Motivation Quotation......

Aku meminta kepada Tuhan setangkai bunga, segar, Ia beri kaktus berduri. Aku minta kupu-kupu diberinya-Nya ulat berbulu. Aku sedih dan kecewa. Namun kemudian, kaktus itu berbunga indah sekali dan ulat itupun menjadi kupu-kupu yang sangat cantik. Itulah jalan Tuhan, indah pada masaNYA! Tuhan tidak memberi apa yang kita harapkan. Tapi Dia memberi apa yang kita perlukan. Kadang kala kita sedih, kecewa dan terluka. Tapi jauh di atas segalanya Dia sedang mengatur yang terbaik dalam kehidupan kita.............................................

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Course about Supporting and Motivating Your Research

Second course after the windmilss programme...actually right now I came to university altenately with my spouse because we're no seems make me up and down in view of motiavation.Because of that I decided to attend fot this course...unfortunately it doesn't work..i not feel anything enthusasist in my mind...maybe I;m too sleepy during that course..maybe the facilitator too boring...????no powerpoint also can be the factor....with the cold room,no powerpoint n gloomy environment...I can't focus....
HOWEVER.....i'm still struggle to made up my minds and try to find the motivation on my own way......yearh...journey in phd is not always smooth..sometimes have difficulties and sometimes have the happiness.....I hope I will able to go through all the challenges that will came across through this coming 3years in here.....


breno said...

What is your native language?

RFD21 said...

Useful links. Keep writing and be consistency as discussed today in our online session with Dr. Jim. Blog as a tools of research works documentation. It might reflect our networking in related area.