Thursday, January 28, 2010
24th meeting usual...
only me know that.....just ensure my momentum of motivation is maintaining or moderate medium until the end ...if not.........
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
28.01.2010 UPDATED
Suddenly feel so nervous to meet my sv this coming Thursday...Why, I do not know???
I feel so many things to discuss but normally we meet not more than an hour...not sure will solve all my problems.....usually, I only being able to tell and the solution only decided on me not her....
The most important is-
- I have to explain my progress at this moment....
#Validation work progress- two option:
a-Option A: through validation online questionnaire- had distributed the online questionnaire on 25th January 2010 and wait the respond until 1st Feb 2010 through – hopefully will receive good responds from the community
b- Just validate through the NVIVO from the findings from Study1(Chapter 5) and Study2 (Chapter 6), but it require another extended analysis based on manual analysis before this.MAYBE NVIVO AS BACKUP SINCE I FEEL DECISION EXPLORER IS BETTER FOR MY CONDITION...
#After settle go through the Chapter 5 and Chapter 6, I found out that, only two theories is very suitable to this research analysis stage.UPDATED- STILL REASONABLE WHEN PUT ANOTHER TWO THEORIES... SCaT AND SET...DONE
#Journal paper submission; either to Library Review (my sv was promoted as guest editor for this journal, for special theme- knowledge sharing) or International Journal Information Management- DECISION - IJIM
#Conference paper in Hungary- due date is 18th Feb- still consider to write about Social Cognitive theory after settled introduced the Theory of Planned Behavior application in journal paper.......???-STILL THINKING????
On behalf....
Knowledge Sharing in Emerging Economies
Special issue call for papers from Library Review
Guest Editor: Dr M E Burke
Knowledge Sharing has become a “hot” trend in organisations around the world. There is an increasing international presence in the area with work completed on organisations in Kuwait and ongoing work regarding the situation in Malaysia, e.g. Sulaiman and Burke (2009) “A case analysis of knowledge sharing implementation and job searching in Malaysia” (International Journal of Information Management Vol 29 (4) pp 321-325.)
Many newly developing countries such as those with poor infrastructure, those in poverty, those emerging from Communist and State rule are moving towards stability by slowly building up businesses such as SME’s which are beginning to move towards sharing information both internally within the company and externally to customers, clients and suppliers. Information sharing for many is the first move towards Knowledge Sharing and for many businesses these are the stages before a full Knowledge Management system can realistically be addressed.
For many countries the concept of Information Sharing is something which has the potential to be seriously considered with little resource. Many companies are information rich but resource poor and information sharing can be a way to address difficult issues. It can be seen as a way through the mass of data and information in order to impose some kind of structure on the way in which the organisation information flow works.
Therefore this issue is interested in papers covering the following themes as they relate to knowledge sharing in emerging economies:
- Information Sharing
- Information Systems
- Overseas Development
- History of Knowledge sharing in Emerging Economies.
- Knowledge innovations
- Competitive advantage
- Information sharing in SME’s
- Organisational determinants of structure (with regard to information flows)
- External environments factors that influence shared knowledge
All papers will be blind refereed.
Guest editor details
Dr M E Burke
Senior Lecturer
Salford Business School (Information Systems Group)
University of Salford
Maxwell House
Greater Manchester
Deadline and submitting a paper:
Manuscripts should be submitted by 10th April 2010. Final versions with any recommendations for changes should be submitted by 30th June 2010 for publication in late 2010.
Submissions to Library Review are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts, the online submission and peer review system. Registration and access is available at . Full information and guidance on using ScholarOne Manuscripts is available on the Library Review author guidelines page.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 115 - January 2010
Here is your personal copy of the January 2010 Gurteen Knowledge Letter.
Regards David.
David Gurteen
Gurteen Knowledge
Gurteen Knowledge-Letter: Issue 115 - January 2010
1 Introduction to the January 2010 Knowledge Letter
2 2010 Annual Letter from Bill Gates
3 If traditional incentives can have a negative impact, what's the workaround?
4 Blogging for knowledge workers: incubating ideas
5 The Gurteen Knowledge Cafe Webinar
6 Alfie Kohn, children, rewards, motivation and KM
7 ADVERTISEMENT: Certified Knowledge Manager Training
8 The end of mass universities
9 KM for Business: Managing successful KM projects to achieve business results
10 Knowledge Management video competition.
11 KM Event Highlights
12 Subscribing and Unsubscribing
13 The Gurteen Knowledge Letter
Introduction to the January 2010 Knowledge Letter (top | next | prev)
I know its almost the end of January but a very happy New Year to you all!
My website is now over ten years old and has grown to a huge KM resource of over 7,000 pages. Maybe just a little too large. So one of my resolutions this year is to review the whole site; remove outdated material and fix all the little bits that have got broken over time. I have already cleared a lot of junk!
One of the first things I am doing is updating the Annu al KM Conferences section and the KM Network Directory section. I need your help. Please check out both sections and let me know anything I have missed or got wrong. Thanks!
2010 Annual Letter from Bill Gates (top | next | prev)
Bill Gates 2010 Annual Letter is now live at the?Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation website.
In this year?s letter Bill talk's about the importance of innovation for solving some of the world?s biggest problems and how he and Melinda see innovation as the factor that will make the difference between having a bleak future and a bright one. The letter explains how they decide which ideas to fund and talk about the benefits, time frame, and risks of each one.
If Bill and Melinda only achieve a fraction of their vision they will make a real difference in the world.
Also take a look at Bill's new website Gates Notes if you want to track what he is up to. He has also just started a twitter account and already has over 300,000 followers.
Makes my 4000 followers seem tiny in comparison LOL
If traditional incentives can have a negative impact, what's the workaround? (top | next | prev)
In this interview at KM India, I was asked for my views on "Incentivizing Knowledge Management". Well I explained the reasons for not doing it but did not suggest an alternative approach which was picked up in one of the comments by "firetangent". Here is my response.
So if traditional incentives can have a negative impact, what's the workaround?
First stop using them; they don't work and do great harm.
The problem with traditional incentives, rewards and talk of motivating people, engaging and empowering them etc. is that this approaches the situation from a mindset of "doing things to people". It says "they are lazy people; we know best and we will find ways of manipulating them to do what we would like them to do".
People see through this; they resist; they become cynical and it actually makes matters worse!
Here is my answer "Stop doing things to people and start to work with them!" Rather than "Hello I am here to help you!" (Oh yea!) Take the attitude "Hello, lets talk and see how we can better work together."
Its that simple!
But there is secondary issue here. Asking "how do we incentivise people" - makes the big assumption that they need to be incentivised. Yes, they may not be doing what you would like them to be doing but how do you know that the reason is lack of motivation. You don't. If there are problems then you will only find them out by sitting down and talking with them!
Blogging for knowledge workers: incubating ideas (top | next | prev)
I have long admired Lilia Efimova's work on blogging. If you are interested in what it means to blog within an organisation then I suggest you read this recent article by her on Blogging for knowledge workers: incubating ideas.
Here is a little taster:
Blogging is primarily known as an instrument for personal publishing, reaching a broad and often unknown audience without pushing content on them. While blogging is personal, most of its advantages are the result being part of an ecosystem, where weblogs are connected not only by links, but also by relations between bloggers. Those relations do not appear automatically: it takes time and effort before one can enjoy social effects of blogging. To sustain blogging before those effects appear it is important to find a personally meaningful way to use a weblog.
Credit: Blogging for knowledge workers: incubating ideas - Lilia Efimova
This is something that many non-bloggers still do not understand - a blog is much more than a personal publishing tool!
If you would like to elarn more then take a look at her PhD dissertation Passion at work: blogging practices of knowledge workers.
The Gurteen Knowledge Cafe Webinar (top | next | prev)
If you have not had the chance to participate in one of my Knowledge Cafes and have wondered what they are all about then I will be giving a 1 hour webina r about them for the Ark Group on 9th February at 16:00 GMT where you will have a low cost opportunity to learn a little about them.
There is a discount fro my community members.
Alfie Kohn, children, rewards, motivation and KM (top | next | prev)
I have a huge respect for Alfie Kohn and have been blogging about him since 2002! But I have only just thought to look on YouTube for some video clips of him speaking. Well, I got lucky and found several clips from which I have created a YouT ube playlist of clips from some of his talks.
Alfie demonstrates time and time again how our thinking is screwed up when it comes to the education and raising of children. This is bad enough. But the same habits and practices get carried over into the work place. We still try to punish and reward employees to "make them" to do what we want - even when there is no evidence that it works and plenty of research to show that it does not!
Daniel Pink has also been talking on the surprising science of motivation at TED.
ADVERTISEMENT: Certified Knowledge Manager Training (top | next | prev)
*Certified Knowledge Manager Training*
19 - 23 April 2010, Basel, Switzerland
Interactive 5 day workshop supported by extensive eLearning program.
Workshop Leaders: Barry Hardy, Beat Knechtli, Pavel Kraus, Michael Wyrsch, Stephan Bohr, Douglas Weidner
Topics: KM Practices, Business Case, Strategy, Program Planning, KM Frameworks, KM and Organisational Culture, Change Management for KM Programs, Leadership and Competencies for KM, Knowledge Assessment, Metrics, Enterprise KM, Process-oriented KM, Knowledge Mapping, Benchmarking, Expertise Location, Search, Personal KM, Web 2.0, Communities, Collaboration
More Information:
Program Brochure:
Contact: Dr. Barry Hardy barry.hardy -(at)- +41 61 851 0170
The end of mass universities (top | next | prev)
I have long been saying that Universities are in for trouble - as why would a student get out of bed early in the morning to attend a boring lecture when he or she could watch one of the world's best professors on the subject deliver the lecture at any time of the day and night that they chose - maybe with a friend or two and a few beers.
This report that you can watch 120 hours of lectures on Physics by Lenny Susskind, for free on YouTube only confirms the idea.
KM for Business: Managing successful KM projects to achieve business results (top | next | prev)
I will be visiting Jakarta once again in March where I will be leading a two day KM workshop with KM Plus - Learning Lead on March 10 - 11. This will be the third such workshop over the last few years and I will be sending out more information to those of you in the region in the next week or so.
I have yet to finalise my itinerary, so if you would like to invite me to work with you in any way or if you would like to meet with me informally for coffee, lunch or dinner please get in touch.
Detail of the workshop is as follows:
Topic: KM for Business: Managing Successful KM Projects to Achieve Business Results
Venue: The Boardroom, Four Seasons hotel, Jakarta
Date: March 10 - 11, 2010
Target audience: Directors, Managers, Business Profesional, and KM practitioners.
This workshop is a series of KM-Plus annual International KM events, which was started with Knowledge Cafe (March 2007), Social KM (July 2008), and now KM for Business (March 2010).
For more information please contact KMPlus.
Knowled ge Management video competition. (top | next | prev)
So all you KMers who enjoy shooing and editing video - Patrick Lambe of Green Chameleon has announced a Make a Video about KM Competition. Go for it - it should be fun!
KM Event Highlights (top | next | prev)
This section highlights some of the major KM events taking place around the world in the coming months and ones in which I am actively involved. You will find a full list on my website where you can also subscribe to both regional e-mail alerts and RSS feeds which will keep you informed of new and upcoming events.
2nd Iranian Knowledge Management Conference
30 - 31 Jan 2010, Tehran, Iran
David Gurteen presents the Gurteen Knowledge Caf? Webinar
09 Feb 2010,
My first webinar for the Ark Group.
The 10 year impact of communities, now and in the future
22 Feb 2010, London, United Kingdom
My first London Knowledge Cafe of 2010 and already almost 100 people signed up.
KM Forum 10th Annual Conference
24 - 25 Feb 2010, Henley on Thames, United Kingdom
I will be at Henley for this event - how could I miss the 10th anniversary!
3rd Annual Global Learning Summit
03 - 05 Mar 2010, Singapore City, Singapore
KM for Business
10 - 11 Mar 2010, Jakarta, Indonesia
This will be my third worskhop for KMPlus and I am very much looking forward to it.
5th Knowledge Management International Conference
25 - 27 May 2010, Terengganu, Malaysia
KM UK 2010
15 - 16 Jun 2010, London, United Kingdom
I will be giving a keynote talk at this event.
World Library and Information Congress
10 - 15 Aug 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden
11th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM 2010)
02 - 03 Sep 2010, Vila Nova de Famalic?o, Portugal
I will be attending this event for the seventh year in succession.
Subscribing and Unsubscribing (top | next | prev)
You may subscribe to this newsletter on my website. Or if you no longer wish to receive this newsletter or if you wish to modify your e-mail address or make other changes to your membership profile then please go to this page on my website.
The Gurteen Knowledge Letter (top | next | prev)
The Gurteen Knowledge-Letter is a free monthly e-mail based KM newsletter for Knowledge Workers. Its purpose is to help you better manage your knowledge and to stimulate thought and interest in such subjects as Knowledge Management, Learning, Creativity and the effective use of Internet technology. Archiv e copies are held on-line where you can regist er to receive the newsletter.
It is sponsored by the Knowledge Management Forum of the Henley Business School, Oxfordshire, England.
You may copy, reprint or forward all or part of this newsletter to friends, colleagues or customers, so long as any use is not for resale or profit and I am attributed. And if you have any queries please contact me.
Gurteen Knowledge
Fleet, United Kingdom
Gurteen Knowledge Community
Membership Information
Name: Nor Intan Saniah Sulaiman
Membership No.: 30356
Country: United Kingdom
Receive Knowledge-Letter: Yes
Receive Updates: Yes
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
How to handle stress???
Senyum . Kebanyakan kita bila berhadapan dengan masalah pasti kita akan tarik muka seribu. Paling tak pun kita akan mengeluh…dan mengomel sorang -sorang yea tak? apa kata bila kita hadapi tekanan seperti ini kita senyum dahulu. Bila kita senyum, pasti sedikit tekanan akan reda..Cubalah..
Bersendirian. Ada sesetengah orang suka bersendirian..memencil diri untuk mencari ketenangan seketika. Macam suri kalu suri ada masalah suri selalu pergi ke pantai..take time disitu sebab kita berhak untuk mendapatkannya. Kita renungkan kembali apa yang berlaku dan ambilah iktibar dari sudut yang positif setiap perkara yang terjadi itu kemudian perbaiki pada keadaan yang lebih baik.
Bertenang. Jangnlah berserabutkan lagi keadaan yang sedia ada. Tarik nafas dalam-dalam dan hembuskannya secara perlahan-lahan. Cuba elakkan diri anda dari membuat sebarang keputusan dalam keadaan tertekan. Ini kerana keputusan itu mungkin bersandarkan pada emosi anda semata-mata. Bukan itu sahaja malahan jika tiada perincian yang dibuat dalam keputusan tersebut takut sebarang kemudaratan akan berlaku nanti.
Berbuat baiklah pada insan. Cuba kurangkan perbuatan dari menyakiti hati orang di sekeliling anda. Seandainya anda terlihat seseorang yang boleh membuatkan anda stress, adalah lebih baik anda janganlah memandang dia. Terus jika anda mendengar akan percakapannya adalah lebih afdal anda mendiamkan diri, pekakkan telinga..erm, ibarat macam anda kena marah dengan boslah yea.
Jadilah insan yang berhati luhur dan pemaaf. Bunyi memang senang tapi bila kita hendak melakukannya mungkin agak sukar. Tapi itulah yang harus anda lakukannya. Hanya dengan cara inilah pasti hati anda akan berlapang dada dan sekaligus stress anda akan berkurangan.
Peluk. Anda pasti akan rasa lebih tenang dan damai di dalam hati jika dapat memeluk makhluk lain. Maksud disini jika anda mempunyai teman baik perempuan sama perempuan anda peluklah dia, jika anda memiliki anak patung (teday bear) peluklah ia dengan erat. Begitu juga jika anda mempunyai haiwan peliharaan seperti kuching anda juga boleh memeluk atau mengusap ia. Dengan cara ini ia dapat meredakan sedikit tekanan atau kemarahan anda.
Lavender. Bagi yang suka pada aroma terapi minyak lavender amat sesuai sekali untuk meredakan tahap stress anda. Ini kerna minyak lavender dikenali sebagai herba penenang yang boleh mengurangkan atau mensurutkan stress anda. (Selalunya ia diamalkan pada waktu malam).
Kasih sayang. Terapi yang mudah kita dapat melalui kawan-kawan, anak-anak atau pasangan kamu (yang berkahwin), anak saudara, ibu bapa. .Dengan adanya kasih sayang dari mereka-mereka inilah sumber kekuatan anda pasti tidak akan susut kerana sebenarnya anda tidak berseorangan didunia ini.
Allah. Ikutilah perintah dan suruhanNYA, tinggalkanlah perkara yang dilarangNYA hayatilah setiap bait-bait ayat dariNYA nescaya anda tidak akan rugi walau sesaat..
Ceria. Janganlah bebankan fikiran dengan semua perkara yang ada disekeliling anda setiap yang berlaku pasti ada hikmahnya. Kita hidup didunia ini hanya untuk sekali sahaja jadi, nikmatilah hari ini dengan seadanya.
found from
Symptom2 Student PhD Final Year
Check it out... either I have these symptom or not????
Symptom2 yg mengganggu student PhD final Year:
1. kerap berpeluh (walaupun temperature -2'C)- never sweat???why????liang peluh aku tersumbat agaknya???lemak byk sgt...
2. Sering hilang ingatan (kat mana folder file, kat mana journal yg baru print, etc)- that is true???always and always , plus careless too...very dangerous...
3. rasa seperti berada di dlm time machine (hari ni Jan, esok Feb, lusa Mac...)- no feelings on this???
4. sering menggaru kepala yg tidak gatal (walaupun tak ada kutu mahupun kelemumur)- yes..since I do have echzema dandruff...
5. berada dia merata tempat dlm sehari (lab, ofis, printer room, library, etc)- normally only office and home...seldomly go to library...but yes I do in a day so may places will be- home, baby sitter home,daughter's school, office, shops, in many??
6. suka bermain dgn paper (conteng2 paper, print paper, koyak paper, tampal paper di signboard,etc)- sometimes....even I do not like scratch with paper...more like to think scratchly in my mind only???are you sure???
7. cepat gelabah - yes definitely....always and always....especially in stress condition...
peringatan/muhasabah diri:
1. Tidak ku minta jd begini (betoi ka?)- PhD: kita tidak dipaksa utk sambung phd, kita yg minta utk sambung phd (kita apply kan? isi borang dsbnya). Bayangkan balik ketika kita mula2 apply utk sambung phd, go through segala interview and presentation. If kita tak berjaya secure the scholarship....sebakul makian diberikan kepada TNC/Dekan/TD yg tidak meluluskannya, betoi dak? Ada yg tidak berjaya, appeal berpuluh2 kali nk juga scholarship. Skrg scholarship ini kita yg punya (dah nk hbs pun...), mengapa perlu mengeluh/menyesal/komplen?
2. Betulkan Niat- Kalau ada yg niat sambung Phd ini adalah utk melancong/bercuti/bekerja,
3. Nilai diri sendiri- hmmm, pikirkan...adakah cukup kerja yg kita lakukan hari2 tanpa pengawasan employer kita (tak perlu punch card dsbnya). I never that is enough never enough
'Ya Allah, ko mudahkan perjuangan ku dan rakan2 ku....ameen'
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Five universities visited in Scotland...
Sharing is caring...
First Call for Papers for VSST'2010, 25-29 October, Toulouse (France)
The sixth edition of the symposium VSST will be held in October, Toulouse 3 University (France).
This symposium brings together, for already 15 years, the public and private actors in the domain of technology watch and competitive intelligence.
Universities, public administrations, SME and large groups are invited, every 3 years, to attend this event to exchange viewpoints, methodologies, tools and experiences.
In addition to traditional topics, we will particularly focus on the following subjects:
. Metadata and Interoperability
. Treatment of heterogeneous information
. Security of access to data and treatments
. Online analysis
. Mining temporal data
. Cartographies
. Social Networks
. Online Intelligence Community, Web Intelligence
. Multilingualism
. Geostrategy
. Web new structured data
. New sources of patents (China, Korea, Japan, India, ...)
. Web 2.0 and Web 3.0
. Contributions of 3G technology in competitive intelligence
. Innovations in the decision process
. Risk Management and Governance
* but this list is not exhaustive
We also organize:
. Forum between businesses, students and young graduates
. Presentations training in competitive intelligence
. Tutorials and workshops
. Demonstrations of software
. Presentations of strategic analysis
. Exchanges on the effective establishment of watch cell
. Exhibition for professionals.
1/ Electronic submission of papers for VSST'2010:
Front page:
Title, authors and contact details (organization, address, phone, e-mail)
15 lines french abstract, french keywords, english abstract and keywords.
Text for submission of papers (in French or English):
Minimum 5 pages on the problem, methods or tools presented and their validation.
. Deadline for receipt of paper proposals: May 15, 2010
. Deadline for acceptance of papers: June 15, 2010
. Date of publication of final program: June 30, 2010
. Deadline for receipt of papers for publication on CD / ROM and online: September 15, 2010
2/ Final format of papers:
Front page:
Title, authors and contact details (organization, address, phone, e-mail)
15 lines French abstract, French keywords, English abstract and keywords.
Final text (in French or English):
12 to 20 pages (landscape A4) including figures and references.
Email submission:
vsst2010 @
For more information:
URL for online registration:
Best regards,
Professeur Bernard DOUSSET UPS/IRIT/SIG
118, route de Narbonne 31062 Toulouse cedex 9
tél: (33) 5 61 55 67 81 gsm: (33) 6 12 57 19 49
fax irit: (33) 5 61 55 62 58 perso: (33) 5 61 55 67 81
----- -----
Monday, January 18, 2010
Kehidupan ini dipenuhi dengan seribu jenis kemanisan, namun untuk menikmatinya perlu seribu macam pengorbanan...........
"Berubah adalah satu perkara yang ramai orang mampu lakukan.. namun masih ramai yg kurang berjaya. Bukan soal berubah.. kerana ramai yang mampu melakukannya, tapi berapa ramai yang mampu MENGEKALKAN perubahan tersebut???.."
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Dah lama rasanya tak menulis dalam bahasa ibunda aku....... bukannya niat berlagak mahupun lupa daratan..namun untuk entri kali ini..nak luahkan perasaan................. rasanya lebih afdhal menggunakan bahasa ibunda ku..supaya manusia yang tidak memahami bahasa ibunda ku tidak memahami apa yang nak kusampaikan....
Jika dilihat entri aku kebelakangan ini.... seakan aku diuji masalah besar...masalah besar ke aku diuji???aku pun tak tahu..sebenarnya mungkin orang lain melihat apa yang aku rasa ini hanyalah perkara remeh temeh dan tidak perlu diperbesarkan pun........ ya aku akui..aku tidak sekuat orang lain yang mana boleh lupa begitu saja dengan apa yang orang lain buat kepada aku....aku pun pelik..sejak aku melanjutkan pengajian aku peringkat phd ni tahap sensitif aku makin meningkat..kalau dulu- mungkin hanya 40-50% saja mungkin..namun kini..semakin lama semakin meningkat kadar peratusan itu...aku mudah sangat terasa dengan sesiapa sahaja waima dengan teman hidup(TH) ku..namun dengan TH lain...biar pedih macamana pun penawar tetap ada pada dia-apa dia??biarlah rahsia......lagipun selalu nya dialah tempat aku luahkan perasaan dan tempat aku 'berdebat' pun ya...namun jika orang lain..penawar nya aku harus cari sendiri dan fikir sendiri..yang kadang2 menyesakkan jiwa dan mampu menggugat ketenangan aku untuk fokus pada kerja2 phd aku ini....
sebelum aku melalut lebih jauh contoh macam hari ini okay...aku pergi nak mendaftar sebagai pelajar tahun tiga(ya allah... dah tahun akhir dah aku sekarang????) dah la tunggu hampir 30 minit dengan beg berat kemudian sampai giliran aku dan suami aku, dia kata kena ambil borang pendaftaran di 'School'...sabar je lah...sedangkan kawan aku sebelum ini dah daftar pun, borang diberikan tanpa perlu merujuk kepada 'School' pun...aku benar2 bengang2!!!!serius aku bengang...suami ku senyum jer lihat aku marah..dia kata itu perkara kecil jer...tapi aku tak rasa perkara kecil...selagi aku tak daftar sebagai pelajar tahun akhir...aku serabut...sebab apa???sebab banyak lagi perkara yang perlu aku fikirkan....ya.... aku akui pendaftaran tu dalam tempoh sebulan(sebab aku masuk Januari 2008, maka sepanjang bulan Januari la tempoh yang diberikan) diberikan tapi sebagaimana yang aku nyatakan tadi..selagi tak daftar, selagi tu la aku kena letak satu satu ruang dalam meori aku BAHAWA aku belum daftar lagi sebagai pelajar tahun akhir-boleh gitu???esok? aku dan suami tak pergi universiti..anak ku yang comel dan 'petah' berkata2,si hanie ada temu janji di hospital untuk perkembangan cystic hygroma nya...mudah-mudahan dipermudahkan insyaallah..jumaat belum pasti lagi ke universiti...minggu depan pulak la jawabnya...sabar je lah....
minggu ni dah banyak 'ujian' yag diberikan olehNya untuk aku..ya aku redha..aku pasrah tapi hati aku tetap terluka ...sebagaimana yang aku dah nyatakan di atas tadi...tahap sensitif aku terlalu tinggi dan kalau aku ceritakan pada TH aku dia kata kat aku semula... sayang ni semua tak kena......... semua orang akan rasa tak kena dengan sikap aku..bukan itu yang aku maksudkan cuma...kadang2 aku dah penat menjaga hati orang lain SEBAB ...sekarang ni aku mula rasakan yang manusia ni tak pernah nak jaga hati dan perasaan orang lain..semua pentingkan diri sendiri..semua nakkan kebahagiaan untuk dia sahaja tetapi bukan untuk orang lain.....itu yang aku rasa sekarang ni....maaflah terlebih emosi sikit entri aku kali gara2 mendalami teori 'Social Exchange' yang salah satu elemen nya jika kita mahu memberi, kita juga berhak menerima...tapi kadang2 apa yang aku rasa aku sahaja mem'beri', tapi aku tidak pernah menerima..aku bengang,sedih,sayu..dan dalam masa yang sama, terasa macam sekarang jugak aku nak terbang balik ke rumah mak aku- 21 jalan gasing taman berapit penang malaysia, nak makan mee udang TK,tom tam kung SR, roti jala dan gulai ayam air tangan mak dan macam2 lagi, kemudian datang semula ke salford,UK....boleh gitu?????itu tindakan kurang wajar namanya..walauapapun aku PASRAH dan aku berserah padaNya..sebab macam dalam salah satu motivasi poster yang aku pernah kongsi di bawah...yang mana???..cari sendiri....dan satu lagi aku memang terlebih emosi......
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Stable now...
yesterday I have mixture of feelings but today..alhamdulillah I am getting better.....and I must keep aware that I have too many works in my mind...Normally I plan my works based on my availability.....and never compare to others..because nobody phd research is same....maybe some people need 18 hours...maybe some people only need 3 depends on the individuals itself....but for long as I achieve my target on that is enough do not have to target long hours because I do not have any strength to focus more than 10 hours per day..the most longest hours that I have achieved at this moment( based on my memory too..) only 8 hours...but usually just 5 hours only-9.30 until 2.30 p.m if I going school..and now I just have not more than 7 months for submit the draft thesis...hopefully I managed to complete it with the minor correction..wallahualam....
This month- Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 @ Data analysis work
PLUS- 1 conference paper and journal paper within the same time with the data analysis works stages...
Next month(Feb)- Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 @ Submit the proof reads
for Chapter 3,4,5 and 6
Another next month(March) - Polishing the Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 @ Submit the proof
reads for Chapter 1,2,7 and 8..insyaallah...
Hopefully it works.....wallahaulam...
This song had cheered up my mood again..thanks CTKD...
Monday, January 11, 2010
Unexpected feelings
the more I confused same as what in my minds now..
anxious,annoyed,sad,frustrated,trauma?, homesick,feel to death as soon as possible......and of course my focus to this journey also effected....
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Take Time.....

Dapatkan Mesej Bergambar di Sini
Today note- unexpected feeling had ruined my mood for phd works today....
Saturday, January 09, 2010
2 years was here...
Friday, January 08, 2010
Supposely this model...

but now I am concentrate deeply using on this model...
it means I have to do some additional analysis works at this moment....better now than during internal...wallahualam....just recover the latest one after did some new additional exploration on this theory...
Add some more...
Can the theory of planned behavior be used in qualitative research?
The TPB was developed to predict and explain human social behavior, and to serve as a framework for behavior change interventions. Like other theories of this kind, it can be used as a heuristic framework to guide questions to be raised in qualitative research. However, the standard methods developed over the years for use with the theory are largely quantitative in nature. The only part of these methods that requires qualitative research is the elicitation of salient behavioral, normative, and control beliefs (See Constructing a TPB Questionnaire).
Thursday, January 07, 2010
University open Thursday 7 January(alhamdulillah...)
However, all students and staff are encouraged to take precautions against the weather and prior to setting off in the morning check for up-to-the-minute advice on the links below for travel information, and at for the latest University information.
Latest Travel Information
Public transport in Greater Manchester:
Manchester Airport:
Traffic news:
Kind regards,
Professor Ghassan Aouad
Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation)
Simon Attwell
Director of Finance
Acting on behalf of the Vice Chancellor
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
University also closed...until when??
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
click to enlarge
Based on current weather and travel conditions, the University buildings will be closed today (Wednesday) for the safety of staff and students.
Members of staff should work from home and keep as much of a normal service in operation as possible.
Email addresses for staff members are available to students and other parties at
Students with urgent enquiries not directly related to their programmes can contact Student Life on 0161 295 0023.
For any urgent University issues, please call +44 (0)7815704857.
For any urgent IT and library (Information and Learning Services Division) related calls please phone 07891387779.
Finally, we'd like to remind all staff and students that current emergency service advice is that people should only travel when absolutely necessary and to take sensible precautions.
More information can be found here:
University closure due to weather
Owing to the severe weather conditions the decision has been taken to
close the University today (Tuesday 5 January).
Staff and students should not attempt to travel in to the University and
those already on campus should leave by 12.30pm as conditions are
The University will be monitoring the weather over the rest of the week
and further announcements will be posted each day on the University
The University switchboard will also be operating on +44 (0)161 295 5000
for further advice.
For any urgent student issues, please contact on +44 (0)161 295 0023
News : Icy Conditions Around the University
Icy Conditions Around the University
Date: Jan 04, 2010
Due to the icy weather conditions outside, some roads and pathways around the University have become very slippery and hazardous.
Please take extra care when travelling to and from University buildings.
Unfortunately we are finding it very difficult to secure adequate supplies of rock salt so that we can properly grit all paths, roads and car parks in the vicinity of the University.
Please be assured that the Estates team are making every effort to secure further supplies and will use the limited stocks of grit to clear footpaths where possible.
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Another snow news....
* Buzz up!
* Digg it
* Matthew Taylor and Sam Jones
*, Tuesday 5 January 2010 20.09 GMT
* Article history
Much of the UK was blanketed in heavy snow as the extreme weather headed south and forecasters warned that the country was on course for its coldest winter in 30 years.
The Met Office issued an alert that nearly half a metre of snow was due to fall in some areas as the freezing conditions that brought chaos to the north and Scotland todayspread.
Tony Waters, the Met Office chief forecaster, said: "This is expected to cause disruption to transport networks and could lead to problems with power supplies."
A spokesman for the prime minister said the government was doing all it could to keep the country running.
"The weather is taking a turn for the worse," he said. "The Highways Agency has kept the vast majority of major road networks running. We are in close contact with local authorities and it is a situation we will keep a very close eye on."
Forecasters say the cold snap, which began in mid-December, is the longest since 1981 and warned that there was no end in sight. "I would normally be loth to look beyond five to seven days but the way the conditions are set at the moment I think the cold weather is not going to change for some time," said Stephen Davenport, senior meteorologist at MeteoGroup.
"I will stick my neck out and say it will be here for a couple of weeks and possibly longer." He said if the freezing conditions continued for the rest of the month the UK would be on course for its coldest winter since 1979.
The snow was expected to hit southern counties of England with almost 40cm predicted to fall on Salisbury Plain overnight. Heavy snow was also expected across London and parts of Wales.
Waters said: "The heaviest snowfall this evening and tonight is expected across parts of Dorset, Wiltshire, Hampshire, Berkshire and Oxfordshire where fresh snowfall of 15 to 20cm is expected widely, and locally in excess of 30cm. This is expected to cause disruption to transport networks and could lead to problems with power supplies."
The National Grid issued a rare warning to power suppliers to use less gas todayafter a 30% rise on normal seasonal demand. It has urged power firms to switch to coal and order more gas supplies from Belgium and Norway.
The business secretary, Lord Mandelson, told the BBC that it was "a time of special pressure on the grid" but did not address claims from the Conservatives that Britain has only eight days' worth of gas storage left.
Meanwhile the stockpiles of gritting salt held by councils for roads are running thin. Emergency deliveries were made to Fife council in Scotland, and in Wales Pembrokeshire council warned that gritting lorries were struggling to cope with the "extraordinary" conditions.
Derek Turner, network operations director at the Highways Agency, said: "We are working flat out to keep our roads safe and serviceable for use. However, it is very important to drive appropriately for the conditions; and even when roads are treated and appear ice- and snow-free they should still be negotiated with care."
Manchester, Liverpool John Lennon and Leeds airports were closed today and further delays were expected tomorrow at Gatwick, Heathrow, Luton and Newcastle.
Train services between London and Leeds on the east coast mainline were cancelled and operators were bracing themselves for more delays tomorrow.
Britain's road network also struggled to cope with crashes that closed many motorways. A driver was killed when two lorries collided on the M60 near Bredbury, Greater Manchester, and police and the Highways Agency have again warned commuters against travelling unless their journey is essential.
In Scotland Inverness was effectively cut off from the south after the police announced that the A9 – the main arterial road to the Highlands – had been closed by snow in the Cairngorms.
This followed the closure of the main railway line to Inverness after a goods train careered out of control in heavy snow.Sarah Holland a spokeswoman for the Met Office said there was no sign to an end of the freezing conditions.
"The current cold spell, which started in mid-December is already the longest since 1981, and as far as we can tell at the moment it is going to last for at least another couple of weeks."
Heavy Snow horror news....
Snow has begun to fall in many areas of the UK amid warnings of "severe" weather and a predicted 40cm (16in) of snow in the next 24 hours.
Exceptionally heavy snow - of 30cm to 40cm - is being forecast for Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Surrey, Oxfordshire, Wiltshire and Hampshire.
A Met Office "flash warning" said a "period of exceptionally heavy snowfall is expected with accumulations of 15-30cm and perhaps in excess of 40cm".
Hampshire is already seeing disruption on the roads as the county is blanketed in snow.
In parts of Manchester and Wales unofficial snow depths of 15cm have already been reported.
Braunton in Devon has seen 8cm of snow so far, Peterhead in Aberdeenshire 5cm, Radcliffe in Manchester 15cm and Coopers Hill, Brockworth in Gloucestershire 11cm.
The forecast warns that there could be "widespread disruption" to the transport network, and power supplies could be affected.
And worse is to follow, with the snow overnight expected to make commuters' morning journeys extremely hazardous.
Road safety groups are expected to tackle twice as many breakdowns as usual for this period and have advised travellers to prepare for potential delays.
AA spokesman Luke Bodset told Sky News Online businesses could help to lessen disruptions for their workers.
"There is plenty of warning that this snow is coming," he said.
"Employers are in a position to advise their staff as to what is reasonably expected.
"Companies should have contingency plans, and plan meetings or deliveries accordingly."
The Highways Agency said their gritting teams were on standby but would definitely return to action later on the M25 and beyond.
Transport For London confirmed its 38 gritters, supported by a fleet of quad bikes, will work with London boroughs across the capital.
A spokesperson confirmed de-icing trains would run on the tube network to limit the anticipated disruptions to the morning commute.
The RAC has told road users to check weather reports and prepare for delays in advance of travel.
A spokesperson advised commuters to consider different ways of getting home, or - if possible - to make alternative arrangements and avoid overnight travel altogether.
Sky News weather presenter Lucy Verasamy said: "London can expect snowfall tonight into tomorrow morning, but it's worse in the rest of the South.
"Temperatures across the region will drop as low as -4c and -5c, and as low as -3c in the capital."
Travellers have already faced major disruption after heavy snow forced airports in Manchester and Liverpool to shut and dozens of flights were delayed or cancelled.
Flights were delayed at Gatwick, Glasgow, Aberdeen Newcastle, Durham Tees Valley, Leeds Bradford International, Belfast and Derry airports.
Operations have been temporarily suspended at Southampton Airport while snow is cleared from the runway.
Many rail services in Scotland were disrupted, while there have been delays and cancellations to trains in eastern England.
On the roads, conditions were particularly bad in Yorkshire, Greater Manchester, Northumberland and Scotland.
A lorry driver was killed in a crash on the M60 near Bredbury in Greater Manchester.
Bus services in Sheffield and Barnsley stopped temporarily and in Leeds, rubbish collection services were suspended.
Extreme weather warnings for Dorset and Slough have been downgraded.
Hundreds of schools nationwide were closed and a large-scale search undertaken for a North Yorkshire man who went missing on Sunday morning.
A team of eight police officers, 15 from RAF Mountain Rescue and 20 volunteers from the village of Wath, near Ripon, have been scouring the area for Ian Simpkin, 36.
Football bosses postponed Blackburn's Carling Cup semi-final first leg against Aston Villa, and Manchester City's clash with Manchester United.
The filming of TV soap Coronation Street grounded to a halt in Manchester, as did that on the Emmerdale set based in Leeds.
There have also been reports of shoppers panic buying, with supermarkets seeing increased sales in Wellington boots, take-away food and thermal underwear.
Warnings as snow chaos heads south
The Met Office issued emergency weather warnings after Arctic conditions crippled large parts of the country. Skip related content
Forecasters said up to 40cm (16in) of snow could fall in some areas as the worst of the cold snap switches from the north to the south.
Heavy snow forced the closure of schools, roads and airports around the country. Police warned of hazardous driving conditions and the Met Office predicted worse could follow overnight and on Wednesday.
The Met Office said Dorset, Hampshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Wiltshire could see "exceptionally heavy snowfall". Between 15cm and 30cm (6in and 12in) of snow is expected but there could be "in excess of 40cm (16in)".
"This is expected to cause widespread disruption to the transport network and could lead to problems with power supplies," the Met Office said.
A spokeswoman said warnings of either heavy snow or ice were in place for every county in the UK. Parts of Surrey, Hampshire, West Sussex, East Sussex, Buckinghamshire and the Isle of Wight are also expected to see "extreme" conditions.
National Grid, which issued only its second ever gas balancing alert (GBA) on Monday after a 30% surge in seasonal demand, said the warning would not be repeated on Wednesday. GBAs are a way of warning customers on "interruptible contracts" to ease off on the fuel as well as encouraging suppliers to bring in more gas. A spokeswoman said the situation was being monitored on a daily basis but stressed supplies were in place to cope with demand.
There were widespread travel problems with Manchester Airport and the John Lennon Airport in Liverpool being forced to temporarily close. Passengers at Heathrow, Gatwick, Glasgow and Leeds Bradford International also faced delayed flights. Channel Tunnel services, badly disrupted before Christmas due to problems with Eurostar trains, were held up after a problem with a Eurotunnel freight shuttle train.
On the roads, heavy snow caused a section of the A66 to be shut in both directions in Cumbria and a succession of accidents added to drivers' difficulties on many routes. Meanwhile, supermarkets saw a surge in panic buying as shoppers stocked up on essential items.
In Berkshire, a six-year-old boy was fighting for life in hospital after falling through ice in a garden pond while playing with a friend. It is thought the boy had been underwater for half an hour before he was pulled out by firefighters. His playmate, thought to be another boy around the same age, raised the alarm after the accident in Crookham Common, near Thatcham