moga2 musibah yang menimpa rakyat Jepun memberikan teladan untuk kita semua.........
Moga sahabat sekolahku yang 'berjuang' di Tokyo sana...tabah menghadapi saat2 getir waktu ini........aku tidak tahu mengapa peristiwa musibah Jepun ini memberi kesan di lubuk hati ku,sekurang2nya aku sudah mula ter'bangun'dari 'mimpi lenaku....'tidak mahu lagi mementingkan diri bak kata2 ustaz hasrizal jamil@saiful islam di sini...moga2 aku lebih bersedia untuk dijemput Ilahi....wallahualam.........
dalam pada itu aku kagum dengan sikap rakyat Jepun di saat mereka ditimpa musibah ini melalui catatan sahabatku di sana .....
Vending machines selling canned drinks were free flow on the day of the earthquake, but everyone only drank the amount they needed and didnt try to rob the vending machines to zero. it made me wonder if it would be the same in Malaysia?
Public phones were free immediately since the reception of mobile phones the all jammed up. lines were extremely long but people were still thinking of others when using the phones.
My university, which is Meiji University keep sending information and updates to all of us especially foreign students. it is all very admirable. Lecturers and staffs email us all the time, calling us, asking how i am faring.
by Farrah Shameen
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