Motivation Quotation......

Aku meminta kepada Tuhan setangkai bunga, segar, Ia beri kaktus berduri. Aku minta kupu-kupu diberinya-Nya ulat berbulu. Aku sedih dan kecewa. Namun kemudian, kaktus itu berbunga indah sekali dan ulat itupun menjadi kupu-kupu yang sangat cantik. Itulah jalan Tuhan, indah pada masaNYA! Tuhan tidak memberi apa yang kita harapkan. Tapi Dia memberi apa yang kita perlukan. Kadang kala kita sedih, kecewa dan terluka. Tapi jauh di atas segalanya Dia sedang mengatur yang terbaik dalam kehidupan kita.............................................

Monday, March 21, 2011

3 days more to go.....

my journey here was settle down......will start new chapter in my life again in my beloved homecountry....perhaps everything will goes smoothly.amin.....

Thursday, March 17, 2011

my EE...

my external examiner last 3 months,good manner and critisize me in very the polite way.....glad to know him...........

can go to his website @ or here.....

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

cuti tanpa gaji......

setiap kelakuan mahupun keputusan yang dipilih bagi setiap insan semestinya ada justifikasi yang tersendiri..... ianya ada kaitan dengan atitud seseorang,persekitaran yang menyokong mahupun yang menidak bolehkan kita berkelakuan yang dikehendaki ataupun norma2 masyarakat(yang ketiga itulah adakalanya kita terpaksa 'melawan arus' norma masyrakat kita seadanya.....~adaptasi daripada teori tingkah laku atau dalam terma inggerisnya adalah theory of planned behaviour)

contohnya untuk dalam situasi aku kini,bukan mudah untuk aku membuat keputusan yang dipilih ALHAMDULILLAH SYUKUR SANGAT2 pengajian ku tamat sebelum cukup tempoh 3 thn 6 bulan-SYUKUR SANGAT KE HADARAT ILAHI WALAUPAUN SEHINGGA KE SAAT INI, AKU TIDAK PERCAYA DENGAN APA YANG AKU KECAPI DAN IANYA SANGAT 'MIRACLE'!!!!!!!!!!!!, NAMUN suami ku masih dalam menyiapkan penulisan thesisnya tahap terakhir(status terkini setakat semalam- beliau perlu menambah '2 chapters' selepas menunjukkan thesis nya kepada penyelia phdnya, aku yang amat kasihan untuk beliau,ya,'2 chapters',nampak sedikit,tapi besar impaknya untuk suami ku...aku berdoa moga Allah permudahkan urusan beliau dan berikan ilham untuk beliau dan berjaya dalam viva sebelum menjelangnya 30 Jun nanti)......ramai yang menyarankan kepadaku supaya ambil cuti tanpa gaji untuk menunggu suami supaya kami dapat pulang bersama2 dengan status kedua2nya tamat pengajian...namun tidak semudah itu pilihan yang perlu aku buat.....banyak perkara yang perlu aku pertimbangkan....dan bukan semudah ABC untuk memohon cuti tanpa gaji...melafazkan memang mudah tapi melaksanakan tidak semudah yang disangka......kerana itulah aku TERpaksa memilih pulang terlebih dahulu bersama anak-anak dan melapor diri kerja kerana aku dan suami yakin itulah yang terbaik untuk kami sekeluarga......coretan ini ditulis supaya tidak lagi ada orang bertanya kepadaku...'kenapa tak ambil cuti tanpa gaji??'sekali lagi aku katakan..ia tidak semudah yang dinyatakan....aku juga ada tanggungjawab terhadap emak di kampung....dan sebenarnya BUKAN MUDAH menguruskan anak2 dengan bekerja tanpa suami di sisi..tapi itulah hakikat yang harus kuterima.....demi kebahagiaan kami bersama......moga2 emak ku yang ada bersama ku nanti dapat menyokong aku dalam mengharungi hidup tanpa suami buat sementara waktu dalam tempoh terdekat ini............amin....................

"bukan mudah

Monday, March 14, 2011

sudah banyak tanda2nya..............

hari pengakhiran semakin menunjukkan tanda2nya ...yang paling tidak disangka adalah kejadian gempa bumi dan tsunami di negara matahari terbit(merupakan salah satu negara yang ingin ku jejaki ...) ...sudah bersediakah aku untuk mati....

moga2 musibah yang menimpa rakyat Jepun memberikan teladan untuk kita semua.........
Moga sahabat sekolahku yang 'berjuang' di Tokyo sana...tabah menghadapi saat2 getir waktu ini........aku tidak tahu mengapa peristiwa musibah Jepun ini memberi kesan di lubuk hati ku,sekurang2nya aku sudah mula ter'bangun'dari 'mimpi lenaku....'tidak mahu lagi mementingkan diri bak kata2 ustaz hasrizal jamil@saiful islam di sini...moga2 aku lebih bersedia untuk dijemput Ilahi....wallahualam.........

dalam pada itu aku kagum dengan sikap rakyat Jepun di saat mereka ditimpa musibah ini melalui catatan sahabatku di sana .....

Vending machines selling canned drinks were free flow on the day of the earthquake, but everyone only drank the amount they needed and didnt try to rob the vending machines to zero. it made me wonder if it would be the same in Malaysia?

Public phones were free immediately since the reception of mobile phones the all jammed up. lines were extremely long but people were still thinking of others when using the phones.

My university, which is Meiji University keep sending information and updates to all of us especially foreign students. it is all very admirable. Lecturers and staffs email us all the time, calling us, asking how i am faring.

by Farrah Shameen

Friday, March 11, 2011

youngest phd student????????????

me, my youngest daughter....Miss Nurhazwani..............and my 'teacher' Dr Maria Burke along 3 years and 3 months....

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Top 40 Potential Viva Questions

my selection of the Top 40 Potential Viva Questions.

1. Can you start by summarising your thesis?
2. Now, can you summarise it in one sentence?
3. What is the idea that binds your thesis together?
4. What motivated and inspired you to carry out this research?
5. What are the main issues and debates in this subject area?
6. Which of these does your research address?
7. Why is the problem you have tackled worth tackling?
8. Who has had the strongest influence in the development of your subject area in theory and practice?
9. Which are the three most important papers that relate to your thesis?
10. What published work is closest to yours? How is your work different?
11. What do you know about the history of [insert something relevant]?
12. How does your work relate to [insert something relevant]?
13. What are the most recent major developments in your area?
14. How did your research questions emerge?
15. What were the crucial research decisions you made?
16. Why did you use this research methodology? What did you gain from it?
17. What were the alternatives to this methodology?
18. What would you have gained by using another approach?
19. How did you deal with the ethical implications of your work?
20. How has your view of your research topic changed?
21. How have you evaluated your work?
22. How do you know that your findings are correct?
23. What are the strongest/weakest parts of your work?
24. What would have improved your work?
25. To what extent do your contributions generalise?
26. Who will be most interested in your work?
27. What is the relevance of your work to other researchers?
28. What is the relevance of your work to practitioners?
29. Which aspects of your work do you intend to publish – and where?
30. Summarise your key findings.
31. Which of these findings are the most interesting to you? Why?
32. How do your findings relate to literature in your field?
33. What are the contributions to knowledge of your thesis?
34. How long-term are these contributions?
35. What are the main achievements of your research?
36. What have you learned from the process of doing your PhD?
37. What advice would you give to a research student entering this area?
38. You propose future research. How would you start this?
39. What would be the difficulties?
40. And, finally… What have you done that merits a PhD?


Addendum: Rebecca successfully defended her thesis on 21st August 2009.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

The priceless journey

'A good Phd is the DONENESS'

What does it take?(ref:various sources)

#The starting point of the questions(Murray,2009)
#You set of answers
#The thinking-writing process
#Originality,novelty,clarity,cohernecy and consistency
#Selling your idea and your work?

#The moment of truth?
#Great experience
#Advice from supervisor~Be yourself!!!!!!!!!!!
#Questions(we can prepare and rehearse.Very certain what will eb asked?NO........)
#ock viva with supervisor,conference and publication-really useful
#Be confident BUT not arrogant
#Take your time to answer.Don't rush.This is not a race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#Relationship with the supervisor
[It takes two to tango / Always look at the positive side]
#Roles and responsinilities
[As a person,each of usplays more than one role in life e.g myself as wife,mom,student and also as academician....]
#Managing stress and conflict
#Be organised on our own(not that easy task)
#Working under pressure
#Motivation(up and down;just do it and keep going)
#Proof reading


@'How to get PhD' by Estelle Philips and D.S Pugh
@'Surviving your PhD' by Rudestam andNewton
@' Authoring your PhD' by P.Dunleavy
@'How to survive our viva' by Rowena Murray
@'How to write a thesis' by Rowena Murray
@'PhD:Kecil tapi signifikan' by Prof MuhdKAmil Ibrahim
@ Previous thesis in your field of study(be selecyive)
Tehsis,books and journal publications of your supervisors and examiners

Dr Siti Zaleha Sahak 16 Dec 2010{ with permission}

Additional by me:

FAMILY as strentgh
SUPERVISOR as guidance and supporter
SELF MANAGEMENT must know our strenth and wekaness and the MOST IMPORTANT!!!!!!don't compare with others


Knowledge Sharing on PhD journey talk from us last 15th Jan 2011.........

Monday, March 07, 2011

Dalam gembira ada sedih...dalam sedih ada gembira.........

At this moment cautiously waiting the respond from the examiner....after submit for the second time amendments....

baby's passport settled and ticket booking was bless to Allah hopefuly everything will go smoothly insyaallah...................

in the same time I feel sad tooo when think about my spouse will come back here after send us soon......hmmmmm......especially when listen to this new anuar zain's song.....

Setiap nafas yang dihembus
Setiap degupan jantung
Aku selalu memikirkanmu

Dalam sedar dibuai angan
Dalam tidur dan khayalan
Aku selalu memikirkanmu

Ternyata ku perlukan cinta dari dirimu sayang
Barulah terasa ku bernyawa

Kasihku ku amat mencintai kamu
Kerana kau beri erti hidup
Ku kan terus mencinta sedetik lebih selepas selamanya

Di kala penuh ketakutan dengan badai kehidupan
Ku bersyukur adanya kamu

Biarlah kehilangan semua yang dimiliki di dunia
Asal masih adanya kamu