Informal Notes to help with preparation for the viva
Some notes about the viva:
1. Both examiners will have read the dissertation prior to the viva
2. They will meet briefly before they see you to discuss their views and to decide what questions need to be asked and by whom
3. The viva will take place in the designated room and you will be invited in once the examiners are ready
4. Your supervisor will introduce you to the examiners
5. You will then be asked to give a short introduction to your dissertation (approx 10mins). It is best if this is just a verbal introduction and NOT a powerpoint presentation (see the note A below for what to cover). The main purpose of the viva is for the examiners to ask you questions, so most of the time should be spent on this.
6. The examiners will ask you questions about the work you have done with a view to satisfying them that you have met the criteria for a PhD Award. (see note B below)
7. Once the examiners have finished (usually after about two hours), you will be asked to leave the room
8. The examiners will decide on the outcome (see note C below for possible outcomes)
9. you will invited back into the room and told the outcome by the External Examiner
10. If any further work is needed then this will be detailed in writing and a deadline for completion will be agreed
11. If no further work is needed then it will be congratulations all round!
Note A
The verbal introduction should be in your own words. You can use notes to prompt you, but preferably you should speak directly to the examiners.
It should cover:
1. Your name, the title of your dissertation
2. Your motivation for doing the PhD and this topic in particular (include something of your previous education and experience)
3. Key researchers and key publications in the field
4. The aims of your dissertation (what you were trying to achieve)
5. How you went about it (what methods you used and why)
6. What you achieved
7. what ideally you would have liked to achieve
8. what further work could be done
9. what publications have arisen from the research (and/or planned publications)
Note B
• evidence that aims and objectives were achieved
• evidence of originality and independent critical judgement
• addition to knowledge in the field of study
Note C
Broadly speaking the categories are:
1. Award PhD no corrections
2. Award PhD subject to minor corrections
3. Refer for Re-examination: Permit resubmission with further work and with or without a further viva
4. Reject – Re-submission not permitted
See University Handbook for full details
L.A.Macaulay March 2010
source:from my Doctorate friend~Dr Nazean~
just my 2 cent sharing...just for my future preparation..........................
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