Motivation Quotation......

Aku meminta kepada Tuhan setangkai bunga, segar, Ia beri kaktus berduri. Aku minta kupu-kupu diberinya-Nya ulat berbulu. Aku sedih dan kecewa. Namun kemudian, kaktus itu berbunga indah sekali dan ulat itupun menjadi kupu-kupu yang sangat cantik. Itulah jalan Tuhan, indah pada masaNYA! Tuhan tidak memberi apa yang kita harapkan. Tapi Dia memberi apa yang kita perlukan. Kadang kala kita sedih, kecewa dan terluka. Tapi jauh di atas segalanya Dia sedang mengatur yang terbaik dalam kehidupan kita.............................................

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Kenangan lama menjengah kembali...


Gambar2 di bawah dah lama rupanya....hampir 8 tahun yang lalu....sebenarnya tika ini tengah serabut memikirkan untuk mengekspresikan penulisan bagi bab kajian literatur aku yang tertunggak tiga hari lepas......aku masih buntu...sementelahan sedang membuat penambahbaikan 'slide power point' untuk sesi percambahan idea melalui pembentangan khas yang diatur oleh 'kakak' aku minggu hadapan sebagai persediaan untuk aku bagi Internal Evaluation (pembentangan hasil dapatan bagi kajian aku sebelum viva kelak) yang dijangka akan dilaksanakana samada MEI atau JUN akan datang inshaallah(doakan yer...) untuk kajian aku ni....tiba- tiba jer aku teringat kawan2 lama masa menuntut di UTM dulu-MSc IT di Skudai....waktu itu aku tiada komitmen kepada famili lagi-masih di alam pertunangan...erm......
Ada di antara rakan2 di sini yang juga sedang dalam perjuangan phd: antaranya Jep di Brunel[gambar atas],
K. Nita di Birmingham,Lina di Loughborough dan Suzi di UKM[gambar bawah]

Sebenarnya tahun ni aku dah masuk tahun ketiga atau dalam istilah lain dah final year pun...tapi aku tak pernah rasa yang aku ni seorang 'final year' tambah2 lagi kalau aku berada dlm kelas 'doctoral training'; yg mana 'rakan2 sekelas aku selalunya berbeza-sebab sebab ianya bukan kelas wajib- bergantung kepad topik kelas itu sendiri..cuma selalunya muka2 pelajar tahun pertama atau tahun kedua selalunya akan kedapatan..dan apa yg aku dapat selain ilmu dlm kelas2 tersebut..aku dapat lihat bangsa2 lain( dan aku ada buat kesimpulan dengan beberapa jenis bangsa yang memang sangat 'outspoken') yang sangat 'berkeyakinan' melontarkan idea mahupun soalan tika pensyarah memberikan penerangan dan waktu itu terdetik di hati..mengapa aku bukan dalam golongan yang berkeyakinan sedemikian..kadang2 aku malu menjadi pelajar 'final year', tapi tak dak gaya langsung....ada beberapa situasi yang menggambarkan aku ini tak menampakkan pun sebagai pelajar yang tahu serba sedikit dalam selok belok proses pengajian phd...entah..adakalanya aku buntu..selalu aku tak mampu menolong memberi penerangan jika ada pelajar phd lain yang bertanya....

kadang2 aku berfikir sendirian..pelbagai kemungkinan yang akan berlaku kepada aku dalam tahun ini..namun biarlah aku pendamkan dalam hati...sebab takut disalah tafsirkan serta beluma ada kepastian. Lagipun aku ni sensitif jugakla dalam erti kata lain; kononnya peka atau prihatin dengan segala tindak balas kawan2 aku samada yang sama2 berjuang mahupun tidak.... Namun aku ada satu sifat yang ramai orang tidak tahu; hanya insan terdekat sahaja yang tahu...aku sebenarnya sangat 'keras hati'........dan aku yakin dengan sifat 'keras hati' itulah yang membuatkan aku bertahan sampai ke tahun tiga ini...jika tidak rasanya pertengahan tahun 2008 lagi aku sudah pulang ke tanahair dan tidak meneruskan pengajian aku di sini....

Mungkin ramai yang mengenali aku dengan jiwa sensitif aku yang lebih terserlah berbanding dengan sifat 'keras hati' aku ini......aku fikir kedua2 elemen itu sangat penting bagi aku (biarlah orang kata aku ni cengeng ke apa...) tapi aku yakin sebagai wanita nalurinya memang mudah sensitif dan bagi aku sensitif ada baiknya terutamanya apabila kita harus sedar yang manusia ini tidak ada yang sempurna....cuma besarlah harapan aku agar aku tidak akan mengalami sindrom sakit mental atau kemurungan sekalipun aku berjaya menamatkan perjuangan ini; walaupun kadang2 aku rasa seakan-akan ada simptom2 nya... wallahuam.....

Knowledge Sharing...Knowledge Transfer....Knowledge Exchange

Finally, I am clear with these term...( final year just then you clear??So slow okay...).....

Adapted from Boyd et al(2007) from the 8th ECKM proceeding paper, they clarify the difference of these term.......

Yes, I admit from the first year that they are slightly difference between knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer( based on stand of Prof Charles Egbu-my phdmate's sv) but before this I just ignore and still assume they are mostly same- this stand exist since I found too many papers claim that is same but it now I got some ideas to make some arguments in my LR......erm...just wanna back to my LR's writing after leave it since last May 2009...fuhhhhhhhh...

Knowledge Sharing

DefinitionDisclosure of existing to others - thus creating new knowledge



Via Social Interaction

Knowledge Transfer

Definition Applying existing knowledge from one context to another



Via Training/Social Interaction

Knowledge Exchange

Imparting of knowledge for something in return



Via Contract

****vocabulary- A reciprocal action or arrangement involves two people or groups of people who behave in the same way or agree to help each other and give each other advantages (adjectives)

Monday, February 22, 2010


Honestly I do not like these question ponder out to me....sorry have to say.....

- when your Internal???is it okay?????how may questions???
- when you will submit the report?
- when your viva?(very complicated question....)
- when your study leave end???
- do yo will extend???? why????
- you finish??how many years you spend for the phd???) the time is not important..the
most important is get phd okay.....

all of these questions makes me tense hopefully nobody will ask about that anymore unless I'll inform here...because nobody wanna face tense with all those questions.......and all of us (who have same journey like me wanna smooth journey....okay...) but allah know the best for we cannot deny on that....even we plan the best but she know the better for us...

at this moment like these preview album...hopefully my lovely sis will buy for me and will reach at me soon....

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Though time...???

After get rest for some my work must be shift to gear 2 or gear 3....and start to think wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


start tomorrow until the end of March is my though time since I have to do the most hard job(literature review writing continuation/extended from IA report) I think ( for me ) and I have to do it unless you cannot get the phd..wallahaualam......

Today and tomorrow, my day time was full with NVIVO training session at school and in the night..try my best to finalise the research methodology draft chapter writing which is still not firm yet??could I???yes..of keep change here and there...and now I start think on argue with the some of book authors..but do not know how to make it in sentence???that is my weakness part..critical and argument writing..............

hopefully this point will help me...inshaallah..thanks sis faiez

1. What is inspiring about the reference? How does it attract you?
2. Do you agree or disagree with the author? Provide your reason for agreeing/disagreeing.
3. If you embrace the author’s opinion, how will this inform your research?

My analysis stage also still not finalise yet...since after attended the NVIVO session today.....I get the new idea how to applied this software to support my findings...... even though my sv already satisfied with what I'm doing at this moment...I cannot feel comfortable with her style because until on our last meeting my objectives also had been changed...I think that is normal in phd journey ...the most important!!!!!always check back with our work( quote from Dr Sudi Sharifi-during attend her qualitative training session last week)..since in her training session also, I've found some of arguments of my research with her stands....(and I still keep thinking that she will be my potential examiner during the IE...oooooppppppsssssss...wallahualam...)

Monday, February 15, 2010

REPUBLISHED: The important dates and times to remember ....

Salford Business School
20th Jan 2-5 p.m - Paradigms done
27th Jan 2-3 p.m - Preparing IA and IE done
11th Feb 2-5 p.m - Qualitative Research done
25th Feb 2-3 p.m - Evidence and Phd Research done

SPORT Programme
18th Feb and 19th Feb - Nvivo Training 9.30 - 4 p.m done

Last attend even last year already had refresh and real preparation soon...

Preparing for the Viva

Dr Maria Burke

Tue 25 May 2010

10.00 a.m.12 noon


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Just back from met my 'adopted' baby boy... heart still have balance of hurt since what had been happened to me..last week (bukan tak redha dgn apa yg dah berlaku tapi hanya aku yg tahu apa yg aku rasa...tak mampu diungkapkan dgn kata dan semua yg aku rasakan ada sebab musababnya tersendiri yg sukar dimengertikan oleh org lain)...glad to hear that my BTN friend at Liverpool had invited us to attend his baby boy's aqiqah, where I assume like my baby boy too..even we have been visited Adam few weeks ago......but since his dad invited us we just go it and I spend a lots of time with Adam..rather than doing anything....since like soul theraphy too...

Yes..I'm still not in good condition but the nature of motherhood in myself makes me strong enough to visit this lovely boy again....furthermore his parents also do some celebration for his brother boys too today,14th Feb....Ayeip and Afif

Sometimes, I'm confuse with myself with my feelings either I'm sad or okay or not happy or hate with somebody or annoyed with other people.In other words, my mood will have more than ten types within in a day.....actually my mood in early morning today, was so bad
( why?????????)....but when I look at the baby's face,Adam, I became calm...or whatelse??when I look at my girls make me laugh, I become happy.......,or when I remember my phd works still not finish , I become nervous, then I what I should do???whatever it is.....that is me????Yes...I do....

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Almost done although it still need improvement.....

Today remarks myself for 25th meeting with my sv and she is okay with my deliverables(slides, the conference paper,the journal paper) and only my slides needs some improvements. She also was express herself ' very very very' sorry with what happened to me.. and ask me either I need more break for myself.'Luckily' I can said to her..'it is okay.........I think I can handle it'...It just not too much time.....then after 3.3.10, maybe I'll take some break for one to two weeks(Yes!!!!!!!!! it will) before my preparation of real IE..

INSHAALLAH.....I believe that all these things would makes me more strong in survive my life after this....yes, I believe on that.....

Monday, February 08, 2010

Nak marah boleh?????????DAH OKAY.....

I'm too 'sick' with the printer provided at my school.... asyik asyik asyik tak boleh print...dahla datang sekolah semata-mata untuk printt....alih2 rosak lagi...nak marah nie...serius...
I'm still in not good condition and try my best not too tense but when came school I became tense again..arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
byr mahal2 fees( wpun bukan duit aku...ini yang aku dapat??????sabar pun ada hadnya.....)........seriyus..jgn aku meroyan udah....staf sini boleh tahan jugak 'efisien' nya..mcm kat Malaysia jer....

mana tak bengang....................... rabu ni nak jumpa sv, sure byk perkara yang aku nak print.....dah seminggu 'tuang' mai drpd dtg sekolah..dahla kat rumah printer takdak katrij..erm..sabar je lah......................................

allah maha mendengar my cries...dalam masa sejam technician datang selepas aku email spontaneusly...I don't care, rosak je aku akan email sepantas kilat kat technician....aku ada hak.....Alhamdulilllah...

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Hard week...

This week I do not do so much work due to the incident that require me to take rest for a while...details can referring to here...but whatever it is....I must be strong even not too much friends know about this ...sometimes I feel ashamed when I think I always need attention from friends...when they also had their problems too...what I should do now...I must be strong since nothing can be do except to 'redha',patient and try again in another time..maybe allah know the best for me....wallahaualam....

Now...I do not have so much time for my progress....although I have to take rest, I must look forward for my phd work between of it.....
I must!!!!!!! I must!!!!!!! I must!!!!!!! nobody can 'block' me....
maybe this week I do admit have to rest for a little bit but not more rest too much for next week upwards anymore....

8/2- due date for my respondents and I have to do my validation work
10/2- meet my sv for slide approval inclined to my pre-IE presentation on 3/3
13/2- finish my chapter 7
18/2 -finish up my chapter 8 and have another appoitment with the EPC at North Manchester General Hospital(UPDATED-GOT CHANGED ALREADY- ON 17TH FEB 2010);
18/2 & 19/2 - NVIVO training- should I go or not???erm......I MUST GO NO MATTER IT IS..THE DATE OF EPC HAD ALREADY CHANGED
3/3 - preIE and after that my sv will determine what should present in the real IE coming May or June insyaallah...
15/3 - finish up my chapter 2
18/3- finish and conclude in the end of chapter 1...
30/4-submit IE report to school

semuan ni hanyalah my rough plan... work or not..allah is the power for it...
any comments or any tips to make me more enthuasism for it.....

Monday, February 01, 2010

something coming over..

I need rest today...something happen to me...which require myself do not do any work until my condition is stabil......