Motivation Quotation......

Aku meminta kepada Tuhan setangkai bunga, segar, Ia beri kaktus berduri. Aku minta kupu-kupu diberinya-Nya ulat berbulu. Aku sedih dan kecewa. Namun kemudian, kaktus itu berbunga indah sekali dan ulat itupun menjadi kupu-kupu yang sangat cantik. Itulah jalan Tuhan, indah pada masaNYA! Tuhan tidak memberi apa yang kita harapkan. Tapi Dia memberi apa yang kita perlukan. Kadang kala kita sedih, kecewa dan terluka. Tapi jauh di atas segalanya Dia sedang mengatur yang terbaik dalam kehidupan kita.............................................

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A successful PhD - some hints

Never submit a PhD without the approval of your supervisor
Never exceed the number of words specified by the University (Ideal PhD: 200 pages). Read the University regulations.
The introductory and conclusions chapters are the most important- take great care to manage expectations and understand the limitations
The Research Methodology chapter should be clearly written and justified:
Qualitative or quantitative
Single case study or multiple case studies
Data collection
Statistical analysis
Research Process Map
Research findings should be rigorous and statistically proven if possible
The literature review should be comprehensive (Critique and not reporting)

Proof reading is important:
Minor typographical errors - Acknowledgements
Clear abstract - Referencing
Remember that the PhD viva is a formal examination, but in most cases it is operated like a discussion
Make sure that you arrange a mock viva before the real thing
Read about your examiners’ work
Be confident, not arrogant and show passion towards your research
Listen to the question you have been asked
Agree with the examiners if you can’t support your argument -don’t waffle
Bring a list of corrections to the viva
Mark up your copy of the thesis in order to find your way easily during the viva
Don’t read the PhD the night before the viva, try to relax
Typical questions:
Tell me about the story of your PhD, what is your main contribution?
Why did you choose the topic or this research method?
Give me the names of two experts in this area (well known researchers)
How did you validate your work?
Would you do this research the same way again?
Do you have any questions which you would have expected me to ask?

(From slides “How to succeed in doing a PhD: personal experiences”
A PhD is a journey of discovery & fun by Professor Ghassan Aouad
Pro Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Internationalisation
University of Salford on 10th March 2009)

Weak PhDs

Weak methodology
Ambiguity in defining the aim, objectives, research questions
Weak data collection and analysis methods
Superficial literature review
Superficial analysis
Badly presented (spelling)
Findings are not clearly reported
No validation
No reflections
Bad use of appendices
Bad Performance at viva
Arrogance and ignorance
Other researchers will not use as a reference
No publications before viva
Predicted findings
No structure (flow)
No excitement in the writing style
Opinion based (unsupported statements)
No scope, all over the place
No intellectuality or creativity
Weak theoretical underpinnings
Reporting on a piece of software
Conference papers and reports
Contribution to knowledge is not sufficiently addressed

(From slides “How to succeed in doing a PhD: personal experiences”
A PhD is a journey of discovery & fun by Professor Ghassan Aouad
Pro Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Internationalisation
University of Salford on 10th March 2009)

Good PhDs

Robust Methodology
Clear aim, objectives, hypothesis, research Questions
Good data collection and analysis methods
Comprehensive literature review, Critical Analysis
Well presented, Interesting findings
Strong Validation, Good reflections
Good use of appendices
Confidence, Other researchers will use as a reference
Work already published
Original findings
Appropriate structure of chapters (flow)
Writing style (exciting)
Evidence based
Well scoped (focus)
Intellectuality and creativity are evident
Strong theoretical underpinnings
Researching a phenomena
Refereed journal papers as references
Contribution to knowledge clearly described

(From slides “How to succeed in doing a PhD: personal experiences”
A PhD is a journey of discovery & fun by Professor Ghassan Aouad
Pro Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Internationalisation
University of Salford on 10th March 2009)

4,000 words....

this week ...I'm really struggle to make it 4,000 words includes references and exclude appendixes(this is my sv's requirement) nobody can't argue on that..sorry..maybe different sv different styles........this is about my interim assessment report where I should submit to my sv on mid of is not easy to make it 4,000 words because I have to make it summarise,precise and accurate for every sentences to ensure I can acheive the criterias needed. Furthermore, all the important information about my IA just in my hands already and my nervous,anxiety,fear and worries also in my hand too....just settle on make it 4,000 words and wait for responds from proof this week I really need break...where is it.....erm....somewhere in UK too..not outside UK yet.....

Same to my husband..he also struggle prepare his IA report..hopefully he also will have his IA presentation on this May or June..Then,I and kids will follow him for conference??what conference??I'll check it out with him later.... at Groningen,The Netherlands on mid June.Insyaallah,if my full paper accepted,on early Sept we will go Italy for ECKM 2009 hopefully....wish us all the best....

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Before this normally I just read generally and try to identify the definition and application on KS papers...however today...after I become more clear (not precisely least some lighter) what I want to do for my research...
alhamdulillah I feel that I can determine specification in every paper on my KS areas(although the total number of paper not too much yet)...otherwise after this the same style I should do for my KM papers....erm maybe for human capital issues too....wallahualam....that's why we call phd is learning process...everyday I get new things in my journey alhough just small Prof Kamil said-' kecil tapi signifikan'.....

Yesterday,18th march....I had attended premierly professor and visiting professors talk(if in UUM we called as 'syarahan pengukuhan professor') at my university. The motivation comes in myself it because the person who give the talk is Prof Dr Charles Egbu-one of KM expertise specialise in Construction in University of Salford. My target from his talk, how he explain what is Knowledge and KM in his perspective and YES..he not disappointed me.He explain precisely with his soul and mostly it is very understandable...and at the end on his talk he try to show off how far the application KM in Built Environment - includes Construction area. Thank you again to my spouse who had to pick up our dear girls again since the talks start on 2.00 p.m and ends 3.10 p.m...My sv also attend on this talk...I think she also likes the way on presentation of Prof Dr Charles Egbu.....

Flying letters...

Read and think.....either true or not...I'm not sure who was the sender of the letter but it was hidden inside previous Prof Kamil's blog

Dear Professor Dr. Muhd Kamil Ibrahim,

Whatever it is I'm still insist and derived some motivation from his story.........

About him....

Monday, March 16, 2009

Need to refurbish.....

This blogs really need refurbishment from me..but when..I'm too busy now....maybe after settle interim report..insyaallah...I must refurbish this blogs..too messy....

Friday, March 13, 2009

Writing Always not Writing Up

'writing related issues often play a significant role in preventing or delaying completion of Phds"
(Torrance & Thomas, 1994)

Facilitating Student Writing: Issues and strategies
Dont get it right, get it well written - write early, write often

strategies for student:
- review other theses in the discipline
-talk to other students/graduates
-research and write simultaneously
-do a thesis plan (T.O.C.) early and keep it growing as the research proceeds
-work flexibly with your thesis plan
-set clear writing goals and milestones
-talk what you want to say into a tape
-break big tasks down into manageable chunks
-reward yourself for progress, mark achievements
-build safeguard into timeline
-re-frame: view writing as a series of hoops to jump through (achieveable tasks) rather than a test of intelligence or endurance
-dont stall or get bogged down in detail; if this happens take a short break

Problems with writing

-fear of supervisor's feedback or of supervisor in general
-fatigue: too many 'binges', binge-only writing, more 'snacks' needed, more rest? binges can be aversive, leaving you feeling drained
-lack of momentum: redefine this not as lack of progress, but as limited relationship between writing session.
-not writing often enough
-lack of rewards
-signalling problems: you cannot find your way in your own writing
-not achieving high enough standard in writing

Strategies for unblocking

-free writing
-generative writing
-mind mapping
verbal rehearsal
-write down all you know about X
-write down all your ideas abot X
-construct a sense of ending: visualize the completed thesis

becoming a serial writer
-write regurlarly
-measure your actual output:count/calculate the number of words/pages you write per hour/week
-plan and give a work-in- progress presentation
-plan and write chapters pf your thesis
-submit conference abstract
-set yourself writing tasks:define form, content, length of time, number of words before you start
-continue freewriting to develop your ideas and build confidence

workshop by Dr. Catherine Manathunga and Dr Wendy Green (UQ/TEDI)
12 March 2009, Conference Room Duhid Bldg

courtesy of my UUM friend at Brisbane; Fatimah Zaily Ahmad

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Suddenly 'pening' (mana taknya jurnal bersepah ntah mana2 aku simpan-pastu jenuh cari semuala...yg tak jumpa pun ada...teruk betul......apa punya knowledge manager daaaa....) struggle to finish up the paper writing..hopefully can settle by tomorrow....then send for proof read by next week before submit to organizer before 2nd april.Then have to face for finishing interim date on 22nd april to submit to my sv...insyaallah....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I'm anxious.....

Actually my head was too anxious(worried and nervous) with this statement.......

ARKIB : 02/03/2009
Pensyarah lewat habis Ph.D diberi amaran
KUALA LUMPUR 1 Mac - Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi memberi amaran keras kepada para pensyarah di institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT) tempatan supaya melengkapkan pengajian peringkat tertinggi mereka dalam masa yang ditetapkan seperti dijanjikan dalam kontrak.

Timbalan Menterinya, Datuk Idris Haron berkata, kegagalan berbuat demikian memberi implikasi besar terhadap kos pembiayaan para pensyarah itu yang ditanggung kerajaan serta urusan pentadbiran institusi-institusi terlibat.

Justeru katanya, pensyarah yang didapati gagal melengkapkan program masing-masing dalam masa yang ditetapkan perlu mengemukakan surat tunjuk sebab mengenai kelewatan itu.

''Jika tidak diberikan peringatan sebegitu, kementerian khuatir ia akan menjadi kebiasaan kepada warga pensyarah yang mengikuti pengajian tanggungan kerajaan.

''Keadaan ini seterusnya menjadikan IPT di negara ini terutama IPT awam semakin pincang," katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.

Beliau mengulas laporan sebuah akhbar berbahasa Inggeris tempatan semalam mengenai 50 pensyarah Universiti Malaya (UM) diberi surat tunjuk sebab kerana gagal melengkapkan pengajian peringkat doktor falsafah (Ph.D) dalam masa dijanjikan.

Courtesy from
Ya Allah permudahkanlah perjalananku dan suamiku ini....amin....

p/s just wondering...yg keluar statement ni ada phd ker??????haru haru....

Thursday, March 05, 2009


Info from Sydney and KL gained already although it took time...but as long I gained it..thankful to my creator.....

How to write thesis,,,,,,

talk by Prof Philip Scarf(my spouse's sv).....on 4th March....
-this is his style and based on his experience-he had produce huge of journal right or no wrong....whatever it is, always refer to your sv itself....

Standard approach
-describe the problem or idea; the contex
-tell the reader what has been achieved so far ad by whom and what bearing this has on your work
-relate everything to your work/idea/solution
-present your methodology,how you arrived at it,its use
-apply your methodology;discuss the results;what do your results say about your methodology(validity) and about problem context(applicability)
-develop your methodology to address more complex issues,Apply.discuss
-finally tell the reader what you achieved(advancement of knowledge) and further suggestion

Tell the story
-use narrative style
-write for reader not to yourself
-write for an academic reader,not just for your supervisor only
-tel it how it was
-describe historical context and methodological context of work
-use plain english
-do not patronize the reader-avoid certain words e.g 'obviously','straightforward'

Practical tips
-draft in the following order;results;methodology;conclusion;introduction,abstract....
LR is embedded for every stages.....
-use descritive headings
-foreshadow chapters
-use grammar checker from the start e.g English grammar Gowers(1973)
-use consistent definitions
-use track changes and make it as multiple versions...not replace the word/file documents
--plan your structure down to paragraph level
-give paragraphs topic sentences
-one idea per sentence
-adopt the style/format based on your research area/interdiciplianry
-interpret the guidleines
-use 3 section levels at most(1.0#1.1#1.1.1)
-make figure and table titles self explanatory
-avoid repetition and padding
And more
-use a running head
-use the harvard referencing system
-do not overcite
-use bracket convention e.g [{( )}]
-mathematical objects sholud be italic(he is applied mathematics people..that is why....)
-do not use colour
-11pt for figure and table titles
-abbreviations not encouraged

-get into the writing habit
-review your own writing

Further references
*Watson,G(1987) Writing a thesis: a guide to....
*Becker,H.S(1986) Writing for socila scientists:how to start and finish your thesis
*Anderson,J(2001) Assignment and thesis writing
*Gowers,E(1973) The complete plain words.Penguin
*Higham,N(1993) Handbook of writing for the mathematical sciences.SIAM

credit to my spouse because give me chances to attend this training since the time of training(2.00-4.00 p.m) normally not suitable to me( usually we will back on 2.30 p.m to fetch our daughters) for attend it..But since my spouse willing to fetch our daughters first, then pick me on 4.00 p.m ..I'm too appreciate it..Otherwise I would not able to attend to this training...

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

How will you be assessed?

The assessment(Interim Assessment) considers:
-clarity of esearch focus
-completion of LR
-brief review of the work already taken
-presentation of data findings taken
-knowledge of particular field
-details of contribution
-plans for future work
-progress of work so far


Today it remarks 3-in-1 things in my student life....

First-my 15th meeting with my sv....she keep give me her supports in my perfomance;luckily she approve my research philosophy and web documentation as my secondary data..... and my rest works still have to settle down before this april.....

+ editing 2 things...EA and IJIM........
+ conference paper
+ interim report

Second- as incoincedence, my friend from BUHU, Sis Mastura just informed to me about BUHU training/workshop on Interim Assessment/Internal Evaluation by Dr Vian Ahmed.In begins, I felt that I shouldn't go since I'm not BUHU student but after I asked opinion from my sv she said why not??? as long as I ask permission..then I proceed to go and it was so informative session..later on I will share the points for interim assessment @ 'phd proposal defence'....

Third-Parents Evening; actually this is about my girls..where in UK education system they have the perfomance report eventhough the kids just started as nursery class students....I'm glad with my girls achievement.....
Zimah although she is shy girl but she had shown high interest on writing,counting,cutting,helping her teachers and surely on singing......
Mizah keep improve on her speaking,art skills...e.g play dough and make complete gingerbread man using dough...and also she able organize big jigsaw puzzle like bob the builder....its good job dear...well done......
As mama, I always pray for their good achievement in their school although they do not face any formal exam yet.....

Monday, March 02, 2009

Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck to my 2 Siti friends......Siti Uzairiah(BUHU) and Siti Zaleha(MAMS) who will face their interim today...all the best....I know both of you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!All the best.....

just updated-they had passed their interim...congrats both of turn will come nervous....