Theories that will be used.....

social exchange theory
theory planning behaviour
narrative theory
media richness theory
social capital theory
social cognitive theory


Today, I met one of my fellow phd mate who her research have slight similiarity with me and now she is in writing phase....she guide me on how to relate the related existing theory with my the moment, I do have six related theories with my research but it doesn't mean I have to use all of the depends on my objectives and my my phd mate, yan just using three theories only...reflects to her findings too..then at the end...from that will come out with the conceptual framework which is my target for my research..insyaallah..thanks a lot yan for guide me and lend me one of useful book (maintaining long-distance and coss-residential relationships)too to me....I'm so happy knowing you and willing to share on this skill....

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Di kala sunyi ini...(sometimes trying to escape from english writings)

Dalam perjalanan sendirian ini...terlalu banyak perkara pahit manis yang telah ku lalui...dan pada firasatnya di kala ujian kesedihan melanda ..hati ini banyak menangis sendirian...namun di kala kegembiraan datang menjenguk..ada insan yang tidak betah dengan keadaan itu...namun siapalah aku untuk menghalang daripada semua keadaan itu semua berlaku...sebenarnya aku bukanlah insan yang pandai bermain dengan kata-kata mahupun nukilan ataupun coretan menarik untuk dikongsi...tambahan lagi biasanya aku menulis dalam bahasa inggeris dengan niat untuk mempertajamkan kemahiran penulisan aku. Namun adakalanya aku merindui penulisan bahasa ibunda aku ini..... apatah lagi menulis dalam bahasa yang baku...walaupun adakalanya mungkin ianya seakan terselit kepelikan di mana2 ayat....namun..aku tetap cuba untuk meluahkan apa yang aku rasa pada minggu ini...yang sebenar-benarnya aku tahu ujian yang allah berikan ini mungkin di pandangan mata insan lain adalah ringan dan normal bagi mana-mana individu yang melalui proses phd ini...ya..... aku akui aku bukanlah insan yang mudah melatah..... namun aku adalah insan yang mudah terhiris dan sensitif...itulah yang menjadikan kesukaran bagi aku jika aku menemui 'kayu penghalang' di dalam perjalanan ini...minggu ini aku telah diuji dengan dua perkara...pertamanya tentang permohonan 'ethical approval' yang mana kawan-kawan lain berpendapat memang normal jika ianya perlu dibuat penambahbaikan, dan aku pun akui ianya normal dan alhamdulillah ada rakan2 seperjuangan yang sanggup menghulurkan sokongan... namun sebenarnya setelah aku memberikan penambahbaikan dokumen berkaitan, jauh di sudut hatiku terasa gusar...bila agaknya aku akan memperolehi kelulusan tersebut..aku pun tidak pasti bilakah penyelia aku akan memberikan maklumbalas secepat mungkin atau tidak..mana mungkin untuk aku memaksa beliau..seterusnya apabila penyelia aku berpuas hati, aku perlu menghantar semula kepada pihak berkenaan dan jika tiada penambahbaikan semula..proses kelulusan mengambil masa selama 12 minggu atau pun setidak-tidaknya 4 bulan...ya..sememangnya kini aku telahpun dalam proses mengumpul data...namun sejujurnya.... aku belum cukup yakin dengan apa yang aku lakukan selagi kelulusan 'ethical' itu belum diperolehi....sebenarnya banyak lagi peringkat2 yang perlu aku tempuh.....maklumbalas daripada adik2 responden di Kuala Lumpur pun masih diam seribu bahasa...entah apa silapnya...kemudian hari ini, aku mendapat berita yang tidak gembira lagi...permohonan aku menghadiri seminar di bawah bantuan universiti tempat aku bekerja tidak disokong atsa alasan aku hanya sebagai pembentang poster...aku tidak kecewa dengan hal tidak disokong itu..namun apa yanga aku kesalkan ianya tidak dinyatakan dalam syarat permohonan.....seharusnya syarat permohonan perlu dinyatakan lebih terperinci supaya insan2 seperti aku tidak membuang duit mengepos dokumen dan berakhir dengan tidak disokong...huh..hina sangat kah sebagai pembentang poster..bukan aku tidak mencuba sebagai pembentang secara berlisan..namun kertas kerja aku tersebut telah dinilai dan masih belum layak untuk dibentang secara lisan dalam seminar yang akan aku hadiri kelak..mengerti?????aku pernah berbicara dengan seorang rakan phd aku di sini di mana beliau ada menyatakan bahawa universiti tempat dia belajar pun hanya beri kelulusan bagi pembentangan secara lisan...tidak pembentangan poster...aku kesal rupa2nya wujud diskriminasi antara pembentang poster dan juga pembentang lisan terlalu ketara..bagi aku yang penting adalah perkongsian ilmu dan maklumbalas daripada pihak audiens- kedua-dua pembentang(poster dan lisan) perlu berinteraksi dengan audiens cuma pendekatan yang berbeza......aku sebenarnya terasa lemah secara tiba2 dengan ujian2 ini...namun, insyaallah aku yakin aku boleh lalui..tapi aku perlukan masa....aku tidak gagah atau pun kuat kental perkasa seperti orang lain..sebab tu rasanya aku dah tak boleh guna dah perumpamaan ini ' erm jika kita rasa kita diduga teruk, ada insan yang lebih teruk diuji Allah'..sebab aku yakin kemampuan manusia berbeza-beza....dan aku tahu tahap kemampuan aku....ujian yang ringan ini pun aku rasakan seakan tamparan hebat bagi aku....tak tahulah bagaimana agaknya jika aku diuji dengan dugaan yang lebih hebat daripada ini...mudah2an aku kuat dan tabah tempuhi perjalanan yang masih jauh ini....dan aku tetap bersyukur penyelia aku sentiasa memberikan sokongan sepenuhnya untuk aku tempuh semua onak duri ini....yang pastinya di penghujung 2010, samada aku sudah tamat atau belum, aku perlu pulang ke tempat asalku bekerja kerana itulah polisi baru yang sedang diwar-warkan kini...polisi itu juga seakan memberi tekanan sebenarnya kepada aku...sebab aku pun tak pasti pada bulan disember 2010 itu adakah aku sudah tamat pengajian atau belum....sememangnya harapan aku sememangnya tinggi menggunung untuk tamat pengajian sebelum menjelangnya januari 2011, namu aku tidak boleh memberi sebarang kepastian, kerana allah yang maha berkuasa...kita hanya merancang, allah jua yang menentukan segala-galanya....wallahaualam...
survey research methodology in management information system : in assessment

many thanks to my employee for not approve my 'applications'...
whatever it is..I still proceed with my decision.....

borrow from my friend with this quote....
Bila Allah cepat makbulkan Doamu, Maka DIA Menyayangimu, Bila DIA Lambat Makbulkan doamu, Maka DIA Ingin Mengujimu, Bila DIA Tidak Makbulkan Doamu, Maka Dia Merancang Sesuatu Yang lebih Baik Untukmu. Oleh itu, Sentiasalah Bersangka Baik Pada ALLAH Dalam Apa Jua Keadaan Pun... Kerana Kasih sayang ALLAH Itu Mendahului KemurkaanNya
Researching information systems and ... - Google Books

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

when data collection run without waiting for ethical approval...

since end of April ago, I've had submitted the ethical approval form and today I got back the comments and it need some clarification and justification....actually this approval is required by my university and I'm still curios of the implementation of this ethical approval...but I do take safe way...just follow my sv's word(actually after I arose to her last December about this ethical approval)..if not..maybe it would be delay morning I got the email from ethical approval person and ask to make the following comments....

- I found the Rationale insufficient, in relation to justifying the
study and proposed methods.
- As far as I can see, the applicant proposes to use an on-line survey
and face-to-face semi-structured Interviews, plus respondent Blogs.???????????????????????
- I think we need much more detail on desired/estimated sample size
(irrespective of the Snowballing method);
- I think we need to see an outline of the kind of questions planned. I
am not sure how the prospective sample for the on-line survey is to be
identified and accessed.
- The answer to the DP (data protection) question is surely wrong, and
must be amended.
- The Consent form reads more like an Abstract for a paper or even a
summary of the PhD proposal: it must be re-written in lay people's
language to clearly explain the purposes of the research, and include
mention of the use of findings (PhD thesis plus journal/conference
papers) and the possibility of withdrawal form the face-to-face

Kind regards,
Tim Clements

hard or not just go through..and don't give up just the research challenges for you....'susah2 dahulu..senang2 kemudian...'

credit for sis siti zaleha and k.a.m.k too to guide me in doing correction just now..they already gain the ethical approval last April......they said it's normal have to do some amendments to get the approval..wallahualam...

Monday, July 13, 2009

my heart more realised.....

sorry lazy to traslated anymore....

pick up from my fb status last week~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'sedari byknyer cabaran perlu diredahi sepanjang 'perjalanan' ini...; cabaran fizikal, cabaran hati dan perasaan, cabaran minda dan juga cabaran rohani.....harapnya dgn semuanya dapat ditempuhi dengan tenang dan bijaksana..waaahualam.....'

just to elaborate some cabaran@challenges:
cabaran fizikal@ my physical@ myself gain weight day by day since start my it because of high tense or what other reaseon???other people don't have the answer..only me have the reasons....

cabaran hati dan feelings are too sensitive and try to firm as best as I can..but the fragile heart doesn't ignore on it....I have to be more though day by day....

cabaran minda...i'm always feel slow and not clever as others..but in the same time I always whispered to myself...the phd is not just depends on intelligence but determination and hard work...

cabran rohani...erm..this one also hard to explain through words...and i don't think i should share for this one..just enough if i said i'm not good enough being as student or mom to my kids..i have to improve day by day....insyaallah...

Congrats dear..... spouse just passed his interim assessment today(13th july) means he also can move next stages together with me....he did the best for his assessment although it was really though process for him..well done dear...
also not forget...i'm always pray for succesive of my other friends who are also struggling in their phd journey...insyaallah all of us can do it....

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Please forgive me ya allah....

Supposely I should do my homework but since my excel got some problem...visit to this blog....and finally I felt good to share.....:-

Ternyata… Allah menghendaki kita untuk berjaya, untuk hidup senang dan bahagia.
Bacalah doa di bawah dengan penuh kesedaran dan kejiwaan. Bagaimana? Bacalah satu persatu dengan bersuara perlahan (cukup sendiri mendengarinya. Tidak berkesan jika hanya membaca di dalam hati). Sedari bahawa Allah itu sedang mendengar apa yang saudara rintihkan dan perkataan ‘aku’ di dalam doa di bawah adalah saudara sendiri. InshaAllah, sedikit-sedikit saudara akan berasa dekat dengan Allah.

ya Allah maafkan aku kerana selama ini aku selalu mendahuluiMu dan menentangMu dengan selalu mengutamakan usahaku ya Allah. Aku sering mendahului fikiran dan kemahuan serta kekuatanku ya Allah. Selalu merungut sehingga kekadang aku merasakan Engkau tidak mahu mengikut segala kehendakku ya Allah. Kekadang aku kecewa dengan ketentuanMu ya Allah.
ya Allah….
(pejamkan mata dan diam seketika dan rasailah respon daripada Allah SWT).
Ya Allah, ampuni aku kerana aku seringkali melupakan diriMu ketika aku membuat pilihan di dalam kehidupan ini ya Allah. Aku membuat pilihan hanya menggunakan nafsuku tanpa meminta petunjuk daripadaMu ya Allah. Aku terlupa bahawa setiap apa yang berlaku adalah datangnya dari diriMu ya Allah.
ya Allah….
(pejamkan mata dan diam seketika dan rasailah respon daripada Allah SWT).

Ya Allah, maafkan aku kerana aku seringkali berasakan akulah yang berusaha di dalam kejayaan yang aku miliki ini ya Allah. Aku berasakan pencapaian aku pada hari ini adalah kerana hasil penat lelah usaha aku ya Allah. Aku berasakan bahawa kehebatan diri akulah penyebab kepada apa yang aku miliki pada hari ini ya Allah.
ya Allah….
(pejamkan mata dan diam seketika dan rasailah respon daripada Allah SWT).

Ya Allah, maafkan aku ya Allah. Aku sekarang sedar bahawa semua kekuatanku akan aku padamkan dan akan aku ganti dengan kekuatanMu yang menghendaki aku untuk hidup lebih baik dan lebih baik.
Ya Allah, ampuni diriku ya Allah. Aku kini sedar bahawa semua kehendakku akan aku padamkan dan akan aku gantikan dengan kehendakMu yang menghendaki aku untuk menerima segala ketentuanMu ya Allah.
Ya Allah, maafkan aku ya Allah. Aku telah sedar bahawa semua usaha aku ini adalah di atas kehendak diriMu ya Allah. Aku tidak berdaya untuk memiliki apa-apa usaha pun ya Allah.
ya Allah….
(pejamkan mata dan diam seketika dan rasailah respon daripada Allah SWT).

Aku akan mengikuti kehendakMu untuk berjaya ya Allah, untuk hidup senang dan untuk hidup yang lebih baik. Aku sangat sedar ya Allah, selama ini aku memilih untuk hidup miskin sedangkan Engkau menyatakan bahawa Tangan di atas lebih baik daripada tangan di bawah.
Aku akan mengikuti kehendakMu untuk aku terus bernafas ya Allah. Engkau menghendaki jantung aku terus berdegup ya Allah. Engkau terus menghendaki mata aku untuk terus melihat ya Allah. Engkau tetap menghendaki telinga aku untuk terus mendengar ya Allah. Engkau sentiasa menghendaki mulut aku untuk terus bercakap, makan dan merasa makanan ya Allah.
ya Allah….
(pejamkan mata dan diam seketika dan rasailah respon daripada Allah SWT).

Engkau menghendaki aku mampu bersolat, Engkau menghendaki agar aku bersedekah, berzakat, melakukan kebaikan kepada semua orang. Engkau mengkehendaki aku bekerja, bersahabat, berkongsi ilmu, berkeluarga dan segala-galanya ya Allah.
Engkau mengkehendaki aku memiliki kereta, rumah, kerja, isteri, anak dan banyak lagi nikmat yang Engkau berikan ya Allah. Engkau mengkehendaki untuk aku mencari ilmuMu sehingga ke tahap yang lebih tinggi ya Allah.
Engkau mengkehendaki untuk aku berkongsi tentang kebesaranMu ya Allah. Engkau mengkehendaki untuk aku memiliki rasa cinta dan berada dekat dengan diriMu semakin hari semakin dekat ya Allah. Engkau mengkehendaki aku hidup penuh dengan ketenangan ya Allah.
ya Allah….
(pejamkan mata dan diam seketika dan rasailah respon daripada Allah SWT).
ya Allah Aku RELA untuk hidup senang ya Allah. Aku RELA untuk hidup dengan penuh kejayaan ya Allah. Aku RELA mengikuti apa sahaja kehendakMu ya Allah. Aku PASRAH untuk hidup tenang ya Allah. Aku REDHA untuk terus mencari ilmuMu ya Allah. Aku redha, pasrah dan rela untuk terus bernafas ya Allah.

Untuk itu ya Allah senangkanlah aku ya Allah, berjayakanlah aku ya Allah dan baikkanlah hidup aku Ya Allah..amin ya Allah ya rabbbal a’lamin.
Semoga kita tersedar daripada lamunan yang panjang dengan doa di atas. Amin
[note]: Terima kasih ustaz Setiyo Purwanto, Solat Centre Solo, Indonesia yang banyak menyedarkan diri saya@ fuadlatip(author of this article...)

taubat seorang hamba

Challenges in doing phd.....

Different people, different challenges in their phd journey...why I'm said like that..It because after almost 19 month in this journey, I can see variety of challenges that had to face by myself and by my phd friends too...Actually and honestly, some people had to leave their family(husband or wife) for phd journey, some people had to leave their kids(either baby or grown up one) for phd, some people had to leave their sick parents for the phd, some people had to spend a lots of money for the phd, some people had to sacrifice the enjoy time for the phd, some people had to sacrifice the struggle time for the phd since have to look after the kids in the family......for me for example, whatever it's my stands that I can't live apart from my daughters..maybe it's sound too extreme, but that is me...because the are my spirits and motivation for me to strive my journey..without them.... how can I live here...but in the same time I'm admit I'm not a best mom to pay full attention to them...sometimes I'm feel so guilty when I have to scold them or made some punishment to them..but I've no choice...that's why although I always try to give my best in parenting responsibilities, sometimes I what I've did mention in my previous entry that my daughter's time with me is around 3.30 p.m until they sleep(around 10.00 p.m) and also for weekend..but sometimes when my tense reach at the high level..I couldn't control myself........honestly, before further study, I never scold my daughters or punish them(until my mom felt weird with me)..but now sometimes if my temper will girls...mama always feel guilty....please do apologise me girls......hopefully this summer holiday, both of us(me and my spouse) can made them happy with another summer vacation.....insyaallah...

17 months to go....

When I look the time frame just left 17 months and 3 weeks for me to finish my can be scary me too much....half way to go more....but too many things that I have to finish, I'm still in data collection stages which I feel so slow like snail.....since I'm doing for content analysis style, it seems need to be more careful and neat(that's why I feel so slow...since last may I just managed to finish read 11 'blogs'..another 4 'blogs' to settle this week..then start with another 15 'blogs' for another group ...) ......and in the same time my target to finish my data collection before september can be achieved. After that, I'll need to analysis for three months within start writing for chapter 1 until chapter 3...for information, after I've settled my interim assessment(proposal defends), I did not touch anymore on my writings and readings yet(although lots of list to do for both jobs- just in my minds) just depends on my blogs writings for sharpen my skills at the moment and also through reading good english 'blogs'......(dah tu baca journal tak nyer rajin2).... my target for internal assessment(methodology/findings reports progress presentation) off course on may 2010, which is a year after my interim assessment....then hopefully I can pass it, then prepare for my viva before december 2010..walllahualam.....ya allah please give me very high strength for me to strive all the difficulties and barriers during my lonely and truly journey.......all the best for my spouse for his interim asessment on this Monday(13th july)...due on that, this weekend we will be at home only, for give path to him on final preparation..all the best dear...I'll always behind you.....

At the moment, since I already addicted to two web2.0 applications(blogs and facebook),I HAVE to avoid the other things which can be addicted too like watch movies through youtube or online tv... or anythings else..wallahaualam....just enough last year I'm addict to Ezora..enough is enough....

Thursday, July 02, 2009


suddenly i feel miss so much to my family...
when feel miss so much

MAMS Away Day....

Management & Management Sciences Research Institute

Postgraduate Student Away Day

Lowry Conference Centre, Salford Quays

Wednesday 1 July 2009


9.15 a.m. – 10.00 a.m. Arrival and Registration.

Coffee etc available. (Circle Bar Area)

10.00 a.m. – 12.30 a.m. Poster Session

winner of best joanne moffat...

another winner of best presenter..nor erne nazira..


(Mid-morning break 10.45 a.m. – 11.00 a.m.)

(Hexagon Room)

12.30 p.m. – 1.30 p.m. Buffet Lunch

(Circle Bar Area)

1.30 p.m. Oral Presentations

(Hexagon room & South Room)

Session 1 Hexagon Room

1.30 p.m. – 1.50 p.m. Cemetery Gates: A Review of the Methodological Constraints Associated with Carrying out Primary Research, into Dark Subject Matter. The Ethical Dilemma. - Neil Robinson

1.50 p.m. – 2.10 p.m. “An Analysis of Declaration Strategy in the First Three Innings in Test Cricket” - Sohail Akhtar

2.10 p.m. – 2.30 p.m. “A Qualitative Analysis of British South Asian Muslim Women’s Consumption of Fashion and Beauty Products” - Farhana Khan

2.30 p.m. – 2.50 p.m. “Sales Cultural Dysfunctionality” – Martin Leonard

2.50 p.m. – 3.10 p.m. “ Investigating the Barriers to Implementing ISO 9001: 2000 Within the Private Mobile Companies in Jordan” –Basem Barqawi

3.10 p.m -3.30 p.m "Modelling the effects of seeding policy in tournament design"- Muhammad Mat Yusof

Session 2 South Room

1.30 p.m. – 1.50 p.m. “Push, Pull and Hybrid Systems in Manufacturing Supply Chains” - Erne Bazin

1.50 p.m. – 2.10 p.m. “Secondary School Students’ Leavers: What’s Next?” - Rabyah Mansor

2.10 p.m. – 2.30 p.m. “A System Dynamics Approach to Marketing Interventions: Obesity and Behavioural Change” - Nor Haslinda Zainal Abidin

2.30 p.m. – 2.50 p.m. “Business Risk and Capital Structure in Nigeria Listed Firms” – Dauda Mohammed

2.50 p.m. – 3.10 p.m. “Relationship Marketing in UK Higher education – An Examination of Motivational Factors Affecting Recruitment and Retention of Mainland Chinese Students in UK Universities” – Tao (Jason) Chang