talk by Prof Philip Scarf(my spouse's sv).....on 4th March....
-this is his style and based on his experience-he had produce huge of journal right or no wrong....whatever it is, always refer to your sv itself....
Standard approach
-describe the problem or idea; the contex
-tell the reader what has been achieved so far ad by whom and what bearing this has on your work
-relate everything to your work/idea/solution
-present your methodology,how you arrived at it,its use
-apply your methodology;discuss the results;what do your results say about your methodology(validity) and about problem context(applicability)
-develop your methodology to address more complex issues,Apply.discuss
-finally tell the reader what you achieved(advancement of knowledge) and further suggestion
Tell the story
-use narrative style
-write for reader not to yourself
-write for an academic reader,not just for your supervisor only
-tel it how it was
-describe historical context and methodological context of work
-use plain english
-do not patronize the reader-avoid certain words e.g 'obviously','straightforward'
Practical tips
-draft in the following order;results;methodology;conclusion;introduction,abstract....
LR is embedded for every stages.....
-use descritive headings
-foreshadow chapters
-use grammar checker from the start e.g English grammar Gowers(1973)
-use consistent definitions
-use track changes and make it as multiple versions...not replace the word/file documents
--plan your structure down to paragraph level
-give paragraphs topic sentences
-one idea per sentence
-adopt the style/format based on your research area/interdiciplianry
-interpret the guidleines
-use 3 section levels at most(1.0#1.1#1.1.1)
-make figure and table titles self explanatory
-avoid repetition and padding
And more
-use a running head
-use the harvard referencing system
-do not overcite
-use bracket convention e.g [{( )}]
-mathematical objects sholud be italic(he is applied mathematics people..that is why....)
-do not use colour
-11pt for figure and table titles
-abbreviations not encouraged
-get into the writing habit
-review your own writing
Further references
*Watson,G(1987) Writing a thesis: a guide to....
*Becker,H.S(1986) Writing for socila scientists:how to start and finish your thesis
*Anderson,J(2001) Assignment and thesis writing
*Gowers,E(1973) The complete plain words.Penguin
*Higham,N(1993) Handbook of writing for the mathematical sciences.SIAM
credit to my spouse because give me chances to attend this training since the time of training(2.00-4.00 p.m) normally not suitable to me( usually we will back on 2.30 p.m to fetch our daughters) for attend it..But since my spouse willing to fetch our daughters first, then pick me on 4.00 p.m ..I'm too appreciate it..Otherwise I would not able to attend to this training...
Tajuk 1824 - Kisah saya di BLOG MENDELEY
4 years ago
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