This entry doesn't mean to plead anybody to me...... but just wanna share one of my challenges for this journey...I've echzema since in Malaysia(if I've not fault since 2004) but when I come echzema never ends...sometimes no at all....sometimes critical as the pictures below....I did have the cream prescribed by dermatologist one year ago..but sometimes it couldn't help..i try another alternative herbal(aloe vera plus honey) lotion...lo'ccitane hand cream..and every time wash the dishes use gloves...but it stillnot 100% suceessful...that's why i'm alyways try to avoid from tense because it will affect to my i'm too tense with my works immediately back from holiday although I've got the enthuasiatic..but the level of tense still high.....this happen maybe because of I do not finish my target yet before another summer vacation next month...hopefully my hand will be better was so hurting especially when I've touch with the water when to take ablution(wuduk)...
Tajuk 1824 - Kisah saya di BLOG MENDELEY
4 years ago
Salam and Hi Intan, eczema ni memang keluar lebih masa tengah tension...anyhow, do take care ok, kak win pun tengah tension gak tapi kita mesti sabar...InsyaAllah... mmg pun intan akui nk wat cemana perasaan tension ni tkleh nak elak mmg menggaru jer le jwbnyer...mmg byk bersabar ni akak...tahan lain sakit lagi teruk kan akak!!!!
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