Motivation Quotation......

Aku meminta kepada Tuhan setangkai bunga, segar, Ia beri kaktus berduri. Aku minta kupu-kupu diberinya-Nya ulat berbulu. Aku sedih dan kecewa. Namun kemudian, kaktus itu berbunga indah sekali dan ulat itupun menjadi kupu-kupu yang sangat cantik. Itulah jalan Tuhan, indah pada masaNYA! Tuhan tidak memberi apa yang kita harapkan. Tapi Dia memberi apa yang kita perlukan. Kadang kala kita sedih, kecewa dan terluka. Tapi jauh di atas segalanya Dia sedang mengatur yang terbaik dalam kehidupan kita.............................................

Monday, May 19, 2008

Nick Bontis on KM

click here to listen Prof Nick Bontis talk:

Today I know that...

Actually not so much progress that I've been done .But after read from Gurteen's site I understand the diffrientiate between of World 1.0 and World 2.0. Quote from her understandings

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Strong Convictions

have the courage of your convictions
to be brave and confident enough to do what you believe in:
e.g Although many of his policies were unpopular, he had the courage of his convictions to see them through.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

English Grammar for Academic Studies

definitely I got what I'm searching for.....

I attended the clasess for 3 times start 23rd April,30th April and end up 7th May 2008

Thaught by Mrs Louise Matthew-very motherly and firm teacher.....

For every session almost 2 hour class; I learned how to edit proofreading work, then how to do nominalisation articles-its not easy job.....for 2 classes @ 2 weeks

The most important thing is Subject-Verb- Object-Adverbials.
Basically to make sentences we must put subject plus agreement
One more thing adjourns or connector words-must know precisely for writings....

Actually mostly what I learned for this class, I've been learned already during my preparation to take IELTS>>>but I forgot already....but english is you have to practices everyday.....
practices makes perfect....

Salford Postgraduate Annual Reserach Conferences 2008

Session Chair for parallel session C(Bronte 1400-1530 /8 th May 2008-Dr David Percy
Mr Sinini Vundla -Latent Variable

Mrs Nor Azizah Ali -Trauma Care

Mrs Nor Azah Samat- Std Morbality Ratio

Mrs Siti Uzairiah Mohd Tobi -Facilities Management

Mr Georgios Kapogiannis-Virtual Public Administration
Actually more the presenter that I had been there, but on Friday,9 th May I'm feel shy to capture any pictures anymore due to two different sessions and I'm not used/familiar with their style to so much.First session majority are english womens presenters and the discussion about HEALTH CARE AND MEDICAL area
Second session about PEOPLE,WORK AND ORGANIZATION area, mostly arabic peoples and some seems people from africa or nigeria...(dun know what the best term to describe them???)
Overall presentations were excellent, and mostly comes from final year students, so I can see how far their findings and how they demonstrates to the audiences.....especially for British women...very friendly and confident....same to Arabic peoples(Mr Majed and Mrs Maha)...

Managing the Student-Supervisor Relationship

24th April 2008(about most 2 week ago)

Presented by beautiful lady, Dr Sara Shinton...the course was very delightful with the peer discussions.....She try to share her experiences how to manage the relationships between research student and supervisor.In this course the potential supervisor(staffs from University of Salford) also come, about 4 person.The rest, from BUHU students and MAMS student(includes me).

She have her own consultants and she had attend to give talks to many universities in UK.
This is the useful links that I can share for all my visitors....

The details what she explain about in this 3 hour course can visit to my phd friend
(Bro Rofdzi) blogs at

However the more I find how to get along with my sv, the more I feel far with her...I don't know why?????maybe currently she was too busy with her other jobs????wallahualam...

my first online course with Dr Jocelyn Evans

6 March 2008( mostly 2 months ago)

This course Dr Joyce Evans had explained the full Postgraduate student lifecycle from the first stage Interim Assessment through to the pre-viva Internal Evaluation, as well as the ongoing monitoring of doctoral research through the Self-Evaluation Document and Annual Progress Report. He also explained the benefits and ethos of this framework, the responsibilities of both the student and supervisor, and the documents which need to be provided at each stage of the lifecycle

Mostly about 7 pages notes taking from this course...Precisely in University of Salford:

In YEAR 1: Must complete Learning Agreement within 3 months after registration, then end of Year 1, must submit Annual Progress Report and Self Evaluation Report
Within 15 to 18 months- can have an Interim Assessment
In YEAR 2: Continue your phd work and end of the second year again, must submit Annual Progress Report and Self Evaluation Report
Within 27 to 30 months-can ahve Internal Evaluation
In YEAR 3 : Continue your phd work and end of the third year, must submit Annual progress Report and Self Evaluation Report
Writing up , VIVA and preparation to defence the VIVA....

AS GUIDELINESfor all the postgraduates......hopefully I'll CAN do it within the time...INSYAALLAH...

I'm back again after long time 'hang on'

13th May 2008

my second online course (1300-1500) venue:16 esmond road
by Dr Jim Beach

What I understand from him:
effective comes from word impressive and produces the intended results

Being Effective Researcher means being as effective worker and effective scholar

To be effective worker must have FIVE features which are:

To be effective scholar must have FIVE features too which are:
-TANGENIAL READING)e.g blogs,fotopages etc
-EFFECTIVE ACADEMIC NETWORKING besides attend conferences. online forum or blogs also can be the tools

actually I listened from my house due unable to go school...although some diificulties that I had face on, I managed to listened for almost 2 hours talks from Dr Jim.....CONGRATULATIONS INTAN!!!!!!!!