I never have any motivation to keep doing my work....I feel so lost .....I don't know why I'm so emotional...I'm so lazy at the maximum level...the more I feel bored... I will browse my FB account to make it my feels better....but last night and few days backwards I feel not...I feel mix around and sometimes I hate everybody in surrounds me except my family......I don't know why I'm being so arrogant and weird like this......I feel nobody will understand what I feel into...All the negative aura or feelings is playing around in my mind...poor to my mom and spouse ...I'm so sorry to them...they got the 'effect's with my emotion feelings.........
I still 'owe' few works that should finish last week, but still hang out until today... I need momentum to continue my unsettled work as soon as possible.....sorry for my loyal readers(did I have it???).....since lately all my entries all about my unstable feelings and emotion...
Tajuk 1824 - Kisah saya di BLOG MENDELEY
4 years ago
buat Phd memang macam tu. Emosi turun naik. Dia akan sampai satu tahap kemalasan yang kritikal. saya pernah sampai tahap scale 10/10..hehe tetapi lepas tu menyesal sebab saya beri peluang emosi menguasai diri. Maybe you just need a break for a while. Kadang2 rasa nak menyendiri tu sebenarnya petanda hati dan jiwa kita rindukan pada Tuhan. Mungkin semua ni puan dah buat but maybe by doing tahajud di malam hari continuosly, InsyaAllah perasaan itu akan pergi. Bukan apa sebab saya pernah mengalaminya dan saya 'berubat' dengan cara itu. Alhamdulillah ia berkesan...Saya doakan semoga puan dapat momentum seperti sedia kala. Allah sedang menguji puan dan ujian itu tandanya Dia sayangkan puan:-)
anonymous- thanks a lot for the advice....I'll try my best to follow it.....take a break, menyendiri dan bertahajud.....ya..itulah yg sebenarnya yg saya perlukan mungkin.....
motivation is something that comes as goes.
Doing a PhD is hard work. It's a game of persistence...and gathering enough stamina to keep going.
But you know you have what it takes to get there. I saw that at SPARC.
It's just a phase. we can't be motivated all the time, but the think you cannot forget is that you are passionated about what you do. Just take a break. Sometimes a pause helps. Then you come back and see things differently. You see people differently too.
I must say that at this time of the year I feel tired too, and grumpy!
The only thing on my mind is Vacation! :-)
I hope that after I come back I'll be more re-energised and can carry on with my studies and work.
Sometimes it good to stop. Then the motivation starts again! :-)
christina- thanks for your support..you know you're my teacher for blogging since my first year until now!!!!!!!!!!!!
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