Motivation Quotation......

Aku meminta kepada Tuhan setangkai bunga, segar, Ia beri kaktus berduri. Aku minta kupu-kupu diberinya-Nya ulat berbulu. Aku sedih dan kecewa. Namun kemudian, kaktus itu berbunga indah sekali dan ulat itupun menjadi kupu-kupu yang sangat cantik. Itulah jalan Tuhan, indah pada masaNYA! Tuhan tidak memberi apa yang kita harapkan. Tapi Dia memberi apa yang kita perlukan. Kadang kala kita sedih, kecewa dan terluka. Tapi jauh di atas segalanya Dia sedang mengatur yang terbaik dalam kehidupan kita.............................................

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Matlamat kehidupan manusia perlu capai kesejahteraan di dunia, akhirat

Sometimes switch languange...mutiara hati....
Islam tidak pernah menghalang kehendak manusia, tetapi ajaran Islam membendung manusia supaya tidak melampau batas penghidupan yang akan merosakkan dirinya dan masyarakat sekelilingnya.

Berlawanan dengan sifat tamakkan kebendaan ini, Islam meraikan konsep zuhud. Namun, perlu difahami zuhud tidak bererti meninggalkan dunia secara total, tetapi bermaksud mengambil daripada dunia ini sekadar keperluan.

Zuhud bermaksud membebaskan jiwa daripada segala kemewahan dengan memilih yang lebih baik serta berusaha meninggalkan yang tidak baik. Zuhud juga bukannya memisahkan diri daripada dunia.

Akan tetapi, zuhud adalah satu pengertian membentuk seseorang supaya mempunyai pandangan jelas terhadap hidup di dunia. Kemewahan di dunia tidak menguasai hati dan diri. Seseorang itu juga tidak membenarkan kehidupan di dunia memisahkan mereka daripada taat kepada Allah .

Berkaitan zuhud, Islam juga meraikan sifat qanaah iaitu reda menerima takdir serta ketentuan Allah selepas beliau berusaha dan berikhtiar bersungguh-sungguh. Seterusnya, dengan keredaan itu dia akan bebas daripada sifat keluh kesah, tetap bersyukur dan pada masa sama berusaha memperbaiki keadaan.

Rezeki dalam Islam tidak hanya merujuk kepada pemilikan harta benda semata-mata atau semua berbentuk material saja. Aspek ketenangan atau sakinah misalnya, perlu disedari sebagai rezeki dan rahmat Allah kepada hambanya.

Rezeki juga termasuk ketenangan fikiran, keselamatan hidup, hidup yang dilimpahi kasih sayang, dipercayai ramai dan tidak dihimpit hutang walaupun kehidupan tidak dalam kemewahan. Penilaian hamba disisi Allah juga tidak berdasarkan kepada bilangan, namun yang utama ialah dari segi keikhlasan dan ketakwaan.

Allah tidak hanya menguji hambanya dengan kepayahan dan kemiskinan. Ujian Allah juga boleh datang dalam bentuk kesenangan dan kekayaan.

Zuhud, qanaah sifat mulia capai kebahagiaan


Far East - Bingkisan Rindu.mp3 -

Feel lazy at the moment....

Erm...more works that I have to finish day by day..but currently laziness also come to say hi to me ....after I got 5 papers(try to understand it by this week..for my LR....) about web 2.0...I decided to fill up progress report for UUM and friend-Azah who is from Malaysia... behind me was busy on that too... so I also have to fill up - not because I have to follow her..but I do it based on my responsibilities as government staff..insyaallah......although I only will meet my sv on coming January(don't know the dates yet...)...sometimes I feel I miss her after met her last 13th can I sv is busy woman..hopefully she also miss me.....hahahahha..just joke...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Example of phd proposal....

Currently I'm struggling to finish up my proposal...and sometimes I blank for a moment....hopefully this example can give me some ideas...

the rest links.....just to share....
Communities, networks, and education
Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid: A Zimbabwean Perspective
About dissertation
About thesis

Thursday, December 11, 2008


'The candidate should discuss the length of the thesis with the supervisor. The varying needs of academic subjects may demand different lengths of theses but candidates should remember that examiners greatly appreciate brevity achieved without sacrifice of clarity, quality or content.
Theses should not exceed these prescribed limits:
MSc 40,000 words;
MPhil 50,000 words;
PhD 100,000 words;
PhD by Published Works 100,000 words (15,000 word critical appraisal);
DProf 60,000 words.
Many quite satisfactory theses will be substantially shorter than these limits. In the following programmes, assessment may differ:
- PhD in Creative Writing, Media Arts and Performing Arts
- Doctor of Musical Arts
- Doctor of the Built Environment/Real Estate/ Construction Management

Candidates for these programmes should refer to the Research Award Regulations at for further information.

It is important for candidates to have a reasonable estimate of the likely length of the thesis at an early stage in its preparation.

MASYAALLAH...CURRENTLY I JUST START WRITE FOR THE get 1000 words for one day also very hard...I can't imagine that I have to write up to at least 100,000 words at the end of my can or not ???can or have choice my least 80,000 words OK...

(tetiba jer terasa nak kira words thesis Dr Hartini Ahmad,one of staff UUM and also my neighbour in Tmn Tunku Sarina-where she graduated from Univ of Bradford in 2004..she also is my idol for doing phd...her thesis words also around 94,637 with 397 pages with 11 chapters..and she managed to finish within 2 and 1/2 wonderful she is....)

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Research Design

Just back from MAMS doctoral training from 10.00 am.-12.oo Prof Andrew J.Newman...(my friends sv...)

He started with explanation on significance of research methods and the importance of research design in the research
why the aims and objectives of research methods are:
-to identify what it meant by academic research design
-to uncover ways of creating a good research design and approaches

Then he explain why we must design the research??????It because we have to:

  • ensure success -how to measure t
  • gain new knowledge-as our contribution to new knowledge
  • understand why something it happen - we really need high feels want to know
  • explain what is likely to happen next -future research
  • drive other researcher for the initiatives -extend on existing research
Not too much that I can share but the most key point in his talks more about categories of research-he emphasized more on this three dimension of categories of research...
(I'll explain more after I did my research design....)
2-descriptive research
3-causal research

He also share the most useful books about research design....
1-Basic marketing research-Churchill,Gilbert(2007)
2-Research design:qualitative and quantitative approaches-Creswell, J.W (1994)
3-Qualitative research-sage benchmarks in social research methods-Bryman, Alan(2006)

Monday, December 08, 2008

Thinking of you...

Just celebrated our eiduladha ....again off from school for celebrate our Islam religion occasion...whate relevance of tittle with the eiduladha..actually no relationship...but I just want to share that since I was being as phd student...almost 80% my head just think about phd phd phd...a lots of things related to phd...for example today..altough seems that i take break for one day for eiduladha..but i can't stop from thinking about my phd manners.... sometimes I couldn't sleep thinking on phd addition now I just nearly with my interim thinking on phd almost 88%...(rasanya...)...

Lots things about phd that I have to think...yes lots of..Currently I still thinking my scope and assumptions of research, my LR,research design,research method etc etc etc etc..... .....I'm sure the other phd students also feels the same experience like me...Soon or later I'll find what I think of....

Like what Prof Ghassan Auad(one of professor in my university) qoute from May,2000

A PhD is 80% thinking and 20% doing (May 2000)

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Case Study approach

Developing research question

—Systematically narrow down the research problem (Maxwell, 1996)
—A useful tool:
—Select a topic
—Brainstorm a list of things which you what to know about the topic
—Select a focus for the problem
—Relate the focus of the problem to existing knowledge
—State the specific research question or problem
—Operationalise the concepts/variables in the research question/problem

Linking questions to method

—Coherence between questions & method
—If your methods don’t provide you with the necessary quantity or quality of data, alter
—You can choose appropriate methods based on your questions
—Choice of method
—Nature of the enquiry - type of problem – research purpose/question
—Degree of control over events
—Degree of focus on contemporary events
(Yin, 1994)

Before choosing case studies

—Need to think of
—Research problem?
—Research questions?
—Appropriate methods?
—what would be the most suitable method for your research

What is case study?????
a research strategy which involves an empirical investigation of a particular contemporary phenomenon within its real life context using multiple sources of evidence
(Robson, 1993)

Workshop on Case Study Research
Dr. Patricia Tzortzopoulos Fazenda
University of Salford
BuHu 8th International PostgraduateResearch Conferencec June 26th - 27th, 2008The Czech Technical University of Prague (CVUT), Czech Republic

Doing Literature review...(2)

This week just attended one MAMS doctoral training by Dr Tony Conway on 1 Dec....Actually he give talks with handouts but not using powerpoint..just just did highlighted what the important things in doing LR to share.....

  • IMPORTANT TO BE FOCUS (eden ni susah bebenor nak focus-byk sgt help....camno nie????)
  • WHY???THE MAIN REASON is to identify new ways to interpret-----> and the contribution to new knowledge(through identification of any gaps from previous research..ini yg eden duk tgh buak nmpk2 pun GAPnyer..nmpk baju brand GAP ader ler...hehehehe)
  • AS RESEARCHER, WE MUST KNOW KNOW HOW TO RESOLVE THE CONFLICTS BETWEEN ACADEMIA (ini yg paling eden tk reti...actually we have to read and read and read and read and read...)

Besides that, we also had some discussions related the problems that we had faced meanwhile did LR, here are some problems that all the participants identified:

  • too much info/papers...where we should stop????
  • too little info
  • relevance of paper
  • languanges of journals-very high academic english...
  • refereed journal identification...

Actually DrTony give some suggestions but I'm not able to take point..just dependes on ourself...always discuss with sv..that is one of key advise from DrTony Conway too....