Start from Ramadhan until ?????????????????????????????????????????
I'll deactivate my FB due to some even though I'm in activate yet...but I don't have any feelings so much with all the friends....I don't know emotion still 'bengong' remains even I'm already 14 weeks now.......I know this intention is not the first time but I'll try my reason due to deactivate includes...............
try to avoid in feeling jelousy when look at food at Malaysia esp in Ramadhan.....
so many reasons which I could not reveal here.......
It doesn't mean................................. I try to run away from my friends or whatever it is( to wish birthday I do not have any feelings anymore.....I'm so sorry to my all friends)...............however I still do remember my friends and family but I have to ensure my emotion is stable........
note: seems that I'm so arrogant or whatever; but honestly I'm not mean like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....the most important I know what I do now...I cannot blame the others on what I've been feelings now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tajuk 1824 - Kisah saya di BLOG MENDELEY
4 years ago
sama la saya kak intan.
tk berapa layan FB dah...
nak update status pun malas..
tp masih online lg tgk updates kawan2,
komen mana yg nak komen. takmo komen baca je...
suzi-erm..skrg ni mmg addicted selalu sakit hati esp bab2 mkn la dlm kalau baca dlm blogs plak,akak boleh dimaafkan sbb kdg2 ada resepi disertakan...kalau teringin leh try...selalunya dlm FB gambar2 je..tkdak resepii....adussss...menanah je perasaan ni...nk marah pun org tu bukannya niat nak 'sakitkan' hati org lain kan>>>>>>....huhuhuhu...
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