Today I've met Dr Sudi Sharifi who is Director of Research Center of People,Work and Organization in MAMS.This meeting based on recommendation on my supervisor too. We had one hour discussion talk about what I'm doing about and luckily she in organizational learning area.It means she really understand my area although not in details...She is qualitative experts.She willing to share her expertise with me and I'm happy with her.In addition she also have one Oman phd students who study in similiar topics with me..oooppps not exactly same....Her students study on Factors affecting the higher education graduates appropriates to Oman's labour market.Definitely her students not touch on knowledge sharing issues because he is more on quality measurement issue besides on his (Dr Sudi's student) study....
Hopefully I'll be more clear with this discussion....yearh..you can do it Nor Intan Saniah Sulaiman...
salam perkenalan..kita mungkin saling tidak mengenali..tp saya terjumpa blog pn intan dr link kawan2 saya (jas, lea -UUM)..saya pun xUUM batch diorg..tahniah kerana sudah melangkah kaki ke alam PhD...saya? insyaALLAH..doa2kan..saya bertugas di UPSI skang ni.ok...good luck!
salam kembali..i dah browse ur fp kat fp saper yer..lupa plak..anyway kat lab i ader staf UPSi-nama norazah samat..kenal tak??
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