Motivation Quotation......

Aku meminta kepada Tuhan setangkai bunga, segar, Ia beri kaktus berduri. Aku minta kupu-kupu diberinya-Nya ulat berbulu. Aku sedih dan kecewa. Namun kemudian, kaktus itu berbunga indah sekali dan ulat itupun menjadi kupu-kupu yang sangat cantik. Itulah jalan Tuhan, indah pada masaNYA! Tuhan tidak memberi apa yang kita harapkan. Tapi Dia memberi apa yang kita perlukan. Kadang kala kita sedih, kecewa dan terluka. Tapi jauh di atas segalanya Dia sedang mengatur yang terbaik dalam kehidupan kita.............................................

Friday, May 22, 2009

Vimeo is better than Youtube??

Click here.....

Knowledge sharing through collaboration: How community contributed content improves global studies research and teaching

Richard Lalleman
MSc Information and Knowledge Management student
London Metropolitan University

Michel Wesseling
Manager Library and IT Services
Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands

For several years the implementation and implication of social networking tools, also referred to as Web 2.0 tools, have been included in discussions about ways to support interdisciplinary research in areas such as global studies. Although these discussions derive from different fields of interest, ranging from regional to national and including international institutions from the northern as well as the southern hemisphere, they all assert that Web 2.0 will improve the creation and sharing of knowledge.

But what does this mean for the area of global studies research and teaching? These areas are already creating new knowledge through research, publication, and instruction. Why then should global studies research and teaching be concerned with using Web 2.0 tools? The main argument for Web 2.0 tools is their potential for filling some of the voids created by accessing literature and data in an interdisciplinary environment. This article describes how social bookmarking can actually contribute to the improvement of knowledge creation and sharing for global studies research and teaching.

Web 2.0 is increasingly becoming a buzz-word as a solution for knowledge management. Nonetheless, the term Web 2.0 was coined to highlight the differences with the traditional Web 1.0. According to Miller (2005), “Web 2.0 enhances the discovery and manipulation of information … by building virtual applications … in which users participate”. Social bookmarking, a web-based service to save and share electronic resources, is an example of such a virtual application.

In the period of Web 1.0, Internet users used to save their favorite websites locally on their computers. As a consequence, these lists of websites could only be accessed from that same computer. While on a business trip, attending a conference, or just working from home, these sites can be difficult to access. Additionally, by saving useful collections of websites on only one computer, the collections are only available to and accessible by one person. Contrarily, social bookmark platforms such as and let Internet users save lists of websites on the Internet. This is a major improvement for researchers who are increasingly using resources accessible on Internet while the number of digital libraries and sources of information increases daily. Consequently, Internet users can retrieve their favorite websites on every computer as long it has an Internet connection and share their favorite websites with others.

Specifically this means that researchers and teachers in the field of global studies can maintain their own virtual filing cabinets, also known as a social bookmark account, which builds into the creation of a knowledge network. Let’s illustrate this with an example. Victor, a researcher in Kenya, uses the Internet to find information about the analysis of agricultural projects. While surfing on the Internet Victor finds useful information in databases of journals; information he normally does not find through generic search engines. To make sure he can retrieve the found page next week or next month, he uses to save his favorite website. With one click of the mouse he adds the website to his social bookmark account. Additionally, asks Victor whether he wants to label his favorite website with a keyword to improve accessibility. He labels the website with keywords and it is listed in his social bookmark account. Additionally, Victor’s social bookmark account also shows how many people have saved the same website and, consequently, Victor is now able to browse through the social bookmark accounts of those people with the same interests and find new electronic sources about the same topic. Through this process Victor builds a knowledge network through people who he never would have known without using social bookmarking.

Not only on an individual level are people participating in social bookmarking. First, communities of practice (CoP) increasingly emerge within social bookmark platforms. For instance, a CoP in the field of international development co-operation has agreed to save electronic sources about knowledge management for development with the keyword NPK4DEV. Consequently, you can monitor everyone’s contributions by subscribing to the RSS feed offered by the social bookmark platform. Second, institutions start their own social bookmark accounts in which staff members save their favorite websites. Third, and finally, initiatives emerge in which the efforts of both the individuals and institutions are combined. Focuss.Info, a content specific search engine in the field of global studies and international development cooperation, indexes the favorite websites of individuals – who have subscribed themselves as social bookmarkers in the same field – and partner organizations – who have been requested to start implementing an institutional social bookmark account. As a result, Focuss.Info generates lists of hand-picked websites as opposed to the results given by generic search engines such as Google and Microsoft Live.

As indicated in previous examples, individuals, groups, and institutions/organizations can create content-rich communities by simply using social bookmarking. It is not proposed that social bookmarking is the total-solution for knowledge management. Polanyi (1958), one of the first persons to introduced knowledge management within a business-context, argued that we only know what we know, when we need to know it. Hence, we will only know what has been social bookmarked by our peers. Thus, the more people who are social bookmarking in the field of global studies, the better electronic resources will be mapped. Eventually, the shared knowledge of interesting resources in the field of global studies results in knowledge creation among peers. In other words, social bookmarking is a tool that improves resource discovery among researchers, teachers, and many more interested in a particular topic.

Miller, P. (2005) Web 2.0: Building the new library, Ariadne 45, Available at:

Polanyi, M. (1958) Personal Knowledge, Chicago: Chicago University Press

global-e volume 2 issue 1 may 2008


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Being mama and student in the same time....

my school building...

myself snap on my own....look serious?????????????

Just wanna share some thing that being as mama for three little daughters and being as doctoral student is not easy job and spouse also doctoral student...

But far the hardship that I've to come through...I never upset what had been written to me from the creator. My motto life..always redha what have been given to me is one of my spirit and being thankful person to creator too...

My weekdays normally start with prepare the breakfast,lunch and dinner altogether and also prepare lunchbox for my girl-zimah ...mizah she had her lunch meals at her school.... ..then send them to school- hanie to her babysitter..after that my working hour at university just around 5 hours when around 2.30 p.m, we have to fetch all of them from school..then I'll take care them until they're sleep in the night. Normally after they're sleep, it's too hard to focus anymore for my phd work- due of tiredness on the day..just the light jobs only..not heavy reading or similiar on that....that's all litle bit my life..weekend routine.. it's not standardize..normally keep changeable....and usually we have our day out..if needed...seems looks hard but honestly, I enjoy my doctoral life....wallahaualm...

Worry again.....

Suddenly my worry feeling just come accross to me again..this is my routine feeling that I've always feel since being as doctoral student...worry on so many things which erm...sorry can' t reveal's too sensitive to explain in this blog...just enough I keep safely in my heart...wallahualam...

Monday, May 18, 2009

My next research stage......

Start today, unofficially, exploration on identified bloggers(to my 'research focus' group) for my research have been started. Why unofficially? because I still waiting for ethical approval from university and I'm still waiting comments and suggestions from my sv after my interim suggestion and comments last week. Next week, 26th may I'll have my next meeting with her. At least I've something to do rather do nothing for this week......Seem that is quite fun-but it's not easy job besides exploring, I also have to do some critical thinking and do some study on theory of knowledge sharing. In addition, besides on my research purpose, I admit that through the blog exploration I do gain some general knowledge and human behaviour style from young generation perspectives.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Another tips....

RHD skills enhancement seminars by Assoc. Prof. Helen Creese and organised by Faculty of Arts, UQ
11 May 2009


Conferences - The Three Ps
i. Preparation - the conference context
ii. Planning - what to present (and what to leave out)
iii. Performance - How to present

Making an Impact
Impact = Content (what) + presentation skills (how)

The Conference Context
Rule #1: Oral communication is different from written communication

your task
-to entice the audience to read your paper
-to engage, excite, provoke

*A presentation should be a spoken presentation on the same topic as the written paper
*A presentation cannot simply be a short version of the written paper
*To sound natural, you will need to be natural,to use shorter sentences, less detail, expressive language, memorable examples. In other words, you do need to perform

Key Idea
*Identify the key issue(just ONE!) and use it to organise your talk
*identify no more than 4 main points that relate to it
*be very specific: make sure your audience knows what you want them to remember
*be ruthless: remove everything not relevant to it
*avoid digressions: plan to tell (and sell) one story
*focus on your examples rather than making a general case
*refer to, nut do no present, relaled work (but make sure you know it thoroughly for question time)

Presentation Structure

An oral presentation will have a familiar structure:
- introduction: outline what you will be talking about
-main body: your findings and arguments
-conclusion: summary and conclusions
But the format requires different strategies from the written paper

To PowerPoint or not to PowerPoint

-there is probably no longer a choice to opt out of PowerPoint on the academic conference circuit
-don't be a slave to it. You do not need to have your entire presentation flashing before the audience's eyes
-keywords, dot points, images work well

Rule #2: If you have 15 minutes, plan and prepare a 15-minute presentation

First, do the sums: 15 minutes+ 1-2 minutes per slide = MAXIMUM of 10-12 slides
+ title slide (1 slide): author, affiliation,acknowledgements
+rationale (1-2 slides): key idea and why it is interesting
+where it fits (1-2 slides): i.e. theory, wider disciplinary
+what your discovered and what it means (2-4 slides)
+summary (1 slide): one thing you want the audience to remember

To Outline or Not to Outline...

Presentations typically begin with an overview or outline: How to manuals usually insist:
-tell them what you will be telling them, tell them about it, and then tell them what you have just told them
But beware: A quick snapshot if fine, but if you spend five of your precious 15 minutes talking about, here does that leave you...?
Rule #3: Do not read

*it is extremely difficult to juggle nerves, a mouse, ppt slides on the screen behind you,engage your audience and read from a written text
*let your ppt presentation double as your notes
*use written notes only if you must, and if you do, restrict them to a list of key words or dot points
*never use your written paper - it will be the wrong genre for the task ahead of you, and rifling through the pages will be a distraction you don't need

-remember, liestening is more difficult than reading
-material must be logical and well structured
-avoid information overload
-restrict yourself to no more than four key points
-don't try to the the audience everything you know
-don't present all the technical details of your work
-never try to show the audience how clear you are

Using Slides
-keep them simple -one idea per slide works best
-avoid distracting or overly detailed visuals
-use animation sparingly
avoid putting your spoken text on slide - the audience will read instead of listen
-don't leave your audience to read a whole slide of dense text, the timing is always wrong.if the information is crucial incorporate it into your talk
-don't expect your audience to absord a dense slide in a few seconds

Rule #4: Never, ever, go over time

-watch your time. Exceeding the time limit is discourteous to both other panel members and the audience
-audience stop listening as soon as the time allocated is past
-It is always conterproductive to continue (in a rush) to the end
-plan your presentation so that you can stop when the clock does


-don't be frightened> Questions are good!
-be prepared: if detailed data or arguments are involved and you can anticipate discussion, prepare extra slides with elaborations on key issue (as long as you know how to locate them readily)
-paraphrase the question before you respond (gives you time to think, and ensures the audience members have all heard the question)
-don't be afraid to say you don't know

Presentation Tips
1. Be enthusiastic: if you are not, then who will be?
2. Be confident: never apologise for real or imagined shortcomings in preparation, knowledge, gaps in data, inexperience, lack of time etc etc
3. Be seen and heard:
+ make eye contact
+ project your voice: speak to someone at the back of the room
+ locate and encouraging "nodder" and speak to them
+ talk to the audience not the screen or computer

Rule #5: Remember to perform
-speak slowly
-speak loudly and clearly
-use short simple sentences
-avoid jargon and abbreviations
-vary pict, tone, volume, speed and pauses
-use gesture, body movement, be animated
-make sure you have everything you need
-don't slug from a water bottle!

Rule #6: Practice...and then practice again!

-this rule is the most important one, so if you do nothing else-do this, preferably 'live' to a group of friends or family
-reading silently wont be enough. Presentations, especially their timing, transform when spoken aloud
-go through the entire presentation exactly as you plan to present it to make sure it works

RELAX...remember to breathe! and enjoy the experience!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Alhamdulillah...double happiness....

Alhamdulillah......I'm passed my interim, one stages had been done....but my journey will be more hard and phd research is easy right...19 months to go......
the other happiness.....'biarlah rahsia'.....let the 'time' will tell soon......

some tips for those will face this similar situation.....just wanna share based on my experience and with a few advices from senior friends.....
- show your enthusiasm and confidence at the maximum level....
- make sure all answer was be answered even though is not to exactly right
- use your 'make sense'(gerak hati) too for preparation on discussion or Q n A time
- try to defend as can as you can for everything that you do..don't accept too much try to be argumentative person(this one I''m still not achieve yesterday..I'm just as assertive- just accept all the suggestion...(takut sebenarnya)
- nervous will be happen to anybody but believe that you can control yourself to ensure presentation will be well and clear....
- ensure the report not too much to avoid the examiner ask you more question make sure the contentwise of the repost can be understandable....

Monday, May 11, 2009

Busy weeks..insyaallah....

The session scheduled next week on the 29 April by Dr Paul Fallon,
"Running Focus Groups" will now take place on the 12 May at 10.00 a.m. -
Room 720

The session scheduled for the 5 May by Prof Phil Scarf, "Introduction
to SPSS" will now take place on the 12 May at 3.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. -
M523 (Computing Lab)
cannot join due to unavailable time.....

13th May insyaallah will join on 2nd BuHu Seminar entitled
"Knowledge Driven Industries: Improving Organisational Competitiveness"

11.00 - 11.20 Presentation 1: Knowledge Mapping for Improved Decision Making in
Sustainable Developments
by Prof Charles Egbu (BuHu)
11.20 - 11.40 Presentation 2: KM in Changing Worlds: Exploring Knowledge Sharing
for Improved Organisational Competitiveness
by Dr. Maria Burke (MaMS)- my supervisor....
11.40 - 12.00 Presentation 3: Modern Visualisation Techniques in Aid of
Knowledge Acquisition
by Prof Farzad Khosrowshahi (BuHu)

14th May insyaallah my 'exam'@ determination day....hopefully everything will be alright- the most important thing is PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT...wallahualam...

The session scheduled for 12 May by Dr Maria Burke "Preparing for the
viva" will now take place on the 19 May at 10.00 a.m. - 12 noon - Room

Saturday, May 09, 2009

I don't think so....

Part of previous entry....

supposedly my mind should think more on my poster presentation this Friday..but it didn't...why my mind tends to think what doc will say to Hanie tomorrow on her appointment with doc(3.50 p.m)....
yesterday-8/5..alhamdulillah settle on poster presentation although not win(not my target..just to get experience only....) but the moral of story...I don't think I need any changes in myself..because...'aku tetap aku' ......the most important thing that I have to think is to utilise my strength for overcome my weakness ..WALLAHUALAM...

about hanie..doc said that she need to come again for another scanning in 2 weeks soon...hopefully nothing serious happen to her.....

supposedly my mind and my actions more towards to my interim assessment next week...but it didn't.....why my minds tend to think how to solve house condition problem?????

actually i think hard both of it parallelly..wish me best of luck....

supposedly i should be more hard work and hard work but it didn't...why my minds still think on my family at Malaysia every time in minutes..especially to my mom and grand mom(tok)....this night I should call mom...ask for blessings to me and my family here.....
insyaallah.... with well planning I will be..although not too least just as being phd student..moderately hardwork...and alhamdulillah after contact my feelings condition more better....

Wednesday, May 06, 2009


Too many things in my mind...yes..too many things in my minds...not everything can reveal journey just left only 19 months plus few weeks....but my momentum still not as fast life now like not mood not too happy at appetite also not too high...I'm thinking too much things in one time until my mind cannot focus to the supposedly that I should think at the moment....

-supposedly my mind should think more on my poster presentation this Friday..but it didn't...why my mind tends to think what doc will say to Hanie tomorrow on her appointment with doc(3.50 p.m)....
- supposedly my mind and my actions more towards to my interim assessment next week...but it didn't.....why my minds tend to think how to solve house condition problem?????
-supposedly i should be more hard work and hard work but it didn't...why my minds still think on my family at Malaysia every time in minutes..especially to my mom and grand mom(tok)....this night I should call mom...ask for blessings to me and my family here.....

Ya Allah....I need to change.....

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

My beloved..........

Menatap indahnya senyuman diwajahmu
Membuatku terdiam dan terpaku
Mengerti akan hadirnya citra terindah
Bila kau peluk mesra tubuhku

Banyak kata yang tak mampu
Kuungkapkan kepada dirimu...

Aku ingin engkau selalu
Hadir dan temani aku
Di setiap langkah yang menyakiniku
Kau tercipta untukku
Sepanjang hidupku

Aku ingin engkau selalu
Hadir dan temani aku
Di setiap langkah yang menyakiniku
Kau tercipta untukku

Pasti waktu akan mampu
Memanggil seluruh ragaku
Ku ingin kau tahu ku selalu milikmu
Yang mencintaimu
Sepanjang hidupku

Monday, May 04, 2009

More 10 days to go.....



Sunday, May 03, 2009

Giving a conference presentation by Dr Ela Beaumont

How are presentations assessed?
Your tutor is looking for a presentation that is:
appropriate for your audience
focused on a few key points
uses good examples
well structured
well researched

The 7 deadly sins
Don’t apologize
Give a reason why your audience should pay attention
Tailor your presentation to your audience
Don’t tell your audience more than they need to know
Don’t read from your script
Don’t read every word on your visual

Be kind to your audience

You are the message
Use visual aids
Simplify, simplify, simplify
Use colour
Use pictures and graphs
Be comfortable with your visual aids
Rehearse, rehearse,rehearse

Using powerpoint
Use the PowerPoint to demonstrate what you are saying, not to repeat what you are saying

Don’t use the PowerPoint slides as prompt cards

Use the Notes Pages as personal prompts for yourself

Are you nervous?????
Breathe deeply
Memorize the first 3 minutes of your talk
Speak from postcards or poster
Arrive early
Meet and talk to your audience
Release tension

Manage the time....
Construct your presentations in modules
Build in checkpoints
You will start late
Plan to finish on time
Plan to finish early
Speak slowly

The conclusion
Remember your audience
People remember what they hear last
What note do you want to end on?
Prepare a good closing line

Dealing with Q and A session
Anticipate the question and have an answer ready
Repeat the question for the rest of the audience
Keep it brief
Talk to the whole audience
Take your time

10.00-12.00 noon,1st May 2009,Pankhurst Room, Faraday House